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The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine

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Vitamin D levels in newborns and association with

neonatal hypocalcemia

Büşra Yılmaz, Canan Aygün & Erhan Çetinoğlu

To cite this article: Büşra Yılmaz, Canan Aygün & Erhan Çetinoğlu (2017): Vitamin D levels in
newborns and association with neonatal hypocalcemia, The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal
Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2017.1331430

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Vitamin D levels in newborns and association with neonatal hypocalcemia

€şra Yılmaza, Canan Aygu
Bu  lub
€na and Erhan Çetinog
Faculty of Medicine Neonatology Unit, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey; bB€
uk Anadolu Hastanesi, Samsun, Turkey


Objective: Vitamin D has many important functions in our body. Especially in intrauterine and Received 22 February 2017
early infancy periods, Vitamin D plays a major role in bone development, growth, and the matur- Revised 2 May 2017
ation of tissues such as lung and brain. Fetus is dependent on the mother in terms of Vitamin D Accepted 14 May 2017
and maternal Vitamin D deficiency results in a Vitamin D deficient newborn. The purpose of this
study was to determine the levels of Vitamin D in newborns and to investigate the association KEYWORDS
between Vitamin D status of the baby and neonatal hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia; vitamin D;
Method: Vitamin D, calcium, and parathyroid hormone levels of 750 infants, born between preterm; newborn; maternal
1 January 2014 and 30 June 2015 and followed in Ondokuz Mayıs University Neonatal Intensive diabetes
Care Unit were analyzed retrospectively. Blood levels of Vitamin D were checked within 3 days
after birth. A 25(OH)D3 level of <10 ng/ml indicated severe, levels between 10 and 20 ng/ml,
which indicated moderate and levels between 20 and 30 ng/ml indicated mild Vitamin D defi-
ciency. Serum calcium levels below 8 mg/dl in term infants and below 7 mg/dl in preterm infants
were accepted as hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia that developed within the first week after birth
was defined as early, while hypocalcemia after one week were defined as late hypocalcemia.
Results: A total of 44% of the infants in the study were girls, while 56% were boys; 38% were
term and 62% were preterm. Average 25(OH)D3 level of all infants was 11.4 ± 10.2 (0–153)
ng/ml. Only 30 (4%) infants had normal (>30 ng/ml) 25(OH)D3 levels; 68 (9%) had mild, 234
(31%) had moderate and 418 (56%) had severe vitamin D deficiency. No correlation was found
between Vitamin D levels and gender, mother’s age, gestational week or birth weight. In 79
(17.2%) preterms, neonatal hypocalcemia was observed. Vitamin D levels of the premature
infants who had early neonatal hypocalcemia were statistically significantly lower when com-
pared with those who did not have early neonatal hypocalcemia (p ¼ .02). No significant differ-
ence was found between the Vitamin D levels of the term infants who had early neonatal
hypocalcemia and those who did not (p¼ .29). No significant difference was found between the
Vitamin D levels of the infants who had late neonatal hypocalcemia and those who did not (in
preterm p ¼ .27; in term p ¼ .29).
Conclusions: Although lack of Vitamin D is preventable and curable, it is an important health
problem for newborns in Turkey. In our study, 56% of the infants were found to have severe
lack of Vitamin D and lack of Vitamin D was found to be associated with early neonatal hypocal-
cemia in preterm newborns. However, long-term effects of lack of Vitamin D in infancy are not
fully known. In order to be able to prevent neonatal Vitamin D deficiency, 1200 IU/day vitamin D
was supplemented to mothers from the 12th gestational week to 6th month of the birth, which
was put into effect by the Ministry of Health in 2011, and should be applied by all health

