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She was born in 1533 and died in 1603


Her childhood wasn’t happy

Her father was Henry VIII, who had her mother, Anne Boleyn killed
She was intelligent and had a strong personality.

Unlike her father, she was fair and well-balanced.

During the rule of her catholic sister Bloody Mary, Elizabeth was
imprisoned because she was a member of the Church of England.

She was crowned in 1559.

Her people loved her and she wanted

peace, power and unity in her country.

The parliament wanted her to get

married, but, she feared plots and
conspiracies against her.

She wasn’t interested in marriage and she

was called “The Virgin Queen”.

The Elizabethian Age was a time of

exploration and discoveries.
The English Piracy, sea dogs had the
permission by the queen to attack the
spaniard ships and divide all the riches
and treasures with her.
Explorer Francis Drake found new
trade routes and was knighted by
Elizabeth and Walter Raleight
founded Virginia, after her.

King Philip I of Spain was angry

because of 2 reasons:
• Religious conflict;
• The English Piracy against his ships,
so he attacked england with his ARMADA. He
sailed toward england with his fleet but
england defeated spain. And spain started
losing its sea supremacy

Elizabeth I died on march 1603

at the age of 69
after a reign of 45 years.

She rests in Westminster Abbey.

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