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You’re amazing, no doubt.

can you do any of the things
here? Work with a partner.
1. Answer with a short “Yes, I
can” or “No, I can’t.”
2. Tell your partner a bit
more, eg. “No, I can’t. I
tried once but then I broke
the window with the cork.”
Sample answers

1. Can you wink?

Yes, I can. But only with two eyes at the same time.

2. Can you say the alphabet backwards?

I think I can. Let me try.

3. Can you remember your first day of school?

I can remember it very well, because I had butterflies in my stomach (=I was a bit scared). But most
importantly, on the first day I met my best friend in school.

4. Can you dance?

I can dance, but in my own style.

5. Can you say "Hello" in Spanish?

I can. It’s “Hola,” right? Sounds much like “Hello!” in English.

6. Can you write a blog?

I can write a blog, I mean I know how to, but I don’t want to. I’m just not that type. I’d rather hang out
with friends than sit in front of the computer writing up a new post.

7. Can you do 50 push-ups?

I almost can. Right now I can do 25, but every day I do one more.

8. Can you wiggle your ear?

No, I can’t. I think it’s a genetic thing. I mean you can’t just learn that. You either can do that or you

9. Can you juggle with three balls?

No I can’t, but I can juggle with one. That’s good, too, right?

10. Can you name five US presidents?

Yes, I can. Let’s see. Washington, Roosevelt, … Ronald Reagen, … George W. Bush, Obama.

11. Can you snap your fingers?

Sorry, I can’t. I tried to learn it, but no use (=it was in vain, I couldn’t learn it).

12. Can you tell a joke?

Yes, I can. A Scot goes in the bar and asks …

13. Can you drive a car?

I can. My dad taught me when I was just 5. Too bad I can’t get a license, because I’m not old

14. Can you catch a fly with chopsticks?

I never tried but I don’t think I can. Ask a Kung-Fu master.

15. Can you play the guitar?

I can’t. I am tune-deaf. And I can’t sing either. The tragedy of my life.

16. Can you say "Which witch wished which wicked wish?"
Okay, let’s try. “Which witch wished which which which …” Okay, let me try again.

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