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Climate type Latitude Location

Near equator regions:

Indies island & Malaysia
Congo Basin
Hot, Wet Equatorial
Bagota, Amazon (Selavas)
Climate 10N/S
A&N (South)
(highlands in equator- Guinea (North Andes), Kenya,
Cameron (Malaysia) & onshore places away from equator
(influence of trade winds) have modified temp)

Indian sub-continent, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia,

Tropical monsoon 10-30 N/S
Parts of China/North Australia

Central America,
West Indies,
Tropical marine North-east Australia,
10-30 N/S
A&N (North)
AfricaEast Africa coast, Madagascar, South America:
Guinea cost, East Brazil

Africa: West African Sudan, East Africa (not the coast),

Southern Africa upto Tropic of Capricorn
South America: Llanos (Orinoco Basin), Campos of Brazil
Savana/Sudan 10-30 N/S
Australia: South of monsoon strip and north of Tropic of

Africa: Sahara, Namib, Kalahari

Asia: Thar, Arabian, Iranian (Dasht-e-kavir, Dasht-e-Lut)
Tropical Hot deserts 10-30N/S N. America: Mohave, Sonoran
S. America: Atacama
Australian- Gibson, Simpson, Great Victoria, Sandy
Asia: Gobi, Turkestan, Ladakh (cold desert), Taklamakan
Mid-latitude desert 30-45 N/S S. America: Patagonian (Leevard side of Andes)

Mediterranean Region in Asia, Africa, Europe

Central Chile best developed)
Warm temperate
South West Africa: (Cape Town)
western margin 30-45 N/S
N. America: California, San-fransisco
Australia: SW (Swanland), S (S.Vicotria, Adelalaide,
Spenser Gulfs)

Eurasia: Steppe (Black Sea to foohils of Atali Mountains),

Pustaz (Hungary), Manchurian
N. America: Prairies, Winnipeg (Between rockies and
Temparate continental/ 30-45 N/S Great lakes (US- Candadian border)
(Steppe) S. America : Pampas (Argentina, Uruguay)
Africa : Pretoria (High veld-tropical) and Veld (Low-veld-
temperate) (b/w kalahari & Drakensberg)
Australia: Downs
Asia: Most part of China (Temprate monsoon type)-
Warm temperate N. America South eastern USA, Mexico border near Gulf
eastern margin/ China 30-45 N/S of Mexico, Miami (Gulf type climate)
type S. America Parana-Paraguay, Uruguay east cost
Africa : Natal, Australia: New South Wales, (Sydney)
(Natal type climate- no monsoonal type variation)

Europe: Britain, (N& W) France, Belgium Netherlands,

Denamark, W. Norway. NW Iberia
N. America: British Columbia
Cool temperate West S. America: Southern Chile
margin/ British type 45-60 N/S Oceania: Tasmania (Australia), NewZealand

Only in NH where continents have broad east-west

Cool temparate
45-60 N/S Eurasia:: Siberia,Moscow, Northern Europe, Sweden,
continental/ Siberian
N America: Alaska, Canada upto Labrador
North America: North Eastern USA/Canada (Newyork
Cool temperate eastern region)
45-60 N/S
margin/ Laurentian Asia: Eastern Siberia, North China, Manchuria, Korea, N.
Japan (Paking)

North America: Arctic circle, Greenland, Northern Canada,

Arctic/Polar 60-90N/S
Asia: Arctic seaboard
Climate Vegitation

Evergreen- Long and hard wood-

Mahogany, ebony, greenheart, cabinet
Temp- Uniform ~80F, no winter, annual range <2F,
woods, dye woods
Precipitation- heavy (60- 100 inch) and no month without
Smaller palm trees
Epiphytic and and parasitic plants
Highest in April & Oct (after equinoxes).
Climbing plants- lianas, rattan
Lowest in Jan & Jul (after winter & summer solistices)
Ferns, Orchids, Lalang (All are small grass
High Rel. humidity- >80%
sort of plants)
Mangrooves in coastal regions

