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Semester 1 Engineering Project:

Junk Yard Catapult

Research Objective:
The objective of the event is to test how accurately a participant can launch the ball into the given target area.
The participant has to design and build a launcher with given specifications such that it can launch multiple balls
at the target area.

Students will be scored on the accuracy and durability of their Launchers during our launch day (30 pts)
The Launch will be outside, and the catapult must be able to withstand the weather
Team will get up to 3 practice shots during setup but must indicate that they are practice shots before firing.
Launch Day: 11/19
Students will be scored on their poster outlining their design process and results (50 pts)
Due: 12/10

● Launcher should cost less than $20 to build. For every $5 over the group will lose 2pts. Extra credit for the
cheapest structure.
● Launcher must remain within the 1x1 meter launch area at all times.
● Launcher must have a triggering mechanism.
● Must record the actual cost of all components
● Must record estimated value of all donated components
● Group sizes should be 2-4 people
● No:
○ Motors
○ Springs
○ Rubber Bands (or similar)
○ If you are not sure ask
Launchers not meeting the launch criteria will not be able to earn launch points

Due dates:
Original design approve
Materials spreadsheet setup and materials collection begun
Building Journal check 1
Building Journal check 2
Launch date: Thursday 11/19
Poster Due Date: Friday 12/10

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