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Be Not Afraid: Game Design Document 1 of 21

Be Not Afraid
Game Design Document
Game Development II

Elijah Budd
Forrest Dils
Kenny Park
Derek Hansen
Phillip Reid
Josh Jones
Connor Wilson
Peter Sanders

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Table of Contents


Boss Battles
Story Outline

[1] Israfel

[2] Asbeel

[3] Raziel

[4] Hasmed

[5] Samyaza

Town Design

Elevator Pitch You are trapped by angels. Befriend them to learn their weaknesses. To kill ‘em.

Genre Visual Novel, Action Platformer, Social Puzzle

Platforms Windows/Mac on

Art ● Simple low-poly 3D models for isometric overworld. 3D is pixelated as

well, like A Short Hike.
● Dialogue portraits of angels are HD and stylized.
● World has muted colors, characters have bold colors.

Music Chiptune with added diegetic elements, like reverb and angelic choir. Gives a
sense of epicness and place while matching the pixelated 3D look.

Target Audience Teen/Adult, Fans of eldritch angels and character-focused games.

Players Offline Single Player only

Project Scope Simple/adaptable gameplay loop and art style makes adding content easy.
Limited to five characters to give appropriate dev time/energy to each.

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- A large, floating island with a dense forest surrounding the perimeter.
- Center of the island houses a small, rundown town which houses angels.
- Language is nonsensical celestial runes to provide a sense of unfamiliarity with the world.
- You cannot leave this town. If you enter the forest, you can walk forever, but the second you
turn around you are right back at the edge of town. Cannot brute force through the forest.
- Seemingly outside of time, town is an ethereal nowhere prison.


Initial concept.
Actual model will be much simpler.

- Vague humanoid androgenous angel character. Body is featureless and glowing, and they have
angelic wings. They are a walking dynamic light.
- Hovers slightly above all solid surfaces. Partially for vibe, partially to save animation.
- Wings will hover behind the character and assist during mobility actions (jumping / dashing).
- A neutral party during interactions. The character’s responses are short, blunt, and will reflect
the decisions of the player. They are not silent, but speak few words.
- Trapped in the town. The other angels are your wardens. Why are they keeping you here? Left
unanswered for the player to make their own assumptions.

- To remove the barrier and be able to escape the forest around the town, the five angels need
to be killed to reform a guiding star.
- Each angel has a different weakness, and a bond must be formed before it will be revealed.
- Once an angel is weakened, the player will fight with its seraphim form (eldritch & abstract).
- Gameplay loop will repeat for each of the five angels.
- Befriend the angels, learn their weaknesses, then take them out. (You are the villain, clearly.)

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- Each angel will have several events that can weaken their resolve by causing strong emotions.
Give joy to the joy angel, cause anger in the anger angel, etc.
- Each angel will have 4+ events available, and must perform 3 actions to make them
vulnerable. Gives the player some choice on which things to do.
- All requirements will take place within the overworld.
- If an interaction is related to a minigame, the default inputs (jump and dash) will be
appropriately remapped and displayed to fit the context of the scene. Only ever uses the
joystick and two action buttons.
- Interactions outside of minigames will use default inputs for basic platforming, collection of
fetch quest items, and dialogue with the angels.

- Dialogue will be the primary way of interacting with the angels. (Think Hades)
- Some responses will strengthen the bond between the two characters, while others will be
ineffective and not add to the progression of gameplay.
- Objectives will be given through character interactions and will imply what actions can be
taken to make the angel vulnerable. Sort of a social puzzle in this way.
- While talking angels make an otherworldly nonsense whisper sound, kind of like how Animal
Crossing language is not voice acting but makes relevant sounds.

- Wing flap up (jump), Wing flap forward (dash)
- Some goals will require basic platforming to gather items in town, such as on a roof.
- Jumping can be combined with a mid-air dash in order to reach new locations or to circumvent
- Similar platforming mechanics will be used during boss battles to dodge attacks and close the
distance between the player and a seraphim.
- Walks on water (floating) so unable to go deeper.
- Possibly can follow mouse (as well as joystick) to support mobile platforms.

