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VOCABULARY A. READING advanced (a) courteous (a) equip (v) express (a) Express Mail Service (EMS) facsimile (n) ‘graphic (n) Messenger Call Service (n) notify (v) parcel (n) press (n) receive (v) recipient (n) secure (a) service (n) spacious (a) speedy (a) staff (n) subscribe (v) surface mail (n) technology (n) thoughtful (a) transfer (n;v) transmit (v) well-trained (a) B. SPEAKING clerk (n) customer (n) document (n) fee (n) Flower Telegram Service (n) greetings card (n) install (v) registration (n) telephone line (n) UNIT 9:THE POST OFFICE [od'va:nst] ['ko:tjas] [ikwip] {iks'pres} {iks'pres meil 'so:vis] [feek'simili] {greefik] {'mesindsa ko: 'sa:vis] ['noutifai} {'pa:s(0)l] [pres] {risisv] [ri'sipiant] [sitkjua] ['so-vis] 'so:fis'meil] [tek'naladgi] [eo:tfl] [trensfo!] [traenz'mit] [wel 'treind] dokjumont] (fic) ['laua ‘teligrem 'sa:vis] [avictinkacd [in'sto:l] [redgi'streifn] [telifoun tain} tién tién, lich su trang bi nhanh dich vu chuyén phat nha ban sao, may fax hinh dé hoa dich vw dign thoai thong bio buru kién bao chi han nguii nhan an toin, bao dim dich vu th rong rai nhanh chong, 6i nga dang ky, dat mua thu git dubng bo hode dudng bién cong nghé sdu sic chuyén sti, phat, truyén Janh nghé thu ky khéch hang gu chi phi dich vu dign hoa thigp chic mimg, lap dat su dang ky dudng day dign thoai C. LISTENING advantage (n) capacity (n) cellphone (n) commune (n) demand (n) digit (n) disadvantage (n) expansion (n) fixed (a) ‘on the phone (exp) reduction (n) rural network (n) subscriber (n) Be WRITING arrogant (a) attitude (n) describe (v) director (n) dissatisfaction (n) picpocket (n) price (n) punctuality (1) quality (n) reasonable (a) resident (n) satisfaction (n) security (n) E, LANGUAGE FOCUS abroad (adv) arrest (v) brave (a) break into (v) burglar (n) coward (n) design (v) destroy (v) first language (n) French (n) German (n) injured (a) north-west (n) pacifist (n) rebuild (v) release (v) rent (n) shoplifter (n) steal (v) tenant (n) waitress (n) war (n) [od'va: {ko'peesiti] {sel foun} [komju:n] [di'ma:nd] [edidsit] [disad'va:ntids] [iks'penJn] Ifikst] [foun] [ritdakfn} [nuoral ‘netwack] [sob'skraib] [erogant] Ceetitjud] [dis kraib] [di'rekta] [di,setis'faek/n)} pokit] {prais] Lpanktu'elati) Ckwoliti] [rizznabl] [rezidant] Lsatis'feek/n] [sikjuarati] [e'bro-d] [o'rest] [breiv} {breik]} ['barela] Pkauad} (ai'zain] [di'stroi} [fe:st leengwids) [frent{] ['dge:man} [indgad] [ino:6'west) [‘pesifist] {rent] Cop'lifta] [stil] [tenant] ['weitris} thudn toi cng suat ign thoai di dong xa hu cd chit sé bat loi sur mé rng 6 dinh dang néi chuyén dign thoai sur gidm bot mang ludi néng thén thué bao kigu ngao thai d6 mota giam déc sur khOng hai long ké méc tui gidca tinh ding gio chat hrong hop ly ngudi dan sur hai long an ninh 6 muse ngoai bit gir can dian len vao tén trom ké hén nhat thiét ké pha hiry tiéng me dé tiéng Phap iéng Duc bi thwong hudng tay bic ngudi theo chii nghra hoa binh tai xdy