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This is Badavi Linga, A huge monolithic statue at hampi near to Lakshmi Narasimha Statue.

It’s one of the

huge Shiva Linga. I was there during afternoon time and during that time priest of this Shiva linga, a 80
years old priest came and started cleaning the Shiva Linga by standing on the base of the Shiva Linga.
then i used this situation and clicked this image. it’s my favorite click from Hampi. He climbs on this shiva
linga and removes previous days flowers and offers new flowers for the day to this deity. The sanctum in
which the Linga is installed is always filled with water of river tunga bhadra as a water channel is made
to flow through it. It is the one of the main attraction of the Hampi, A world heritage place.

I have clicked this image at Hampi on the Hemakoot Hill during Sunset time. I was trying to frame Sunset
with that Hanuman Temple and tree. i got few clicks and suddenly few school students arrived there to
watch Sunset. and i tried to compose this frame in slow shutter to cover movement of students with Sun
rays and the Tree in behind to give some dramatic view here.

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