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NAME : Indhini Rahmaniar

NIM : 2501994746
COURSES : English in Focus

1. I’m no agree with that policy, why? I think the’re no need the PCR or Swab test because
Indonesia have vaccine. If there is still test, why is the vaccine published. In my opinion,
for example, if I go to bali with air I think the requitment just ‘PEDULI LINDUNGI’
because I do a vaccine and I don’t go to far. And if I go to London which is internasional,
I think I should test PCR or Swab test because I don’t know until there and I carry a virus
or not. The government should speed up vaccines for all of them and everything is calm
and free to fly in the air, so there are no requirements.

2. My first go to school

During this time of covid-19, I was school online and it was bored because I don’t
have a friends and the teachers too. After 2 year, suddenly I go to school. Now I prepare
for school because the rules in school now, I must ware a mask and keep health protocol.
After I prepared, I go to sleep because I’m so excited meet my friends and teachers.

In the morning, I wake up too early. And my mom told me to have a breakfast
first. After breakfast, I wait my daddy because my dad bring me to go to school. Now,
I’m go to school. After I came to school, finally I met my friends and teachers. My
teacher told me to go to class.

After in class, I don’t have a chairmates because I follow health protocol in

school. But I have bestfriend, the name is Clara. I know her been in school since she
greeted me. Now, I’m happy in school although keep a distance.

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