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Applied Acoustics 185 (2022) 108388

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Noise attenuating performance of metasurfaces with regular Euclidean

tiling and uniformly embedded Helmholtz resonators
Alexandru Crivoi, Zheng Fan ⇑
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Sound-attenuation capabilities of a certain class of subwavelength sound barriers based on wall-
Received 11 May 2021 embedded Helmholtz resonators and a ventilation duct are studied theoretically and numerically. A sim-
Received in revised form 21 August 2021 ple analytical expression for the broadband integral transmission attenuation is introduced for this type
Accepted 27 August 2021
of metasurface structures, which indicates that the sound blocking performance depends only on the
Available online 21 September 2021
main operational frequency, thickness and ventilation capacity of the structure. This result derived from
the lumped parameter theory implies that the trade-off between the barrier performance and its physical
footprint is inevitable and provides a practical guidance for the design strategies with specific targets and
limitations. Detailed finite element modelling (FEM) parameter study is performed both to validate the
theoretical predictions and test the limitations of simple lumped parameter approach. It was found that
the agreement between the analytical and finite element results is very good for the structure thickness
greater than 30 mm in a 300–1000 Hz frequency range. However, at smaller thickness values the FE
results start to diverge from the predictions and also become dependent on the specific cell shape, which
suggests that more advanced analytical approach is required for thinner metasurfaces.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction narrow-band sound-attenuating capacity around its main reso-

nance frequency [6]. There is vast amount of literature dedicated
The problem of designing a thin sound barrier capable of broad- to individual HR properties [16–19] including modified HR geome-
band sound attenuation while maintaining a high ventilation effi- tries [20], and arrays of HR resonators [5] which have been utilized
ciency can be considered a ‘‘holy grail” of the modern to expand the bandwidth of sound attenuation.
metamaterials research in the area of applied acoustics. Multiple The theoretical expression characterizing the full noise attenu-
classical and recent efforts have been dedicated to the develop- ation capacity of a single HR connected to a duct has been recently
ment and optimization of silencer designs with these often derived by Cai et al. using the lump parameter model [21]. We
mutually-excluding characteristics [1–10]. The recent progress further extend this approach and apply it to the unit metasurface
includes the design of ultra-open metamaterial (UOM) silencers element with an arbitrary number of parallel-connected wall-
based on Fano-like interference [8,11,12], cascading arrays of res- embedded HRs. The new final expression shows a simple depen-
onators [13] and layered micro-perforated plates [14,15]. However, dence between the total sound-blocking capacity over the broad
almost all research works are focused on finding a unique novel frequency range and the basic silencer properties such as structural
structure with extraordinary sound attenuating properties while thickness, main operational frequency and the ventilation bypass
ignoring the possible existence of hard theoretical limits for the ratio. The result indicates an inevitable trade-off between the
optimal performance of certain classes of structures. Here we make physical properties of a metasurface silencer of this particular class
a theoretical analysis of the silencing properties of a sub- and its noise attenuation benefits. In order to verify this fact, we
wavelength metasurface consisting of unit cells with a central duct further design three particular unit cell geometries correspondent
element and several wall-embedded branching Helmholtz res- to three regular Euclidean tiling types of the plane: triangular,
onators (HR). The Helmholtz resonator is a common device in square and hexagonal. We match the design dimensions in a such
acoustic applications, consisting of a cavity connected to an orifice way that all three unit cells have an equal thickness, ventilation
channel known as ‘‘neck”. HR is primarily known for its capacity and operating resonant frequency. Three-dimensional
Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation is utilized to calculate
and compare the transmission spectrum of the structures using
⇑ Corresponding author. the open-source package Code-Aster [22]. The results show a good
E-mail address: (Z. Fan).
0003-682X/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Crivoi and Z. Fan Applied Acoustics 185 (2022) 108388