Introduction Vitamin D affects both prenatal and postnatal

health. It takes part in fetal bone development via
Vitamin D, a key molecule in calcium and phosphorus
fetal calcium metabolism and supports the growth
metabolism, has also roles in cell proliferation and
and stability of bones [9–11]. Since Vitamin D recep-
membrane stabilization, nerve conduction, anti-inflam-
tors has been shown in many areas of the central ner-
matory, and anti-infective processes and insulin syn- vous system and 1-alpha-hydroxylase activity has been
thesis via autocrine and paracrine effects [1,2]. It can demonstrated in the brain tissue, it is closely related
be considered as a hormone not only due to its ster- with neurological development [12].
oid structure and nuclear receptor, but also due to its The best indicator of Vitamin D status of the body
synthesis in human body and participation in critical is serum 25(OH)D3 level, reflecting both Vitamin D
processes [3–8]. ingested by the diet and produced endogenously in

uşra Yılmaz Faculty of Medicine Neonatology Unit, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey
ß 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

the skin [3]. 25(OH)D3 is the metabolite of Vitamin D phosphorus, ALP and PTH levels. Local ethical board
with the longest (12–19 days) and most stable half-life approved the study (26.02.2015, No: OMU € KAEK 2015/
[13,14]. Fetus is dependent on the mother for Vitamin 85 B.30.2.ODM.0.20.08/1029). 25(OH)D3 levels were
D. 25(OH)D3 passes through the placenta and cord studied by high-performance liquid chromatography.
blood levels 50–60% of maternal levels [9,15]. Values <10 ng/ml was accepted as severe, 10–19 ng/ml
Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) in perinatal period has as moderate, and 20–29 ng/ml as mild VDD [3].
been linked with gestational diabetes [16], preeclamp- Hypocalcemia was defined as serum calcium
sia [17], intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) [18,19], <8 mg/dl in term and <7 mg/dl in preterm infants.
and preterm or low weight birth [20]. Vitamin D defi- Hypocalcemia within the first week of birth was
cient newborns might present with hypocalcemic con- defined as early, afterwards as late hypocalcemia [25].
vulsions, hypocalcemic dilated cardiomyopathy, Serum PTH level 65 pg/ml was accepted as normal,
osteomalacia and eventually childhood rickets [21]. while >65 pg/ml was accepted as high.
A recent literature suggests an association of VDD The data were transferred to SPSS 20.0 (Chicago, IL)
even with respiratory distress syndrome [22]. These package program. Quantitative data were expressed in
findings show that Vitamin D plays a significant role in average ± standard deviation while qualitative data
the growth and development of children, starting from were expressed in numbers and percentages.
the perinatal period [23]. Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used to show whether
Although hypocalcemia is frequently asymptomatic the qualitative data were normally distributed.
