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NEXT You assume that your senses are accurately showing you reality, but are they?

How do you know?

NEXT Take a look at this checkerboard, the squares labeled A and B appear to you as
very different shades, but that's just an illusion. NEXT Your eyes are lying to you. Both squares
are exactly the same. Isn't that crazy?
NEXT Now, check out these gray lines. Again, they seem like wildly different shades but
NEXT as we remove the surrounding lines you can see that they are actually the same.
NEXT These two lines look very different. The line on the bottom appears to be smaller
than the line on the top. NEXT However, they're exactly the same size.
These strange effects are coming directly from your senses. NEXT Take a look at these
circles. As you look from one circle to another, it appears that they're moving even though this
is a completely still image. Your senses are deceiving you constantly.
NEXT Your senses are just an interpretation of reality and there is no way for you to
experience what the world is like outside of your senses. And I am here to show you that reality
is completely different from the interpretation that your senses are giving to you.
You're locked into this sensory experience but it's critically important to realize that
everything that you see, touch, taste and hear and even smell, it's not the true reality, it's only a
flawed interpretation. If you had different senses you would see the world in a completely
different way. Reality in itself bears 0 resemblance to the interpretation that you're flawed
senses are giving to you. Even something as familiar as white light is a deception. It's actually a
blend of many different colors. You can see the truth of white light by putting it through a prism
next and it will separate to reveal the colors of a rainbow. But without the prism, your senses
would be completely ignorant to The Many Colors.
Your senses are deceiving you all the time and what other kinds of prisms, might you be
missing that would reveal to you all new worlds? Take a look at the electromagnetic spectrum.
NEXT You as a human being are able to see the visible light portion. But the rest of it is hidden
from your senses, you can't see it. And the part that you can see is just a tiny fraction. The vast
majority of electromagnetic waves are invisible to you, yet you are in an ocean of them, they're
all around you and your entire conception of reality would change in an instant if you could see
the radio waves, microwaves, infrared, waves, the ultraviolet waves, x-rays, gamma rays that
are all around you. No one even knew that the rest of the spectrum existed until it was proven
Next Think about this carefully, this is huge. What else about the universe that your
senses are missing do you think could be proved mathematically? The answers to all of the big
questions are waiting for you, such as the meaning of your life, the purpose of the universe and
what happens when you die? These things might seem hidden and like you can't reach them,
but they are right here within your grasp, just like the hidden portions of the electromagnetic
spectrum. You just have to know how to look beyond the senses.
See your senses have evolved over millions of years. They haven't evolved to show you
the truth of reality or to help you to understand the secrets of existence. They have evolved to
allow you to survive. After all, you can't do anything if you're dead and evolution is all about the
survival of the species. It doesn't give a damn about giving you answers or reflecting reality
Other animals have evolved completely different senses that are suitable for the
environments that they live in. So for example, Birds of Prey they have superb eyesight far
more cute than humans and bats use a high frequency system that's called echolocation and
they actually create a Sonic landscape that allows them to navigate. Sharks, they can sense
magnetic fields and dogs have much better sense of smell than humans and they can even hear
ultra high frequencies that humans just can't. Snakes have developed infrared thermal
detectors and so they can see heat, bees can see ultraviolet radiation a part of the spectrum
invisible to humans.
Now all animals are adapted to their particular circumstances and they have the best
sense suited to those circumstances. Their senses have not evolved for perceiving truth.
Evolution is only concerned with surviving. You experience the world completely different from
a bee or a bat. So if all three of you experience the world in a completely different way, whose
interpretation is the correct one, which one is right?
The truth is all three are wrong. The way reality actually is, is totally different. The
senses are just an interpretation, a limited inflawed version of the world that helps you to get
around and to survive.
This physical Dimension is a powerful illusion that most humans can't break out of. It's
almost impossible for a human being to truly understand that the familiar world around them
has no resemblance whatsoever to how the world is in itself outside of the senses, you can't
even be sure that any other human sees the world in the same way that you do, what you
perceive as green might be different for another person. You might both agree that grass is
green, but green for you might be nothing like green for them. You've just agreed on the word,
you can't get inside their mind to check and see if their experience of color matches yours.
Your senses are giving you an incomplete limited and distorted sensory experience of
reality, this material Dimension is an illusion and there exists an immaterial domain completely
undetectable by your physical senses.
Embrace the rational existence of a mathematical reality, one that completely Is a non-
physical immaterial mental existence, outside of space-time. Behind everything stands a world
of mathematical waves. Waves are the fiber and fabric of the universe. They are the code of
reality. They are the framework for everything else. They convey all of the information in the
universe. They are the numenal scaffolding upon which all of your phenomenal experiences
hang, we couldn't have any experiences without the mathematical energy waves that support
and transmit them. The waves that give them an ontology in existence.
This is why mathematics is so successful. It's because reality itself is literally made up of
mathematical energy. If you strip away all of human experiences, all that are left are purely
mathematical waves, these waves are Eternal and existed before Humanity. It is the code upon
which reality is written and they will still exist even when the last human has died. Humanity
can end but the energy waves that underlie reality will always exist. Humans are contingent and
temporal. All mathematical waves are necessary and eternal
And that being said, thank you for your attention and if you have any questions, I am
here for you, on the big screen.


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