Boss Battles
- After the required number of prerequisite events have happened, a boss battle will occur with
the angel in its seraphim form. Its mask will break and it will no longer be contained/protected.
- The camera will move to accommodate the encounter, allowing the player to better scope out
the arena. The area can become weird/abstracted and technicolor like a fever dream.
- Each encounter will use jumping for light platforming into position and dodging energy burst
attacks. Dash through the center eye to damage the seraphim.
- Once stabbed enough, the seraphim will die. The weirdness will fade, and the star will reform.
- Time limit to prevent soft locking and to give players the chance to try something else if
the boss is too hard

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Story Outline
● Beginning: Character knows they are trapped here and imply they have been trapped for a
while. Inciting incident about why something changed.
○ Wake up in Town Hall basement, boxes in the way that need smashed to get out.
○ Why are you trying to break out now? Player’s drive is the inciting incident. Tell them
you can escape and want to, then they’ll do it themself.
● Game Structure: Main 4 in any order, each has a unique boss mechanic.
○ Each has a questline order, but can jump around.
● Ending: Raziel is the last boss because comments on all events / surveillance. Hardest boss
battle because it uses all 4 special attacks.
○ Town entrance has a gate with a lock, Raziel has the key. Once you kill Raziel you get a
key and can open the gate to white dimension (nether-portal style) then credits,
maybe with pictures of angels doing things on Earth.
○ Technically don’t need to kill them all, only Raziel because he has the key. But he won’t
fight you until he fears for himself.

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[1] Israfel

● Israfel, Angel of Song

● Calls the player “child”
● Emotional Vice: Joy / Euphoria, Overly Forgiving
● Personality
○ Extroverted, Agreeable, Honest & Humble
○ Musician and botanist; sings to their plants to help them grow
○ Merciful and optimistic about player, happy for their accomplishments
○ Ideal Maternal qualities
○ Unrealistically optimistic about the other angels, humanity, and general circumstances
● Backstory
○ Probably one of the older angels, or at least acts like it
○ Mastered all forms of music and instrument
○ Acted as the muse for many of humanity's greatest musicians
● Events
○ [Task J1] Flower Hunt
■ Items: Rare Seeds, Water Pail
■ Locations: park_edge_flowerbed, park_lake, house_israfel, greenhouse
■ Event: event_rare_flower
1. Israfel discusses a rare flower breed and how cool it would be to have in her
2. Find item seed from a flower patch in the park on the edge of town. Must take
seeds because moving the flowers themself will make them die.

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3. Find item water as a pail at lake to fill it with water.

4. Israfel in house, talk to her and tell her to go to greenhouse because you have
a surprise. She goes.
5. Meet israfel in greenhouse. Tell her to sing for the plants. She indulges and
sings to the plants (trigger music queue of humming and harp song?)
6. Rare flowers sprout and she is overjoyed that you found them! She says she
knows what your goal is and she doesn’t like it, but knows it’s what you want
and forgives you. This means a lot to me, even if it won’t last forever.
7. Move her ending to lake, she looks over water and has conversation about you
leaving, and wanting to be free. Will allow you to kill her and take her key if
you promise to keep up with her legacy (garden & music tasks)
○ [Task J2] Gardening
■ Items: Hand Shovel, Bag of Dirt, Seeds, Water Pail, Bag of Fertilizer (hidden
around greenhouse, need to search by platforming)
■ Locations: greenhouse, supermarket
■ Events: Water/care for greenhouse plants shows dialogue of “You kept your
1. Israfel is working with her plants in the greenhouse. You offer help and she
says that would be nice. Has you grab random items from around the
greenhouse and bring them to her, each continuing the dialog.
2. Grab hand shovel, bag of dirt, seeds, water pail (again so remove from before),
all from within greenhouse.
3. Talks about her time among mortals and all the amazing music they created,
and discusses her favorite instruments and their merits. She talks about
famous musicians that she acted as their muse, enhancing their love of the
craft and natural abilities.
4. Last task: need fertilizer, but is all out. Go get it from supermarket. Crates are
in the way and must parkour over them or smash them to get to it.
5. Give her fertilizer, she finishes up with the plants and says they should
continue to grow strong, and that when she’s gone someone should keep
taking care of them. (Hint it’s you)
○ [Task J3] Final Muse
■ Locations: park_gazebo, bell_tower
■ Events: Bell you can dash into
1. Meet her at gazebo and says you’ll start with something simple: a bell.
a. Israfel admits she is telling you this because she wants you to
remember her, not just those she touched.
2. Bell is simple: just dash into it. If done once says “go ring the bell”, if done 2-4
times says “Good, you’re getting the hang of it! Keep going!”
3. After 3+ rings: Was it fun? Is very happy for indulging her, and hopefully the
music bug will grow and you’ll learn more as well, and become a muse.
4. Finally: go ring the bell at the top of the belltower! Top of one of the buildings
or a tower has a cracked bell, must platform to the top. Ring it, and it is
beautiful sound. She says she is ready. (Task 3 ends)
a. She can be your muse once you leave the town. Maybe not in spirit,
but in memory.