in the first days of life, it can be life-threatening [24]. Mann–Whitney U test was used for the comparison
Prematurity itself is a reason for neonatal hypocalce- between groups. Spearman’s Correlation test was used
mia. Hypocalcemia can be observed in approximately to show the association of Vitamin D level with other
1/3 of preterms and in most of the very low birth parameters and Chi-square test was used for the com-
weight (VLBW) infants in the first two days of life. parison of data obtained with numbers. A p values
Decreased parathyroid hormone (PTH) sensitivity, <.05 was considered as statistically significant.
increased calcitonin levels and high renal sodium
excretion might lead to hypocalcemia in these vulner-
able babies. Other reported etiological factors for early
neonatal hypocalcemia (ENH) are maternal VDD, Clinical characteristics of the infants included in the
maternal diabetes, perinatal asphyxia, IUGR, maternal study are presented in Table 1. Average 25(OH)D3
and/or neonatal hypoparathyroidism, and hypomag- level of all infants in the study was 11.4 ± 10.2 (0–153).
nesemia [24]. Only 30 (4%) babies had a 25(OH)D3 level >30 ng/ml.
In the present study, we aimed to: 68 (9%) had mild, 234 (31%) had moderate and 418
(56%) had severe VDD. 423 (56%) of the study group
 To monitor Vitamin D levels in infants admitted to were boys, and 327 (44%) were girls. Average
neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and to find 25(OH)D3 level of girls was 11.29 ± 11.1 (0–153) while
whether VDD is a problem for the region. the average level in boys was 11.54 ± 9.3 (0–65); with-
 To examine whether there is an association out a significant difference (p ¼ .98). 61.4% of the
between VDD and neonatal hypocalcemia. study population was preterm, and 38.6% was term.
The average 25(OH)D3 level of term infants was
10.9 ± 7.8 (0–59.9) while it was 11.7 ± 11.3 (0–153) in
preterms; without a statistically significant difference
A total of 750 newborns born between 1 January 2014 (p ¼ .95). No correlation was found between Vitamin D
and 30 June 2015 and admitted to Ondokuz Mayıs levels of the babies and maternal age, gestational
University (OMU) Faculty of Medicine NICU were
included in the study. Mothers and babies with known Table 1. Clinical characteristics of the study group.
or suspected calcium metabolism or PTH problems, Female/Male (%) 44/56
Gestational age (weeks) 35.8 ± 3.4 (25–42)
whose mothers had renal failure or whose Vitamin D Birth weight (grams) 2572.7 ± 841.7 (590–4770)
samples could not be obtained were excluded from Maternal age (years) 28.8 ± 6.2 (18–50)
Term/Preterm (%) 38.6/61.4
the study. Serum 25(OH)D3 level (ng/ml) 11.4 ± 10.2 (0–153)
Vitamin D and calcium status of babies were Hypocalcemia n (%) 138 (18.4)
Early Neonatal Hypocalcemia n (%) 130 (17.3)
recorded retrospectively from NICU computer data- Late Neonatal Hypocalcemia n (%) 8 (1.1)
base. According to the NICU protocol, all hypocalcemic Maternal diabetes n (%) 74 (9.8)
babies underwent diagnostic work-up with serum Values were given as average þ SD (minimum–maximum).