dung, tha ra tién thé ke cap gia Lim khdich mua hang an cap ngudi thué/muén boi ban nit chién tranh UNIT 1 NATURE IN DANGER VOCABULARY A. READING action (n) (akin) hanh dong affect (v) [o'fekt] anh huong Africa (n) [efrika} chau Phi agriculture (n) ['xgrikaltfa] néng nghiép cheetah (n) [dita] loai bao gépa co-exist (v) kou ig’zist] sng chung, ciing t6n tai consequence (n) ['konsikwans] hau qua destruction (n) [dis'trakJn] su pha huy dinosaur (n) [dainaso:] kung long disappear (v) [disa'pia] bign mat effort (n) [fat] ndluc endangered (a) [in’deindsa(r)d] bi nguy hiém estimate (v) [lestimit -'estimeit] ude tinh exist (v) lig’zist] ‘tn tai extinct (a) [iksttinkt] tuyét ching habit (n) ['haebit] thoi quen ‘human being (n) Chju:man 'bicin] con ngudi human race (n) Chju:man'reis] han loai in danger (exp) [deindsa] 6 nguy co industry (n) Cindostri] cong nghigp interference (n) Lintofiarans] surcan thigp law (n) [lo] uat make sure (v) [meik Jus} dam bio nature (n) [neitfa] thién nhién offspring (n) [o:fsprin] ccon chéu, dong dai panda (n) ('penda] gu tric planet (n) [plenit] hanh tinh pollutant (n) {[polu:tant] chat gay 6 nhiém prohibit (v) [prothibit] cim rare (a) [rea] hiém respect (n) {ri'spekt] khia canh responsible (a) [r'sponsabl] 6 trach nhiém result in (v) [sizalt] gily ra save (v) [seiv] cu scatter (V) [sketa] phan tin serious (a) [siarios} nghiém trong species (n) Uspicfi:z) giong, loai supply (v:n) [se'plai] cung cap ‘whale (n) weil] cd voi wind (n) wind] si6 B. SPEAKING burn (v) capture (v) cultivation (n) cut down (v) discharge (v) discourage (v) encourage (v) fertilizer (n) fur (n) hunt (v) pesticide (n) pet (n) skin (n) threaten (v) wood (n) C. LISTENING completely (a) devastating (a) maintenance (n) preserve (v) protect (v) scenic feature (n) vehicle (n) D. WRITING abundant (a) area (n) east (n) historic (a) island (n) landscape (n location (n) stone tool (n) tropical (a) [ba:n] (keptla] (Lkalti'veifn] [kat daun] [dis'da:ds] [diskarids] [in’karid] ['foctilaiza] [fa] {hant] ('pestisaid] {pet} [skin] [éretn] [wud] {komplithi] [devasteitin] ['meintinans] [pri'zav] [protekt] (sisnik ‘fi:tla] [viokt; ‘vichikl] [a'bandant] [eerie] {boun] ['koustal 'wa-taz] tisst] [his'torik] [ailand] [‘lendskeip} {lou'keifn} {stoun tu:l] ['tropikl] dot bat trong trot don thai ra, d6 ra khong khuyén khich khuyén khich phan bon Jong thi sin thudc trir sdu vat nudi trong nha da de doa 2 oan toan tan pha sur git gin, duy tr bao ton bao vé dac diém canh vat xe co di dao, phong phir ign tich xuong ‘ving bién duyén hai phia dong, thude lich st hon dio phong anh dia diém d6 da nhiét doi E. LANGUAGE FOCUS accident (n) blame (v) concern (Vv) familiar (a) fantastic (a) give up (v) grateful (a) half (n) midway (adv) miss (v) owe (v) point (n) present (n) share (v) UNIT 11: VOCABULARY A. READING alternative (a) at the same time (exp) available (a) balloon (n) coal (n) cost (v) dam (n) electricity (n) energy (n exhausted (a) fossil fuel (n) geothermal heat (n) infinite (a) make use of (exp) nuclear energy (a) oil (n) plentiful (a) pollution (n) power demand (n) release (v) reserve (n) roof (n) safe (a) sailboat (n) save (v) (eksidant] tai [bleim] 6 161 [kon'sa:n] quan tam, ban tam [fe'milja] que : [feen'testik] hay, hap dain {giv ap] [‘greitful] [ha:f] hiép ['mid'weil @nira duong {mis} ho {ou} mic ng a thoi diém thea} mén qua chia sé SOURCES OF ENERGY mai nha an toan thuyén buém tiét kigm ning uong mat toi tam thu nang luong mat toi séng (nude) bi xay gid solar energy (n) solar panel (n) ‘wave (n) windmill (n) thay thé cuing lite 46 sin co bong béng than da t6n (tién) dap (ngin nude) dign nang Iugng can kiét nhién ligu hoa thach dia nhiét vo han tan dung ning luong hat nhan dau nhiéu su 6 nhiém nnhu cau sir dung dién phong ra ti luong B. SPEAKING abundant (a) convenient (a) enormous (a) harmful (a) hydroelectricity (n) nuclear reactor (n) radiation (1) renewable (a) run out (v) C. LISTENING ecologist (n) ecology (n) fertilize (v) ‘grass (n) land (n) ocean (n) petroleum (n) replace (v) D, WRITING as can be seen (exp) chart (n) consumption (n) follow (v) make up (v) show (v) total (a) E, LANGUAGE FOCUS apartment (n) cancer (n) catch (¥) cause (n) conduct (v) experiment (n) extraordinary (a) fence (n) locate (v) overlook (v) park (n) photograph (n) resent (v) progress (n) publish (v) reach (v) research (v) surround (v) [o'bandant] [ken'vi:njant] [i'no:mas] [ha:mful] [ haidrouilek'trisiti] [inju:klia [riveekta] Lreidi'eifn] [ri'njucabl) [ran‘aut) [i'kolodgist] [i'kolod3i] [ortilaiz] [gra:s]} fend} [ouln] [pa'trouliam] Inipleis} Isizn] [a:t] [kon'sampJn} ['falou) ['meikap] [ou] Troutl] {[s'pa:tmant] [keenso] [ketl] {ko:z] [Pkondakt] {iks'periment] [iks'tro:dnei] [fens] {lou'keit] [ouvaluk] [pack] ['foutagra:f ; ‘foutagreef] Ipri'zent] ['prougres] [’pablil] [rial] [ri'so:tf,'risso:t)] [so'raund] bi dao, phong phi tign loi to lon, khéng 16 6 hai thay dign phan img hat nhain phong xa c6 thé thay thé can kiét nha sinh thai hoe sinh thai hoc bon phan © dat dai duong dau hoa, déu mo thay thé c6 thé thay biéu dé sqrtigu thy theo sau chiém (36 lugng) chi ra tang s6 can ho ung thir bit due nguyén nhan tien hinh ude thi nghigm Ja thuang hang rao nim 6 nin ra cong vign bite hinh trinh ba su tién trién xuit ban dat tai nghién etru bao quanh E. LANGUAGE FOCUS apartment (n) cancer (n) catch (v) cause (n) conduct (v) experiment (n) extraordinary (a) fence (n) locate (v) overlook (v) park (n) photograph (n) present (v) progress (n) publish (v) reach (v) research (v) surround (v) [s'pa:tmont] ['keensa] [keet/] {ko:z] [’kondakt] iks'periment] {iks'tro:dnri) [fens] [lou'keit] [Louvalluk] {pa:k] [foutagra:f; ‘foutagreef] [pri'zent] ['prougres} Cpablil] (ried) [ri'so:t, ‘ri:so:t/] [so'raund] can ho ung thr bat duoe nguyén nhan tien hanh ude thi nghigm Ja thuong hang rio nim 6 nhin ra cong vign bite hinh trinh bay su tién trién xuit ban dat toi nghién eiru bao quanh,

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