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It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history than world history.

To what extent to you agree or disagree?

Good words and phrases: informed of, cultivate a sense of patriotism and national solidarity,
ancestor, international history, developing more interesting in

Outline 1: The significance of students studying local history

Outline 2: Learning about local history teaches students to be thankful to earlier generations.

When designing a building, the most important factor is the intended use of the building

rather than its outward appearance. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Good words and phrases: ultimate purpose of, architectural design, ecological house, man’

pursuit, come in conflict

History is a subject that exists in most school systems and is a required subject for many levels.

In this regard, there has been a heated debate about the importance of teaching local history

rather than world history to elementary school students. In my opinion, the focus of this course

should be local history rather than world history.

First, local history provides a platform for young people to explore their own and their

country's identity. For example, Vietnamese students must be educated about the great

famine that occurred in 1945 during the war with Japan in order to fully appreciate the

fate experienced by their ancestors and thereby appreciate life. peace, freedom and

independence today. I think it is essential that young people, the leaders of tomorrow,

have the broadest and most accurate platform on which to build their perception of life.

Opponents of this view argue that world history should not be removed from the curriculum

because it is related to local history and students will have a better understanding of the topic. I
think this point of view is wrong. In fact, teaching history is only concerned with remembering

the "facts" of the world that have little to do with their country of origin, so if students are forced

to study, they will be overwhelmed. In the long run, this will not benefit the children.

I considered both the relevance of acquiring knowledge of local history dwarfs as compared to

learning world history to school-going children.

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