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Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology J Chem Technol Biotechnol 75:6±17 (2000)

Bacteriophages and biotechnology: a review
Trevor Marks* and Richard Sharp
Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research, Porton Down, Salisbury, SP4 OJG, UK

Abstract: Bacteriophages are viruses whose hosts are bacterial cells. Like all viruses, phages are
metabolically inert in their extra-cellular form, reproducing only after infecting suitable host bacteria.
Discovered over 80 years ago, they have played a key role in the development of modern biotechnology.
Their initial isolation appeared to offer the ®rst therapeutic for the control of infectious disease. The
discovery of antibiotics in the 1940s eclipsed bacteriophage-based therapies although, with the increase
in multiply drug-resistant pathogens, bacteriophages are being re-evaluated as the basis of new
therapeutic strategies. Their de®ned host speci®city facilitated their application in the typing and
identi®cation of a wide range of bacteria. Bacteriophage typing schemes were developed for most
groups of pathogenic of bacteria and more recently their host speci®city has been applied to the
development of bacterial detection and diagnostic strategies. The advance in molecular biology over
the past 30 years has been built on the study of phage structure and genetics carried out through the
1950s and 1960s. Restriction endonucleases which form the basis of molecular cloning were developed
following studies of phage infection and many phage enzymes provide tools for the molecular biologist.
The technique of phage display has more recently provided a powerful technique for the identi®cation
and optimisation of ligands for antibodies and other biomolecules. In the environment they have been
widely applied as tracers, as indicators of pollution and in the monitoring and validation of biological
®lters. While providing a valuable resource to the development of modern biotechnology, their ability
to mobilise and transfer toxin genes in the environment is viewed with concern. They also present a
continuing challenge to the fermentation and in particular, the dairy industry, where phage infection
can prove commercially disastrous.
# 2000 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: bacteriophage; biotechnology; phage display; phage therapy; gene transfer; diagnostics; biological

1 INTRODUCTION Bacteriophages, like other viruses, carry their

Bacteriophages were identi®ed independently by genetic information in the form of either DNA or
Twort and Lond1 and d'Herelle2 as ®lterable, trans- RNA. Most bacteriophages have tails, the tips of which
missible agents of bacterial lysis. They were initially bind to speci®c receptors such as carbohydrate,
thought to be the key to controlling bacterial infections protein and lipo-polysaccharide molecules on the
but early studies proved largely unsuccessful. surface of the host bacterium (Fig 1). The bacterioph-
Bacteriophages able to infect most procaryotic age injects its nucleic acid into the host where it utilises
groups of organisms have been isolated, and are the genetic machinery of the host to replicate its
readily isolated from soil, water, sewage and, as might genetic material and to transcribe this to form new
be expected, from most environments colonised by phage capsule material for the formation of new phage
bacteria. Ecologically, phages are as varied and as particles. The number of phages produced during a
versatile as their hosts with some able to survive single cycle of infection (the burst size) varies between
extremes of temperature up to 95 °C and extremes of 50 and 200 new phage particles. Bacteriophage
pH as low as pH 1.3±5 resistance can develop through loss or changes in
In the 1940s and 1950s, pioneering studies into the receptor molecules on the host cell surface. Bacteria
structure and physiology of host/phage interactions by also have speci®c mechanisms to protect themselves
DelbruÈck,6±8 Luria,9,10 Doermann,11,12 Hershey,13,14 against the invasion of foreign DNA. Host DNA is
Lwoff,15 Lederberg16 and others laid the basis for the modi®ed by methylation at speci®c points on the DNA
development of molecular biology which in turn sequence; this gives protection to cleavage by host-
became the foundation for a spectrum of new speci®c restriction endo-nucleases. Host-mediated
biotechnologically-based industries. restriction results in the cleavage of all foreign DNA

* Correspondence to: Trevor Marks, Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research, Porton Down, Salisbury, SP4 OJG, UK
(Received 10 March 1999; accepted 27 July 1999)

# 2000 Society of Chemical Industry. J Chem Technol Biotechnol 0268±2575/2000/$17.50 6

Bacteriophages and biotechnology

Figure 1. Electron micrographs of bacteriophages indicating differences in gross morphology. (a) Phage JS025 infecting Bacillus caldotenax, (b) Phage JS017
showing an unusually long tail infecting Bacillus caldotenax, (c) Phage JS027 infecting a thermophilic bacillus, (d) Phage JS017 infecting Bacillus
stearothermophilus strain RS93, (e) Phage 8724/25 infecting B anthracis, (f) Phage infecting Staphylococcus carnosus. All bar markers are 100 nm.

