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Sanza : Good Afternoon, Dina

Dina : Good Afternoon. Where are you going?

Sanza : I’m going to a mall
Dina : Who is that girl, Sanza?
Sanza : She is my sister, Her name is Agata. Agata, she is my friend, Dina
Dina : How do you do?
Agata : How do you do?
Dina : Are you Sanza’s younger sister?
Agata : Yes, I am. Where do you go to school?
Dina : I study at Abadi Elementary School
Agata : Are you Sanza’s classmate?
Dina : No, I am not. We are in different classes
Agata : I see. Nice to see you, Dina
Dina : Nice too see you to, Agata

1. Who are they in the dialogue above? Mention them!

2. Where does Dina go to school?

3. Is Agata Sanza’s classmate?

4. Who introduces the sister?

5. What is the expression of introducing others used in the dialogue?

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