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○ [Death] Happy for all the help of the player making their time here feel special. Proud
of the player for knowing what they want, and forgives you for what you must do to
leave. “I know you don’t want to kill me, child. But if you are to leave you must. I am
willing to do this for you.” Allows the battle so you can leave.
■ Other characters: comment on the bell toll. She loved that bell.
● Boss Mechanics:
○ Jumping-focused
○ Arena platforming changes after each ring, incremental difficulty spike
○ Mechanics
■ Moving platforms (parent player to platform)
■ Mushroom trampoline platforms, grow tall & short
■ Helicopter flower pads
■ Launch music notes (homing missiles) - explode after duration even if no
■ While music notes active- platforms expand
○ Assets
■ Models for mushroom
■ Model for helicopter flowers
■ Model for music note missiles
■ SFX for music notes

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[2] Asbeel

● Asbeel, Angel of Ruin

● Calls the player “friend”
● Emotional Vice: Sorrow / Despair, Grief
● Personality
○ Social Introvert (trained), somewhat Eager for compianship, not afraid of anyone but
themselves, a little clingy
○ Defeatist. They are an omen of destruction, everywhere they go to falls to ruin. They
have learned to expect this and see themself as the source of problems.
○ Always exhausted and nihilistic
○ Almost zen about the path of destruction now, as they expect it. Will be difficult to
phase them now as they have experienced much already.
○ Used to live among humans, enjoys their antics.
● Backstory
○ Lost faith in self - guilt comes from blaming themselves for destruction
○ More than any of the other angels, has followed earth’s development for eons
■ Followed the rise and fall of many civilizations
○ Probably the most powerful next to Hasmed
● Events
○ [Task D1] Reclusive *
■ Items: breakable_planks (jump on them), breakable_crates (dash into them)
■ Locations: asbeel_apartment (multi-level)