agreement with the theoretical predictions and demonstrate that non-zero real part, is discussed in the following sections. We model
(i) improving the noise blocking capacity inevitably comes with a plane wave with pressure amplitude P 1 and velocity U 1 which
either proportionally increased thickness or decreased ventilation enters the unit cell duct on one side and exits on the other side of
ratio at similar frequency range, (ii) low frequencies are much the barrier with the transmitted values P2 and U 2 . For the parallel
harder to block and require thicker structures with less ventilation. array of branched HRs, the transfer matrix coefficients from the
Furthermore, we discuss the differences in performance of cells equation
with three different shapes which appear at very low metasurface     
P1 T 11 T 12 P2
thickness levels where the numerical transmission spectrum ¼ ð4Þ
results appear to deviate from the theoretical predictions. Finally, U1 T 21 T 22 U2
we demonstrate that while all three shapes have a similar perfor- get the values T 11 ¼ T 22 ¼ 1; T 12 ¼ 0 and T 21 ¼ N=Z r . Here we
mance if tuned-into the same resonant frequency, the higher num- neglected the effect of subwavelength barrier thickness on the
ber of resonators associated with the hexagonal cell allows more transfer matrix for simplicity. The magnitude of this effect is inves-
flexibility in adapting and optimizing the transmission spectrum tigated separately in the following paragraphs. The absolute value
for practical needs, and a wider spread of operating sub- of the transmission coefficient jTj can be subsequently calculated
frequencies results in higher total attenuation capacity. accordingly [8]:
2. Theoretical background jTj ¼   ð5Þ
2 þ Nc0 q0 =ðSd Z r Þ
In this paper we focus on a particular class of sound blocking where Sd is the area of the duct element cross-section. The trans-
metamaterials consisting of regular polygon cells, each cell con- mission loss can be expressed as
tains a ventilation orifice in the centre and a corresponding num-
ber of embedded equal HR cavities connected to the central 1 q c0 N
TL ¼ 20 lgð j2 þ 0 jÞ ð6Þ
orifice via narrower channels [23,24] (see Fig. 1 for the hexagonal 2 Sd Z r
cell illustration). In order to evaluate the broadband performance of our silencer
The unit cell of such metasurface can be modelled as a single metasurface, we can consider one of two similar metrics: either the
duct element of length t equal to the barrier thickness and a paral- previously proposed noise attenuation capacity coefficient C TL [21]:
lel array of N branched resonators of a trapezoidal prism shape Z
connected to the duct. In the beginning, we assume that all res- C TL ¼ TLdx; ð7Þ
onators are equal, and the total number N of HRs is equal to the
number of sides in the polygon cell. The transmission and reflec- where x is angular frequency, or an integral transmission reduction
tion spectrum of a single HR and a parallel array of HRs connected coefficient, C T :
to a duct has been well studied in previous works [5]. Based on the Z
lumped approach [6], complex impedance Z r of a single HR can be CT ¼ ð1  jTjÞdx; ð8Þ
expressed as:
Z r ¼ Z h  jZ c =ðkhÞ ð1Þ which allows to avoid a singularity point at resonant frequency in a
theoretical lossless case where T ! 0, and is more convenient for
where k is the wavenumber, h is the height of truncated pyramid
numerical comparisons. Following the calculation procedure devel-
cavity, Z h and Z c are the expressions for acoustic impedance of
oped in [21] and applying to the system with multiple resonators
the hole and the cavity:
connected in parallel, we obtain a final dependence for C TL :
2c0 q0
Zc ¼ ð2Þ NSh
Sc1 þ Sc2 C TL ¼ C 0 ð9Þ
Sd ðl þ 2Rh cer Þ
where c0 and q0 are the speed of sound and density of air, Sc1 and Sc2
where C 0 ¼ 5c0 =ð2 ln 10Þ is a constant independent of the structure.
are the areas of the truncated pyramid bases,
On the other hand, we know that the resonance frequency of HR
kc0 q0 ðl þ 2Rh cer Þ according to mass-spring model is
Zh ¼ j ð3Þ
Sh sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
c0 Sh
where Rh and Sh ¼ p are the radius and the area of HR neck orifice, fr ¼ ð10Þ
2p V c ðl þ 2Rh cer Þ
cer is the effective error correction coefficient for the orifice length l,
and no viscous energy losses assumed in this section for simplicity. where V c is the cavity volume, V c ¼ tSc ; t is the HR array thickness,
The effect of viscous layers on the HR performance, when Z h has a and Sc is the base area of the cavity prism. Combining the Eqs. 9 and

Fig. 1. Design of the metasurface hexagonal unit cell. (a) 2D plane view of the cell indicating six inner cavities of equal volume, (b) 3D side view of the solid cell rendering, (c)
zoomed-in air volume showing one of the six cavities which is a HR, with labelled key dimensions.

