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1.) Why do some employers ban tattoos while others don’t mind them?

In the past, tattoos used to be considered part of a counterculture. If you have a tattoo
some people would associate you with gangs, bikers, and other groups that were operating
outside of the social center. But nowadays, tattoos have gained wider social
acceptance.Some employer don't mind tattoos because they think that having tattoos is a
personal matter or choice and these type of employers only focuses on the effectiveness and
efficiency in work of the person. Some employers ban tattoos because they think that
having tattoos do not reflect moral principles. Also they are considering their customers
because some customers may be offended when an employee has tattoos because they think
that having tattoos is a sign of being a less upright type of person and is not socially

2.)Is it fair for employers to reject applicants who have tattoos? Is it fair to require
employees, if hired to conceal their tattoos?

For me, it is fair for employers to reject applicants who have tattoos and it is fair to require
employees that are hired to conceal their tattoos, because cultures vary and some employer
really mind this matter.Even though it is becoming more common nowadays, we should not
expect everyone to accept it and that everyone has their own perspective in this matter
aside from the fact that it is their company and they have the right to consider the
professional appearance of they employees.

3.) Should it be illegal to allow tattoos to be a factor at all in the hiring process?

For me it is not illegal to allow tattoos to be a factor at all in the hiring process because
employers has the right to choose who would represent their company, like how you choose
to have a tattoo or not. However employers must also consider that the most ideal thing in
hiring is about bringing the best person that is qualified for the job.

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