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Why Pe ect Grades Don't

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Why Perfect Grades Don't Matter | The Atlantic

A 2002 study revealed __% of students based 1/1

their self worth on their grades. *




A national survey of 24,000 students showed 1/1
__% have cheated on a test. *





Researchers found high school students with ···/4

lower grades and higher test scores performed
worse in college. Why? *

This is because of how grades and tests differentiate.

Grades show a student's hard work, determination and

concentration on the subject they have been studying for a whole
semester or term lasting several months. Thus, an A achieved is
due to a long and detailed study of the material provided.

However, tests are just checkpoints to test the students' academic

capabilities for a period of a day only. So students can always
drastically change their determination and interest on the subject.
What could contribute to Finland being ranked ···/4
higher than the U.S. in academic achievement?

The several factors contributing to the higher ranking are:

Tests and examination grades play a minimal role in Finland. This

shows that students will still have a brighter future even though
they have achieved a lower grade, and prevents them from
lowering their self-esteem.

For the first 6 years, there is no measure of a student's academic

capability. This releases the anxiety and stress of students
wanting to achieve good grades and also reduces the chance of
them cheating on tests and examinations, encouraging honest

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