A. Crivoi and Z. Fan Applied Acoustics 185 (2022) 108388

10 we can get a modified expression for C TL depending purely on the with built-in acoustic functionality. Fig. 2 (a) shows the tetrahedral
resonator cell physical characteristics: mesh of the air volume domain inside the hexagonal unit cell used
2 in the FEM simulation. The physical process is modelled as a pres-
tf r sure acoustics study solving the weak form of Helmholtz equations
C TL ¼ C 1  ð11Þ
C VR in frequency domain. The plane wave velocity boundary conditions
where we used the geometrical fact that the ventilation capacity C VR are assigned to the inlet face (shown in red in Fig. 2 (a)), and the
is equal to the value of duct section area to the combined area of resulting pressure amplitude values are registered at the opposite
resonator base walls, C VR ¼ Sd =ðNSc Þ. Here we also neglected the outlet face. The hard wall boundary conditions are applied to all
thickness of walls separating the cavities and the duct since they the side walls, and the anechoic exit condition (Z 0 ¼ q0 c0 ) is
can be potentially made arbitrarily thin, and C 1 is the constant. applied to the outlet face.
Eq. 11 represents a simple relationship between the theoretical
noise attenuation capacity of the metasurface unit cell with a ven- 3.1. Comparison of sample FEM and theoretical results
tilation orifice and an arbitrary number of embedded HRs and the
physical characteristics of the sound barrier, such as thickness, ven- First, we have decided to validate the theoretical lumped model
tilation capacity and the operational silencing frequency. This for the acoustic impedance and transmission coefficient spectrum
dependence has important engineering consequences, since it leads of a single hexagonal cell with six equal embedded HRs.
to the several practical conclusions: (i) square dependence on the The ventilation channel inlet is a hexagon with a side of 40 mm,
resonant frequency indicates that larger wavelength noise is much the thickness of the cell is 30 mm, and the diameter of each of the
harder to attenuate and might require disproportionately large six resonator orifices is 6 mm. Fig. 2 (b) is showing the comparison
increases in barrier thickness, (ii) at the same operational fre- between transmission coefficient simulation results and the theo-
quency, reducing the barrier thickness will require a proportional retical predictions based on Eq. 5. The diagram shows a good
decrease in ventilation capacity and vice versa, having larger duct agreement indicating that the lumped theory prediction of the
areas will lead to corresponding increase in the structure thickness. HR impedance provides a good approximation for the considered
These conclusions are in perfect conceptual agreement with the class of metamaterials. This also implies that the measure for the
idea that there is no trick in the noise control, and increasing a sound attenuation coefficient of metasurface C TL which is based
favourable dimension inevitably leads to increase in the other on lumped theory, provides a reasonably good estimation of the
structural dimension, unfavourable in terms of the physical sound barrier performance, and we expect the hypothesis from
footprint. Eq. 11 to hold true for a variety of metasurface configurations.
For the study of viscous effects on the transmission coefficients, Once we have verified that the FEM results show a fair agree-
we use a HR resistance model for our theoretical estimations. The ment with the lumped model for the transmission curve in lossless
theoretical impedance value of the resonator neck from Eq. 3 is scenario, it is logical to verify how the introduction of viscous layer
adjusted for a positive resistance value associated with a viscous effects may affect the transmission spectrum comparisons. The
layer [6]: dimensions of unit hexagonal cell are kept the same, and the Eq.
12 adds the viscous effects into the theoretical model. Fig. 3(a)
kq0 c0 dm ðl þ 2Rh cer Þ compares the transmission, reflection and absorption spectrum
ReðZ h Þ ¼ ; ð12Þ
Sh R h curves for two theoretical cases with and without viscous losses
taken into consideration. Fig. 3(b) compares the transmission spec-
where dm is the thickness of the viscous layer:
trum for theoretical and FEM calculations with and without losses.
2m FEM model with viscous losses adds new ‘‘soft-wall” boundary
dm ¼ ; ð13Þ conditions on the wall surfaces of the HR cylindrical holes.
The resulting transmission curves with included viscous effects
and m is the viscosity of the air. Theoretical results with and without show a moderate smoothing near the peak resonance frequency
viscous effects are then compared with each other and the effect on region without other significant changes outside of this region,
the integral noise attenuation is evaluated. both for theoretical and FEM calculations. Here we acknowledge
that the viscous effects have a measurable effect on the total noise
3. Results and discussion attenuation performance of the structure. However, since we com-
pare the transmission metrics of different structures against each
We have developed the Finite Element Model (FEM) of the other, we can assume that the viscous loss impact will be compa-
metasurface unit cell using the open-source package Code Aster rable on all the structures with a similar size of the holes, and