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■ Events: event_asbeel_shortcut
1. Talk to Asbeel through his door, won’t let you in or can’t open his front door
2. Break into an apartment on the top floor.
3. Find your way down each floor.
a. You think you hear rat noises, but you know there are no animals here.
4. Once get into Asbeel’s room, unlock his door for easy access.
○ [Task D2] Grim Memento *
■ Items: fishing_pole, ornate_necklace
■ Locations: park_lake_dock, asbeel_apartment, hasmed_apartment
■ Events: event_attached_fishing_pole
1. Talk to Asbeel, ask why doesn’t leave apartment.
2. <mentions artifact & how he threw it in the water?> Will not leave, ruins
everywhere he goes. Offhandedly mentions thing he brought. Chucked into
a. Civilization destroyed by a volcano (implied Pompeii).
b. Pretty necklace given by a friend in the city. Communal gift?
3. <find treasure, buried away on purpose so as not to remember> - keepsake at
bottom of lake by dock, can see it underwater. How to get out?
a. Can see keepsake underwater, joke about how you float
4. Fishing pole hanging on Hasmed wall by leviathan trophy, take
5. Attach fishing pole to dock to retrieve keepsake
6. Bring him the dredged up keepsake. Give him, he talks about time his in
civilization. Bitter memories and grief of lost home.
● [Task D3] Path of Ruin (CUT)
○ Items: egg_carton, movie, gas_tank
○ Locations: asbeel_apartment, theatre
○ Events: event_town_ruins
1. Invite to movie & convince to leave - Convince him it will be a good time and
he has been here so long without destroying things, it will be fine.
a. Destruction sponge of egg carton
2. Only agrees to come with a destruction sponge, go find some eggs at
3. Meet him there, watch movie. Watch Schindler’s List - steal from Hasmed’s
cabinet (here to steal my stuff again?) or just a very long sequence of movies,
like Godfather 1-3.
4. Leave partway through movie to find explosive materials.
a. Grill at the park by the tables, grab the gas tank.
5. Destroy the generic houses, cornerstone, & theatre with holy gasoline - raize
6. On way back to house sees his path of destruction. Left house to go to
theatre, causes destruction - Upset by the destruction because he locked
himself in room to avoid this, but it was inevitable and he was locked away for
nothing (self-fulfilling prophecy)
● Explaining the difference between him and Hasmed, Hasmed destroys
on purpose.
○ [Death] It is probably best I die, for the safety of others. But be warned, if you mean
to kill me, then I will do what I do best: Bring ruin.

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■ Boss Mechanic: Floating atop volcano, platform up the mountain and avoid
the lava (if touched will float back down to ground), spewing out meteors that
explode on impact with knockback - blue lava with smoke haze

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[3] Raziel

● Raziel, Angel of Mysteries

● Calls the player “dear” (as in my dear Watson)
● Emotional Vice: Fear / Terror, Paranoia
● Personality
○ Neurotic, will put on a bold & brash front, very intelligent but not wise
○ Paranoid, keeps a close eye on the player and never really trusts them
○ Conspiracy theorist / detective vibes
○ Mostly stays within their house
○ Openly does not trust the other angels, but avoids conflict
● Backstory
○ Well-versed in all forms of magic and mysticism
■ Tarot, Zodiac, Witchcraft, etc. despite being Christan mythos
○ Keeper of both God and man’s greatest secrets.
■ Scared that if the player kills him, those secrets will die.
○ A bit like Prometheus, some of humanity’s achievements are thanks to him sharing
■ Maybe shared on accident? Keeper of secrets let those secrets slip...
● Events
○ [ HINT SYSTEM ] (Rumors with Raziel) Allows you to find any hidden items from other
angels’ tasks. Or just comments on situations (current in) -- restrict multiple tasks
from starting by having every character have an idle line for you being busy during any

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of the other 12 tasks being active? -- comments on all the “seeking” triggers or current
○ CAMERAS! Cameras around the town, have to find all his cameras and dash into them
to break them so he cannot track you anymore.
○ [Fetch Quest] (Patriot Games / Da Vinci Code / State of Play)(CUT) Find a series of
clues for his conspiracy theory scavenger hunt, hidden as riddles around the town. But
you steal the last clue. Their terror comes from thinking they will never find the last
clue, never find the end, and never understand what the purpose was. Uncertainty is
the root of fear, after all.
○ [Platforming] (Angels & Demons / Point Break / The Italian Job) Platform onto
building with fire escape and dash through window. Laser grid protecting something in
the room (player thinks its the key?), dash into window to bypass lasers and steal it.
Raziel is scared that you have bested him in this way.
○ [Platforming] (Insert Spy Movie Title Here) Final platforming challenge, combines
elements of previous platforming challenges.
○ [Dialogue] (Clear and Present Danger) Direct comments about each angel and their
○ [Death] ??
■ Boss Mechanic: ?? - Final boss so hardest one.
● Unused Events
○ [Dialogue] Watch a horror movie with them. The movie is just textboxes and the
screen flashes nonsensical colors. Convince them it was real and terrifying.
○ [Platforming / Stealth] When they leave their home, sneak in through an open
window with platforming. Hide inside and set up the house as a haunted house! As
Raziel returns and walks through the house, trigger spooky “traps”. You can see
through the walls in this section. Some Scooby Doo-type bullshit.
○ [Dialogue] Invite Raziel over to Israfel’s place while they are out doing errands.
Convince them that Israfel is an evil cannibal hiding a dark past. Possibly use an item
from another angel as “proof” that they were killed. Keep amping them up until Israfel
shows up menacingly and Raziel runs away screaming.

