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Assignment 1

QAMA 2 (202041)




Assignment 1

Jun 2016

Part B (1a)

According to Richard Lipsey (1990), Economics is the study of scarce resources to

satisfy unlimited human wants. So, generally economics is about how people and society
organize limited resources to produce goods and services to satisfy unlimited human wants.

The basic economic problems are:

1.What to produce and how much?

Here, we need to organize resource allocation. When there is scarcity, producing one more
good means producing less of another good. Thus, society should choose wisely among the
limited resources to satisfy their wants and to the extend of types of goods and service to
produce for the economy. For efficient usage od scarce resources without wastage is to match
types of products and its’ quantity with society’s demand.

2. How to produce?

This matter refers to the method or techniques of production. Then it will concise about who will
be producing the goods and services, what resource will be used, and which appropriate
technology will be utilize. The producer should choose the best method that can minimize the
cost. There is labour intensive method which is more labour as compared to capital or capital
intensive method with more capital as compared to labour. For example, agriculture goods can
be either labour intensive or capital intensive method.

3. For whom to produce?

The distribution of income in society determines the distribution of goods and services. People
with higher income will have more purchasing power for more quantity or higher prices. For
example, people with higher income will demand expensive car or imported car, whereas
people with lower income will demand cheaper car or national car.
Part B (1b)

Change in Quantity Supplied Change in Supply

Change in quantity supplied is shown by a Causes the entire supply curve to change,
Movement along the same supply curve which is involving a rightward or a leftward
shift of the supply curve.
The change in quantity supplied is caused by The change in supply is caused by other
the change in the price of the good itself, factors influencing supply, whereas the price
ceteris paribus. of the good itself remain unchanged.
If the price of the good increases from P0 to There would be an increase in supply if the
P2, the quantity supplied also increases from supply curve shifts rightward from S0 to S2.
Q0 to Q2 units. The increase in quantity Price remains at P0, but quantity supplied
supplied is known as expansion in supply. has increased from Q1 to Q2.
If the price of the good decreases from P0 to There would be a decrease in supply if the
P1, the quantity supplied also decreases from supply curve shifts leftward from S0 to S1.
Q0 to Q1 units. The decrease in quantity Price remains at P0, but quantity supplied
supplied is known as contraction in supply has decreased from Q0 to Q1.

Choo, T. H. (2017). Fundamentals Of Economics. Selangor, Malaysia: Oxford University

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