Fig. 2. FEM of the hexagonal unit cell acoustic transmittance. (a) FEM mesh of the acoustic media inside the metasurface hexagonal unit cell; front view indicating the inlet
(red), and side 3D view of the mesh. (b) Comparison between the theoretical and numerical results.

A. Crivoi and Z. Fan Applied Acoustics 185 (2022) 108388

Fig. 3. Comparisons of the transmission spectrum in case with and without viscous losses. The hexagonal unit cell has the same dimensions as in Fig. 2. (a) Theoretical results
for transmittance (T), reflection (R) and absorption (a) based on the lumped parameter theory, (b) Comparison of theoretical and numerical transmittance (T) in cases with (w)
and without (w/o) viscous losses.

therefore we exclude the viscous effects from the further theoret- tion is a topic for separate study which is suggested for future
ical and FEM comparisons for simplicity. work.
Furthermore, in order to verify Eq. 11 numerically, we have per- Here we focus on the width of the transmission dip which
formed a parameter study using FEM and have checked the depen- grows with increased neck diameter and in turn with f r (see Figs. 4
dencies on f r and t=C VR individually. (a2–d2)). Fig. 5 (a) compares the observed values of the sound
attenuation performance with the predicted non-linear trend. We
3.2. Dependence of integral transmission loss on the resonant have used an equivalent measure of the sound attenuation coeffi-
frequencies cient C T which numerically calculates the area above the T curve
in the transmission spectrum graph. The results show that the
Fig. 4 shows the results of the first such parameter study verify- FEM data points closely follow the predicted trend with a small off-
2 set appearing at lower resonance frequencies. This difference has
ing the f r component of Eq. 11. In order to separate the studied
been attributed to the neck error correction simplifications and
parameters, we have produced a set of hexagonal cell designs with
primarily arises from the differences between the theoretical and
the same thickness and ventilation capacity but different reso-
numerically observed resonance frequencies of HRs. Fig. 5 (b) fur-
nance frequencies which are solely controlled by the diameter of
ther clarifies this by demonstrating small deviations in f r values
the HR neck orifice. Figs. 4 (a1–d1) provides the examples of the
which are more prominent for smaller neck diameter size. Never-
FE mesh generated for studied hexagonal cells. Figs. 4 (a2–d2) dis-
theless, we conclude that FEM results largely support the lumped
play the corresponding transmission results which are simultane-
ously compared with the analytical predictions. The results parameter theory predictions and the f r dependency in Eq. 11.
demonstrate a generally good agreement with slightly larger dif- The main practical takeaway point here is that lower noise fre-
ference for smaller neck diameters. This effect might be attributed quencies are much harder to attenuate, an empirically well-
to the fact that we used a constant value for the neck error correc- known fact in the noise control engineering. However, our analysis
tion coefficient in our analytical expressions for the HR properties. attaches an asymptotic trend to this dependency and specifically
It is expected that this simplification might produce discrepancies states that the attenuation capacity drops as a square factor of
at smaller neck diameter values; however, verifying this assump- the targeted noise frequency.

Fig. 4. FEM results of the sound attenuation performance for four different cell designs with various HR neck diameters. (a1–d1) Mesh of four FE designs with (a1)
Rh ¼ 1:5 mm, (b1) Rh ¼ 2 mm, (c1) Rh ¼ 3 mm, (d1) Rh ¼ 4 mm. (a2–d2) Corresponding sound attenuation spectrum plots for transmission coefficient T compared with the
theoretical predictions.

A. Crivoi and Z. Fan Applied Acoustics 185 (2022) 108388

Fig. 5. (a) Comparison between the theoretically predicted integral attenuation values and four simulation runs from Fig. 4. (b) Comparison between the resonance frequency
values predicted by theory and observed in FEM results.