Summer (March- Mid Jun)

SW monsoon(Mid Jun- Sept)- 95% rain during 4 months,
other months are without rain generally- Precipitation Decidious (shed their leaves each during
varies as per location during water stress period)
Winter (Oct to Feb) Near coast as rainfall is heavy forests
NE retreating monsoon (Oct-Nov) develop. Forests are less dense than
equatorial forests,
Timer wood- eg Teak(very durable), sal,
Acacia (Burma- 3/4 world's Teak
production) Eucalyptus- specially in
Temp variation- 12F, Australia, Bamboo thickets
Precipitation- (convectional, orographic, cyclonic) all round During water scarce time it turns into
the year due to trade winds but concentrated during the scrubland/Savanna
summer season.

Called grasslands because trees are sparse

and grasses are luxuriant
Trees have different mechanism for
Temperature- Hot, moderate rainy and cold- Annual range extreme conditions
of 20F and also high diurnal range Decidious (water)- Acacious
Precipitation: Moderate (30-40 inch) during summer only Broad trunks (water) - Baobas, Bottle trees
Winds- Harmattan (Trade winds from Sahara to Guinea Umbrella shaped (wind)
lands) Palms remain limited wettest/riverine
area for they they need
Grass: Tall (6-12 ft); elephant grass (15ft)
Thorny shurbs: Particulary in Australia

Temp- Hot through out the year (avg. 85-90F), colder on the
coastal sides. Annual temp.
Temp range: ~40F in interior, ~10-20F on the coasts, High Xerophytic:Bulbous cacti, thorn bushes,
diurnal range as well. wiry grass, scattered dwarf acacious.
Rainfall- <5 inches, once in blue moon convective torrential (Long roots, no leaves,
rains over 4-5 years waxy/hairy/leathery/Needle shaped
Rel. humidity (as low as 30% in desert interiors surfaces, thick stems(cacti specific), seeds
too have tough skins while they lie
dormant w/o rain)
Palm trees: Near oasis or coast
wiry grass, scattered dwarf acacious.
(Long roots, no leaves,
waxy/hairy/leathery/Needle shaped
surfaces, thick stems(cacti specific), seeds
too have tough skins while they lie
dormant w/o rain)
Temp- Hot through out the year (avg. 85-90F) Palm trees: Near oasis or coast
Temp range: ~60F due to increased continentality
Rainfall- <5 inches, snowfall might happen in winter due to
extreme cold

Dry and warm summer and mild wet winter

Temp: 75 in summer, 55 F in winter, lower temp on coast in Evergreen forests: Cork Oars (Spain-
Portugal) Eucalyptus (Australia- evergreen
in temparate, in tropical turns deciduous),
Giant sequoria/Redwood (California)
1. Concentration in winter with westerlies. In summer
Evergeen coniferous trees: Pines, firs,
(easterlies flow due to shift in Sub-tropic high)
cedars- Temperate highlands
2. Concentration of mountain side, hence leevard areas
Bushes and shrubs: Dry and hot Deplition
don't receive much rain
of evergreen forests give rise to Tall
3. Flash floods in mountains are common
bushes and sparse/shunted trees
Local winds: Sahara in south, Atlantic on west, Continent in
limited Grass: Scanty as water in winter
east, Alps in north creating varied pressures
1. Sirroco- Hot, dry, dusty winds from Sahara to but limited sunlight. Wiry and bunchy-not
suitable for grazing. Cattle farming limited,
Mediterranean sea (weird direction)
2. Mistral- Cold winds from north hence olive oil is prominent

