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The Rabbit and the frog

At some time in the past there were three

rabbits, who in the peak of summers assembled
near the dry bushes of a nearby strawberry plant
in a park. Since, there was nothing available to
eat in the fields because of the intense heat they
were very hungry. And also quite troubled by the
pet dogs that used to escort the walkers both in
the mornings and in the evenings. Further, all the
bushes in the field had dried up and were
without any leaves. So, they couldn’t even hide
behind them to keep away from predators, and
upon being chased by stray dogs, they used to
get a camouflage with great difficulty. With all
these day to day problems they had become
quite weary of their lives.

One day one rabbit in frustration said—‘God

has done great injustice to our species. He has
made us extremely small and weak. As he has
neither given us pointed horns like the deer nor
sharp paws like the cat. We have no weapon to
defend ourselves from our enemies. The only
thing we can do is to run away from everyone.
From all corners the creator of this world has
only created disasters for us.

The second rabbit in desperation said—‘I am

extremely scared of this pitiable and tentative life
of mine. So, I have decided to drown myself in
the pond.’

The third one giving up on life said—‘Even I

want to die as I cannot take this sorrow anymore.
So, I’m just going to jump into that pond and
drown myself.’

‘So, let’s all go with you. Since, we all have

lived together, we shall also die together.’ Voiced
the first rabbit. And they all left for the pond.

Meanwhile, some frogs that were lying and

lazing around the pond. When they saw these
rabbits approaching, panicked and quickly started
jumping into the pond. And upon seeing them
doing so the first rabbit suddenly stopped and
said, ‘brothers! There is no need to give up on
our lives, come let’s go back. Because in this
world created by God there are even smaller and
weaker beings than us, who live and survive, so
why should we get demoralized with life and try
to kill ourselves?’

Heeding the advice of the first rabbit they all

decided to do away with the thought of
committing suicide and returned.

Moral of the story: Whenever, you feel you are

surrounded by serious problems that scare you to
death, lookout for people in this world who are
sadder and poorer than you, who are sick and
prone to difficulties. That will make you realize
how better off you are and will remove the fright
of life in you.

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