3.3. Study of the trade-off between the barrier thickness and f r value. Therefore, we perform a series of FEM simulations which
ventilation capacity are expected to produce similar transmission spectrum curves
and integral sound attenuation values. This approach allows us to
The second stage of the parameter study involves the analysis of conveniently test the lumped parameter theory predictions at
the sound attenuation performance for the structures with different different metasurface thickness levels. Figs. 6 (a–c) show three
thickness and ventilation capacity. Since our primary thesis here is examples of the studied designs which the same cavity volumes
that the barrier performance does not explicitly depend on the cell and neck diameters. Additionally, every time the structure thick-
shape and is expected to be constant if the t=C VR is maintained at ness doubles, the duct section area is adjusted in order to double
the same level, we have adjusted our study design accordingly. A the corresponding ventilation capacity as well.
square shape of the cell is chosen this time, and the t=C VR is kept Figs. 6 (d–e) display the transmission and attenuation capacity
the same for all designs, meaning that while we change the cell results. It shows that the FEM values asymptotically approach the
thickness, ventilation capacity is inversely adjusted in order to keep constant theoretical value once the thickness approaches 30 mm
the studied ratio constant. Also, it allows us to keep the volume of level. However, the results for thinner surfaces increasingly diverge
each HR cavity the same for all designs and hence fix the expected from the constant values assumed by Eq. 11 (see Fig. 6 (e),

Fig. 6. FEM results of the sound attenuation performance for different cell designs with various thickness and constant thickness-to-ventilation area ratio. (a–c) Mesh of three
FE designs with (a) t ¼ 15 mm, (b) t ¼ 30 mm, (c) t ¼ 60mm. (d) Frequency spectrum plots for transmission coefficient T corresponding to seven different thickness values, (e)
comparison between the theoretically predicted and FE-simulated integral sound attenuation values.

A. Crivoi and Z. Fan Applied Acoustics 185 (2022) 108388

Fig. 7. FEM simulation results of the transmission spectrum study for three different cells shapes: hexagonal, square and triangular. The thickness of the cells is (a) 60 mm, (b)
30 mm, (c) 15 mm, (d) 10 mm. (e) Dependences of the sound attenuation coefficients on the barrier thickness for three different shapes, benchmarked against the theoretical
prediction, (f) spread of attenuation values between the triangular and hexagonal unit cells.

10–20 mm thickness range). Fig. 6 (d) shows the underlying trans- the observed resonant frequencies slightly differ from the simple
mission curves which provide certain information about the rea- Eq. 10 predictions. The second less obvious observation from
sons for the observed trend deviation. The first obvious Fig. 6 (d) is that the minimum T value for thin surfaces slightly
observation is that the peak attenuation frequency shifts to the left increases from the near-zero values correspondent to thicker
continuously with the decreasing thickness. Having already veri- structures. In other words, FEM results show that the thin barriers
fied that the barriers with lower resonant frequencies tend to pro- no longer produce a near-complete sound block at the resonant
duce lower attenuation capacity, the deviations from theoretical f r frequencies thus further weighting down on the integral sound
values explain the observed deviation from the straight line in attenuation capacity. In summary, we can conclude that Eq. 11
Fig. 6 (e). On the other hand, the differences in predicted and sim- hold well in this parameter study as well, and one can achieve a
ulated f r values for thin surfaces can be attributed to the high similar performance from thinner structures with low ventilation
aspect ratio of the resonators contained inside the thin barriers and thicker structures with higher ventilation as long as the ratio
with low ventilation capacity. In this case the cavity shape of a res- t=C VR is kept constant. It means that the trade-off in structural
onator is less similar to the ‘‘classical” HR cavity shape analysed by properties, physical footprint and the acoustic benefits of the
the lumped parameter theory and therefore it is not surprising that barrier is inevitable, and it is advised to consider in each particular