week, nor birth weight; neither in term nor in preterm clinic: 72% were <15 ng/ml, 14.6% were 15–20 ng/ml,
babies. and 13.4% were >20 ng/ml.
Ataseven et al. from Middle Black Sea [22] exam-
ined 152 preterms with gestational ages 29–35 weeks.
Neonatal hypocalcemia
They found severe VDD in 64%, moderate VDD in 33%
Hypocalcemia was observed in 138 (19%) of the and mild VDD in 3%. None of the infants had normal
babies: 130 (95%) early and 8 (5%) late. 79 (60.7%) of Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D levels and deficiency sever-
the early hypocalcemic babies were preterm and 14 ity observed in that study are in close correlation with
(10.7%) were VLBW. Four (50%) of the late hypocalce- the present one.
mic babies were preterm. The average birth weight Studies throughout the world show similar results
and gestational age of preterm babies with early and in terms of low Vitamin D levels in newborns.
late neonatal hypocalcemia were not statistically differ- Zeghoud et al. [28] from France, showed that Vitamin
ent (p ¼ .38 and .57, respectively). The average D levels at birth was <30 ng/ml in 63.7% of the
25(OH)D3 level of preterms without hypocalcemia was infants. In a study from Australia, Vitamin D levels in
12.4 ± 12.1 (0–153), while this was 8.3 ± 5 (0–65) in cord blood was <10 ng/ml in 11% of infants, while in
hypocalcemic ones; with a statistically significant dif- 29% it was 10–20 ng/ml [29]. Similarly, a study from
ference (p ¼ .002). The average 25(OH)D3 level of term Iran, showed that cord blood Vitamin D levels were
infants with hypocalcemia was 9.4 ± 6.6 (0–59), while it <14 ng/ml in 94% of the infants [30].
was 11.3 ± 8.1 (0–136) in normocalcemic terms In our study, a correlation was shown between low
(p > .05). All babies (except one) with ENH had VDD. Vitamin D levels and ENH in premature infants. In a
Of these, 83 (63.8%) had severe, 43 (33.1%) had mod- study conducted in Iran, when the Vitamin D levels of
erate, and four (3.1%) had mild deficiencies. Overall, 100 infants and mothers who were hypocalcemic after
137 (19%) of the infants with mild and moderate the third day of life were considered, 85% of the
(10–29 ng/ml) VDD had hypocalcemia, whereas 99 infants and 74% of the mothers were Vitamin D defi-
(23.6%) of the infants with severe VDD were hypocal- cient [31]. However, VDD frequency can be higher
cemic (p ¼ .14). since only hypocalcemic infants were included in that
Seventy-four (9.8%) of the 750 infants had a history study.
of maternal pre-gestational or gestational diabetes. 17 One limitation of the present study was the
(22.9%) of the infants of diabetic mothers was diag- absence of maternal Vitamin D levels. We argue that
nosed as ENH. In 13% of the ENH cases, there was a the low Vitamin D levels observed in the newborns
history of maternal diabetes. The average Vitamin D are a reflection of maternal VDD since the only known
levels of the infants with and without maternal dia- Vitamin D source of the fetus is the mother. Studies
betes were not statistically different [12.4 ± 19.3 versus from different latitudes of Turkey have shown that
11.3 ± 8.6 ng/ml, (p ¼ .157)]. VDD is very common among pregnant woman
[3,12,32,33]. Halicioglu et al. [32] reported normal val-
ues (>30 mg/ml) only in 0.4% of 256 pregnant women.
A study conducted at Ankara on 6- to 17-month-old
There are different opinions on normal Vitamin D children and their mothers found that 81.7% of the
values. At the start of the present study, the literature mothers had Vitamin D levels <20 ng/ml [34].
considered a 25(OH)D3 level >30 ng/ml as normal; In our study, normal Vitamin D level was observed
<10 ng/ml as severe, 10–20 ng/ml as moderate, and only in 4% of the infants, showing that VDD is an
21–30 ng/ml as mild VDD [4]. However, in parallel with important health problem in our country. Our study is
the global increase in very low values of 25(OH)D3, in a guide in terms of its largest number of cases and
the consensus report published in February 2016 the the data obtained.
threshold for definition of VDD was scaled down from Some studies have shown that Vitamin D supple-
30 ng/ml to 20 ng/ml (<50 nmol/L) [3]. ments during pregnancy have a positive effect on
There are limited studies on neonatal Vitamin D lev- both height and childhood bone mass [14,35], but
els in our country; most data obtained from studies in some showed no difference [36]. Although we have
children. Andıran et al. from Ankara showed that [26], found an association between VDD and ENH in pre-
in 0- to 16-year-old children, Vitamin D levels were terms, long-term effects of Vitamin D deficiency are
<15 ng/ml in 66%, and 15% had levels 15–20 ng/ml. obscure. In Turkey, Ministry of Health has a program
Kirel et al. [27] reported Vitamin D levels of 171 chil- that supports pregnant women with 1200 IU/day
dren admitted to a Pediatric Endocrinology outpatient Vitamin D starting from 12th week of pregnancy until

6th month after birth, irrespective of Vitamin D status [17] Bodnar LM, Catov JM, Simhan HN, et al. Maternal vita-
[37]. However, our results imply that, the suggestion min D deficiency increases the risk of preeclampsia.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007;92:3517–3522.
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[18] Burris HH, Rifas-Shiman SL, Camargo CA Jr, et al.
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borns and is associated with ENH in preterms. Since small-for-gestational age in black and white infants.
VDD is preventable, Vitamin D supplements are Ann Epidemiol. 2012;22:581–586.
advised for pregnant women and babies after birth. [19] Bodnar LM, Catov JM, Zmuda JM, et al. Maternal
serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are associ-
ated with small-for-gestational age births in white
Disclosure statement women. J Nutr. 2010;140:999–1006.
[20] Burris HH, Van Marter LJ, McElrath TF, et al. Vitamin D
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. status among preterm and full-term infants at birth.
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