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bt - The same slider, but starting at the bottom and finishing at the top

pl_view_menu - 1.0.113 A button that will

display the playlist View menu

**Additional Keywords:**

_over - Used when the mouse is over this button.

_normal - Used by default when no interactions are taking place.

_down - Used when the mouse button is held down on this button.

window_title - 1.0.113 Draws the playlist Window


**Additional Modifier Keywords:**

fs(x) - Font Size. Valid ranges are between 1 and 999. (default is 12)

fn(x) - Font Name. Maximum font name size of 256. (default is MS Shell Dlg). If
you include a .ttf in your skin pack, it will get dynamically loaded so that you don't need to
worry about end users having a font installed.

fb(x) - Font Bold. Whether bold or not, true or false (default is false)

fa(x) - Font Align. Values are left, right, center (default is left)

fu(x) - Font Underline. Whether Underlined or not, true or false (default is


fst(x) - Font Strikethrough. Whether Strikethrough or not, true or false (default

is false)

fi(x) - Font Italic. Whether Italic or not, true or false (default is false)

faa(x) - Font AntiAliasing. 0 = Windows Default, 1 = AntiAliased, 2 = Non

AntiAliased, 3 = ClearType (default is 0) (version: 1.0.82)

pp(x) - Prepend text to a text layer. Replace x with the text you want to
prepend to a text layer. Eg: bitrate pp(kbps: )

ap(x) - Append text to a text layer. Replace x with the text you want to append
to a text layer. Eg: bitrate ap( kbps)

tct(x) - Text

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