A. Crivoi and Z. Fan Applied Acoustics 185 (2022) 108388

case which properties are worth to be sacrificed in favour of others. in certain conditions or for specific purposes. The results shown in
The FEM results however indicate that for the thinner barriers Figs. 2–7 agree with the lumped theory prediction summarized in
some additional corrections in the design might be required in Eq. 11 that simply using higher number of resonators does not pro-
order to account for the drifting resonance frequency. vide any tangible practical benefits in sound attenuation unless we
use a bulkier structure with additional thickness or front wall area.
However, all the conclusions so far have been based on simplifica-
3.4. Effect of the unit cell polygon shape
tion that we tune in all the resonators to the same frequency. If we
use different resonant frequencies, which can be conveniently
Next we proceed to investigate the thickness dependencies in
achieved by changing the HR orifice diameters while keeping the
more detail by designing three unit cell geometries based on three
cavity volumes equal, one of the targets for optimization is the
regular Euclidean tiling structures of the plane: triangular, quadri-
non-linear dependence of the C TL on the individual frequencies,
lateral (square) and hexagonal, which we now use as a reference 2
model. We expect all three cell designs to provide a similar sound f r : C TL f r . Separating and spreading the frequencies over a certain
blocking performance if their corresponding thickness, resonance range f r1 > 0 will increase the overall integral C TL according to
frequency and ventilation capacity is the same. the inequality:
Fig. 7 provides a corresponding comparison between three reg- 2 2 2
ðf r  f r1 Þ þ ðf r þ f r1 Þ > 2f r ð14Þ
ular Euclidean cells at four different cell thickness levels, from
60 mm down to 10 mm. Interestingly, at the largest thickness of Fig. 8 illustrates the transmission coefficient spectrum of two
60 mm (see Fig. 7 (a)) the results are almost identical and support hexagonal cells, one with all equal resonators and another with
the theoretical prediction that the sound attenuation performance six HRs having equal cavity volumes but the orifice diameters
is design-independent as long as the thickness, ventilation capacity adjusted in order to spread six resonance frequencies over the
and the cavity volumes of the panels are the same. Fig. 7 (b) show range of 300–900 Hz. While the usefulness of these designs
that thinner panels produce some mismatch in the performance depends on the particular purpose, it is worth noting that the sec-
which is comparable with the differences between theoretical pre- ond design produces a higher C TL coefficient of 139 as compared to
dictions and FEM results covered in Fig. 2 (b). Finally, thinner pan- the first design’s capacity of 132.7. However, it is important to
els of 15 and 10 mm show the growing differences in the results notice that the spectrum in a single-dip curve can be produced
which support the earlier expressed idea about the possible limita- with either one, three, four or six equal HRs, provided that the
tions of the lumped theory predictions. The overall attenuation thickness and ventilation capacity stay the same, the result for a
performance over the 300–1000 Hz range is shown in Fig. 7 (e). curve with six narrow dips can only be produced with a hexagonal
Here we observe very interesting phenomena that in addition to cell and six different HRs. Therefore, the general conclusion is that
the deviation from a constant prediction for a particular cell shape the hexagonal cell design ultimately brings more advantages, since
shown in Fig. 6 (e), the performance curves for different shapes a higher number of HRs allow better flexibility in manipulating the
also diverge from each other for thinner structures. This points to sound attenuation profile for particular needs and can produce a
another possible limitation of a lumped theory at deep subwave- broader variety of results.
length thickness levels, where the transmission performance starts
to also depend on the polygon type of the duct and the shape of
4. Conclusion
HRs. The largest observed performance difference between two cell
types, which in our case are triangular and hexagonal, is plotted in
We have performed an extensive analytical and numerical
Fig. 7 (f). The difference is rising very sharply with decreasing
study of the sound attenuation performance for a specific class of
thickness below the approximately 30 mm levels.
sound blocking metamaterials consisting of a ventilation duct
and several wall-embedded HRs. A simple analytical formula with
3.5. Unit cells with multiple resonance frequencies significant practical implications has been proposed to evaluate
the performance of these structures based on the lumped parame-
Finally, we have aimed to answer the question whether there ter theory. FEM study results showed a good overall agreement
might be potential benefits of using one cell design over the other with the theoretical predictions; however, the results have pointed

Fig. 8. Theoretical calculation of the transmission coefficient spectrum for a hexagonal cell with six parallel HRs. (Eq) all HR tuned to the same frequency, (Dist) distinctive
resonant frequencies are spread over the range of 300–900 Hz.
A. Crivoi and Z. Fan Applied Acoustics 185 (2022) 108388

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