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Reproductive system
Reproduction is the process of the formation of an offspring in each and every living organisms. Two
major types of reproduction processes are seen in nature, they are as follows:

 Asexual reproduction
 Sexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction
Many types of asexual reproduction are seen in nature. The major four types are given in the ta-
ble form:
Type Feature Example

Single cells divide into two Bacteria

Binary fission
cells by this fission. The DNA
of the parent cell doubles up
then it divided into new DNA

It is a small growth on surface Yeast, Hydra

of parent breaks off, resulting
in the formation of two or
more individuals.
In this process, organisms Sponge, starfish
break into two or more frag-
ments that develop into a
new individual.
Embryo develops from an un- Komodo dragon
fertilized cell. Occurs in inver-
tebrates as well as in some
fish, amphibians and reptiles.

Sexual reproduction
 In this type of reproduction two parents are required and this process found in all higher or-
 Each of them contributes a gamete that contains half of the normal chromosome (DNA) of a
regular body cell.
 In case of male individual, the gametes are sperm and in females the gametes are eggs.
 After the fusion of male sperm with female eggs an embryo forms which then can develop
into an offspring and the process of gamete fusion is known as fertilization.

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Human reproduction system

One of the examples of sexual reproduction, two main parts are there in the human reproduction
system. We will discuss the major points of male and female reproductive system separately in this

Male reproductive system

 The primary male sex organ is testis, located in the pelvis region along with glands, acces-
sory ducts and the external genitalia.
 Scrotum, a pouch, in which testes are situated and is located outside the abdominal cavity.
 Almost 250 compartments of testicular lobules are there in each testis.
 One to three highly coiled tubules are seen in each lobule, known as seminiferous tubules.
These tubules are responsible for the sperm production.
 Two type of cells are lined inside the seminiferous tubule which are known as male germ
cells (Spermatogonia) and Sertoli cells.
 The spermatogonia cells are the main production house of sperms as they go through
meiotic cell division. The process of sperm generation is called spermatogenesis.
 The Sertoli cells are responsible for providing nutrition to the newly formed sperm cells.
 Leydig cells are present outside the seminiferous tubules, between the interstitial spaces,
that’s why it is also known as interstitial cells.
 These cells secrete testicular hormones called androgen, more specifically testosterone.
 The male external genital is known as penis, made of special tissue. Glans penis is the
enlarged end of penis covered by a loose fold of skin known as foreskin.
 The three accessory glands are also the part of male reproductive system namely a paired
of seminal vesicles, a paired of bulbourethral glands and a prostate gland.

Female reproductive system

 The primary female sex organ is ovary located in the pelvic region along with uterus, cervix,
vagina, a pair of oviducts and the external genitalia.
 Mammary glands are also integrated in this system functionally and structurally for sup-
porting the process of ovulation, fertilization, pregnancy, birth and childcare.
 Ovum or female gametes are produces by ovaries and it also secretes several steroid hor-
mones also known as the ovarian hormones. Example: estrogen and progesterone.
 On each side of lower abdomen, the ovaries are located having 2 to 4 cm in length and it
is connected the uterus and the pelvic wall by ligaments.
 About 10-12 cm long oviducts also known as fallopian tubes located in each side and
extends from the periphery of each ovary to the uterus.
 The funnel shaped part of the fallopian tube near the ovary is called infundibulum. Fim-
briae, the finger like projections are present at the edges of the infundibulum. This struc-
ture helps in the collection of the ovum after ovulation.
 Ampulla is the wider part of the oviduct, where the fertilization takes place in a female
 The last part of oviduct is called isthmus has a narrow lumen that joins the uterus.
 The uterus is also called womb, and in this structure the fertilized ovum or zygote get
implanted and grows.
 Three layers are found the uterus they are perimetrium, myometrium and the endometrium
from outside to inside respectively.

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 The birth canal consist of the cervical canal (the cavity of cervix) and the vagina.
 The part of the female external genitalia are mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, hymen
and clitoris.
 A cushion of fatty tissue covered by skin and pubic hair is known as Mons pubis.
 Two fleshy folds of tissue extended down from the mons pubis and surround the vaginal
opening is called labia majora.
 The paired fold of tissue under the labia majora is known as the labia minora.
 Hymen, a membranous structure present in the opening of the vagina.
 A tiny finger-like structure which lies at the upper junction of the two labia minora above
the urethral opening is known as clitoris.

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