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The Article

What kind of music do you listen to in your free time? / Have you ever wondered about how
unique the music you listen to is? / Do you think music is a feature of one’s personality? /
Have you ever thought about how life-changing an experience could be? / Do you think music
makes the person? / They say clothes do not makes the person, but do you think music makes
the person? Well, if you ask me, I’d probably tell you about / that…

Music is typically human! No other creature that I know of can create music, melodies,
sounds that go to your heart. Music doesn’t only represent us as humanity, but it can also
represent who we are, can’t it? This is why teenagers listen to totally different music from
what their parents are partying on! Furthermore, / For example / For instance / Take R&B,
which has widely been used by the Afro-American community to put their lives into song.

If my mom always says that we are what we eat, I’d also say that we are what we listen to!
I’m a big fan of rock and my walls are littered with those black posters of rock bands. You
can also see this in the way I dress, just go ahead and ask my teachers! I’m convinced that
music plays a huge role in shaping our thoughts, our style, so our entire personality.

In a nutshell, / At the end of the day, music makes the person. According to Vekerdy Tamás
the renowned Hungarian psychologist, a person is the sum of their actions and experiences in
life and music is the painted background to everything.

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