NH: 70F in summer to sub zero in winter high annual range
(70F) due to severe continentality Short grass: <20 inch precipitation
SH: 70F in summer to 50 F in winter (low annual range of 20 (Continental interiors of Asia (Steppes),
F) due to less maritime effect Highland of USA
Rainfall: Long grass: >20 inch precipitation (Prairies,
NH - 10-30 inches (all round year) Russian Ukrainian region, also SH
SH- Towards 30 inches ( specifically no rain in winter grasslands)
months) Trees: Very scarce (Major difference b/w
Local Winds: Chinook (SW direction to prairies, hot winds) Savana and Steppe)
China type:
Temp: 80F to 35F (45F range)- High continentality
Rainfall: ~40 inch (all round year, peak in summer-
typhoons, SE Monsson, trade winds) rest of the year due to Classification of evergreen/deciduous to be
NW monsoon checked
Gulf type: Evergreen forests: Eucalyptus (Austrlia),
Temp: 90 F to 70F (20 F range)- Maritine effect Parana Pine, Queracho (S. America east
Rainfall: ~60 inch (all round year peak in May-June due to cost), Yerba mate (Paraguay tea), Palm
trade winds, and Sept Oct- hurricanes) trees (Natal coast), Wattle trees (Natal)
Natal type: Decidious forests: oak, Camphor, Camelia,
Temp: 80F and 60-65F F (15-20F)- Increased maritime effect Magnolia (China, S. Japan)
Rainfall: ~50 inches (constant across year- South easteries Walnut, oak, hickory, Camphor (USA)
during summer, and passage of depressions in winter) Conifers: Pines (highland)
Local winds: Southerly Burster- Cold wind- Australia,
Pampero- Cold Wind- S. Amercia, Berg Wind- Hot Wind-
East Africa

Moderate summer and very mild winter, 4 distinct seasons Decidious: Elm, Ash, Birch, Beech, Poplar,
Temperature: 40-45 F to 60 F (15F-20 F) - Hornbeam. (Hardwood)
NH- North Atlantic drift and on-shore winds, Wetter areas (Willows, Alder, Aspen),
SH- Insolation and maritime effect overpowers all other other places (Chestnut, Sycnamore, Maple,
factors (even lower temp range than NH Lime)
Precipitation: constant over the year due to westerlies. Coniferous: In higher altitudes- South Alps,
Generaly 30 inches but on the coastal orogenic rains can be South Andes, Rockies, Scandinavian
around 100 inch as well. highlands

Coniferous forests: Softwood- USA,

Canada, USSR, Scandinavian countries
(World's largest softwood producers)
Temperature: 60-70 F to belwo 10F (range of 60-70F)
USA- wood pulp leader, Canada- Newsprint
Precipitation: 15-25 inches round the year (westerlies and Tiaga (Siberian conferous forests are still
monsoonal factors) precipitation decrases polewards and in underdeveloped)
interior of continents
4 key spicies- Pine, Fir, Spruce, Larch
Snow is also frequent
4 key properties: Moderate density,
Floods and marshy areas happen when snow melt
Evergreen, conical shaped, leaves are
(small, thick, leather) and Little
North American region:
Temperature: 70-80 F to 30F (range of 40F, in Neywork
increases inwards towards continent)
Precipitation: 40 inches, uniform precipitation round the
year. Easterlies from Gulf and prevailing westerlies from
Upto 50N
great lake
Coniferous: In continuation of Tiaga belt
Asiatic region
Beyond 50N
Temperature: 80 to 20F (range of 60F)
Deciduous- Oak, beech, maple, birch. (Less
Precipitation: 20 -30 inches (2/3 in summer)- Monsoon type
of behaviour- SE monsoon. Winter precipitation largely dense, undergrowth)
Japan has a winter peak as well due to NW monsoon-
moisture from Japan sea. Also, temp range is 40F due to
increased maritime effect

Tundra: No trees, lowest form of

Temperature: 10F to -40F (range of 50F) vegeation- mosses, lichens, sedges
Precipitation: Mainly in form of snow, (~10 inches - some Poor drainage as most of the soil is also
logic of 10 inch snow = 1 inch rainfall)- Summer max frozen
Local winds: High speed blizzards Turn into prairies during short 50 days

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