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[4] Hasmed

● Hasmed, Angel of Annihilation

● Calls the player “bastard”
● Emotional Vice: Anger / Rage, Competitive
● Personality
○ Conscientious and Disagreeable, very informal
○ Athletic, extremely competitive, and annoyingly arrogant / aggressive, roid-rager
○ Patron of war against humans, goes to civilizations to bring them to destruction.
Similar to Asbeel, but intentional. Loves conflict.
○ Collects ornate china, pots, statues, legos, and pretty items of value as trophies from
the conquered.
● Backstory
○ Basically Ares, behind the destruction of all civilizations that fell due to conflict
○ Has a history of escalating conflicts to their extreme
○ Has never really gotten along with any other angels (they think he’s insane, he couldn't
care less)
● Events
○ [Basketball Hoop] (On the Court of Heaven) Argument over basketball but you win,
angry boy. Dunk so hard you break the backboard. Angry you broke it.
○ [Physics] (Destruction in the Afternoon) Bull in a china shop. He has a room full of his
pottery and treasures from the conquered humans (on the second floor). These are all
destructible physics objects. Dash around to smash them.
○ [Physics] (Cataclysmic Calisthenics / Crunches of Calamity / Cardiovascular
Catastrophe) (CUT)Workout with him and dash into a punching bag. It flies off and
shatters. You keep breaking all his shit! Now you broke his spirit.
○ [Platforming] (stretch) (The Tortoise and the Hare) (CUT)Race a lap around the park,
but they are faster. You can only win by cheating and taking a shortcut over the water.
○ [Death] ??

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■ Boss Mechanic: Charges at the player, must dodge then hit from behind.
● Hemisphere forcefield to indicate he isn’t hittable from the front
● Dodge-focused
● Behaviors:
○ Charge
○ Stunned (timer delay)

○ Hulk smash
○ Ricochet

● Unused Events
○ [Basketball] Recurring minigame, play basketball. Touch the ball to enter dribble state
or dash through Hasmed to steal the ball. Dash around his defenses and use the jump
button to shoot toward the net (auto-aims). Each time you beat them they get
increasingly frustrated and demand rematches.
○ [Dialogue] Get them really amped up about fishing. Tell them that the greater their
proficiency at fishing, the larger the fish they will be able to catch. Then make up a
“well-known” local legend about the “Leviathan”, a great beast that has evaded
fishermen for centuries.
○ [Dialogue] Convince them to come to the park with you. Structured as a date but all
Hasmed wants to do is destroy everything. Event ends in a tree-punching contest.

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[5] Samyaza

● Samyaza, Angel of Pride

● Calls the player “peasant” / “servant” / “butler” / “knave”
● Emotional Vice: Disgust / Hatred, Pride
● Personality
○ Extraverted but somewhat Disagreeable, believes that they are Deserving, formal
○ Germaphobe, recoils from gross or carnal things
○ Hates the idea of humans and their weird flesh forms
○ Fancy man, too fancy for you little peasants; prideful, obviously
○ Expert on high fashion trends, thinks themself a trend-setter
● Backstory
○ Was given some kind of privileged position from God before, let it go to their head
■ Maybe worked directly below him? Seraph was right-hand for a time, but did
something real messed up and was demoted. Saw self above God?
○ After being placed in the town with the other angels, the self-proclaimed mayor but no
one acknowledged this.
○ Fan of displays wealth and upper-class humans throughout.
■ Kings, emperors, billionaires, etc… Gucci/Supreme fanboy?

