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bl - The same border, but for the bottom left

br - The same border, but for the bottom right

l - The same border, but for the left

t - The same border, but for the top

r - The same border, but for the right

b - The same border, but for the bottom

bk - The same border, but for the background

pl_control_menu - 1.0.113 A button that will

display the playlist Control menu

**Additional Keywords:**

_over - Used when the mouse is over this button.

_normal - Used by default when no interactions are taking place.

_down - Used when the mouse button is held down on this button.

edgel - 1.0.110 Defines a tileable area that is

similar to a border but doesnt allow you to resize. edgel is for the Left side

**Additional Keywords:**

t - The same edge, but for the top

r - The same edge, but for the right

b - The same edge, but for the bottom

pl_edit_menu - 1.0.113 A button that will display the

playlist Edit menu

**Additional Keywords:**

_over - Used when the mouse is over this button.

_normal - Used by default when no interactions are taking place.

_down - Used when the mouse button is held down on this button.

pl_file_menu - 1.0.113 A button that will display the

playlist File menu

**Additional Keywords:**

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