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Predic on Score
for the ITP TOEFL® Test

To whom it may concern

Syamsuddin Nur
Has taken an ITP Predic on Test for the TOEFL® Test
conducted by English Period
and reached the competencies as follows:

Listening : 450

Structure and Wri en Expression : 330

Reading : 380
Overall Score : 387

We hope this le er of explana on will be useful where necessary.

Bogor, 30 Mei 2021 To check the validity of this report, you can online
scanning the code below

Fandawa Saputra, S.Hut, M.Si


This predic on test score is valid for 6 (six) months since the date of issue.
TOEFL® is a registered trademark of Educational Tes ng Service (ETS).
ETS has not approved or endorsed this course and there is no rela onship between English Period and ETS

English Period | Bogor

+6281283156767 |

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