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● Events
○ [Task P1] Community Service
■ Items: trash_pile (x7)
■ Locations: asbeel_apartment, lake_dock, diner (roof), supermarket,
1. Samyaza tells you to do community service, you’re a servant. Your rent
payment for living in the his basement is to clean up the town. Grab all the
trash piles.
2. Platform around to grab all the trash (talk to him to say how many left) -
Cryptic hints for where they are. (Change: markers for trash)
3. Show him you got all the garbage, and he is grossed out and says get rid of it.
○ [Task P2] Dumpster Diner (CUT)
■ Items: nasty_garbage, kitchen_pot, poisoned_food
■ Locations: supermarket_outside, diner_booth, diner_kitchen, town_hall
■ Events: event_ground_vomit
1. Talk to Samyaza, says threw out some nasty shit the other day, Do not bring
that garbage into my home, hates hobos/poor people
2. Find poison/nasty garbage in a dumpster, jump in to grab the nasty bullshit.
3. Invite to diner by talking to him
4. Meet him at diner table, talk a bit, then he says “wait no food is coming, you
do it servant”
5. Go into diner kitchen, prep the food/ Grab a pot and mix the nasty garbage.
6. Bring food back to table, Eats it & it’s real nasty, ew gross y\Pucky he throws
up. Tell him it’s GMO human liver. Prepped without washing hands, no
bathrooms in town.
7. Puke then says he needs to leave (task ends)
○ [Task P3] Golden Idol
■ Items: chisel, pile_of_rocks, garbage
■ Locations: town_hall, town_fountain, supermarket, park
■ Events: event_statue_fresh, event_statue_broken
1. Didn’t see me at my best but can make it up to me. He admires people of great
wealth like kings and such so, this is your punishment: build your glorious
mayor a glorious statue.
2. Gather materials- chisel from supermarket, piles of rocks from park(CUT)
(Press E to erect statue, or go to dumpster first to grab materials - limit
fetch quests to one step)
3. Bring materials to fountain, incorporate Samyaza statue, big and awesome.
Tear down the old one and rebuild one in his image. Too tall to jump onto.
(fade to black, play sfx, fade back in) - joke about multiplying the couple rocks
into enough for a statue, Jesus-style
4. Samyaza really loves the statue and he rants about how glorious he is. He’s
very rude to you, backhand compliment. You plan to ruin it for him.
5. Have garbage from community service and parkour onto the fountain from
one of the buildings (possibly just from apartment building roof)(CUT) (Press E
to vandalize)

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6. Report back to him that his statue is ruined. Statue is all gross and ruined,
disgusted with the statue. Left it in middle of town where just anyone could
have trashed it? Is this how everyone views me?
○ [Death] Drunk at bar, sad about statue - at lowest point. Get them talking. Samyaza
admits something (demotion) they aren’t proud of and feels disgust toward themself.
Likely that they secretly crave the adoration of humans and feel degraded by being a
lesser known angel.
■ Boss Mechanic: Battle arena has his statue, redirect attack to break it then
parkour up idol to smack em, floating above you because he looks down on
you. Projectiles (coins & jewels) are homing (fade after time or impact), lead
toward statue(s) to break them into platforms.
● Homing missiles destroy statues, once all statues are destroyed
Samyaza implodes on himself
● Difficulty scaling: missiles get faster and are more frequent
● Samyaza’s true form is literally up on a pedestal
● Statues shatter into multiple platforms

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Town Design
The town is largely shaped like a cross, and is a kind of run-down middle-of-nowhere type town with a
blend of old and modern aesthetic. Below are various concept arts of parts of the town.

Final Town Layout

Initial town layout concept Isometric view concept

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Updated town layout

Various prop designs

Street median & halo lamp posts Lake design

Diner concept

Basic house design

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Israfel’s house
Color palette test

Lamppost design

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