which does not carry the corresponding methylation phages integrate their DNA within the genome of the
pattern. A small number of unmodi®ed phage host bacteria, resulting in a lysogenic infection and the
genomes avoid host-mediated restriction and, on phage genome is passed to all daughter cells at cell
being replicated, become modi®ed, enabling them to division. Some phage genomes are spontaneously
evade restriction by that particular host restriction/ induced, resulting in transcription and production of
modi®cation system in subsequent infective cycles. new phage particles which then infect and lysogenise
Bacteriophages fall into two groups, virulent and other uninfected hosts. Induction of a lysogenic micro-
temperate. Virulent phages induce lytic infection, organism (lysogenic induction) can occur through the
resulting in the lysis of host cells and producing clear action of mutagenic agents such as ultraviolet light and
plaques in lawns of susceptible bacteria. Temperate chemical mutagens. Lysogenic phages generally devel-

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 75:6±17 (2000) 7

T Marks, R Sharp

op hazy or turbid plaques on lawns of susceptible host genic strain of E coli (O9:K30,99), a different mixture
cells. The lysogenisation of a strain with a particular of phages resulted in protection after the onset of
phage confers immunity to infection by other related symptoms. Bacteria developing phage resistance were
phage sharing the same immunity group pro®le. far less virulent due to loss of their capsule. Subse-
Phages with different immunity pro®les are able to quently, Smith demonstrated the ability of phage
infect normally and cells can become lysogenised by a suspensions, sprayed onto the litter in calf pens, to
number of different phages belonging to different control E coli infections.23
immunity groups.17 Soothill30 examined the effect of bacteriophages to
control organisms often implicated in the colonisation
of skin burns. Subsequently he demonstrated the use
2 BACTERIOPHAGE THERAPY of phages to protect skin grafts from destruction by
Bacteriophage therapy (the use of bacterial viruses to Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumanii.
treat bacterial infections) was a major area of interest The latter gave protection at the level of 1 pfu (plaque
60 years ago in the ®ght to combat bacterial forming unit) per 106 bacteria and the number of
infections.18±21 The development of penicillin and phages, isolated from the tissues, indicated consider-
other antibiotics during the 1940s provided a more able in vivo replication.31
ef®cient and comprehensive approach to the eradica- To reduce the elimination of phages by the host
tion of infection and led to the cessation of work in this defence mechanisms of the body during systemic
area. In Eastern Europe, however, work continued and treatment, a serial passage technique in mice was
a number of strategies were developed to combat developed that selected for phages able to survive for
infection using bacteriophages. Hospital studies have longer periods prior to elimination by the immune
shown that the application of bacteriophages to room system.32,33
surfaces and objects, such as toilets, prevents the Bacteriophage therapy offers a number of advan-
transfer of Escherichia coli infections to children and tages over antibiotic therapy, eg it is active against
adults.22 In the veterinary ®eld, it has been demon- drug-resistant organisms and may be used as an
strated that E coli infections in calves can be prevented alternative therapy for patients with allergies to
by spraying the litter in calf pens with aqueous antibiotics. It can be used prophylactically to combat
suspensions of bacteriophages.23 the spread of infection where the source is identi®ed at
While a considerable degree of success was demon- an early stage or where outbreaks occur within a
strated in many of the early studies, failure to become a relatively closed institution, such as old people's
generally accepted therapy has been attributed to homes or schools. Bacteriophages offer high speci®city
failure to select highly virulent phages and selection of towards the target organism and have no effect on non-
phages with too narrow strain speci®city. Other factors target organisms. They are self-replicating and self-
included the emergence of phage-resistant strains, the limiting; when the target organism is present, they
neutralisation or clearance of phages by defence replicate until all target bacteria are infected and lysed.
mechanisms of the body and the liberation of Likewise when no target organism is present the
endotoxins as a result of widespread bacterial lysis. phages will be eliminated from the body. Bacterio-
The potential for the phage-mediated horizontal phages mutate to combat host resistance mutations
transfer of toxin genes is also a factor which may naturally; or they can also be mutated deliberately in
restrict their use in the treatment of particular the laboratory.
infections. With the widespread development of antibiotic
A number of studies to re-evaluate bacteriophage- resistance in pathogenic bacteria, the need for new
based therapies have been carried out in the past 20 antibiotics and alternative strategies to control micro-
years for the treatment of human and veterinary bial infections is of increasing urgency. Bacteriophages
infections, and have been reviewed recently.24±26 may yet have a role to play in the treatment of infection
Smith and Co-workers23,27±29 published a series of both independently and in combination with antibiotic
studies on the treatment of systemic E coli infections in therapy.
mice and diarrhoeal disease in young calves. They
demonstrated that both prophylaxis and treatment
were possible using phage titres much lower than the 3 BACTERIOPHAGE-MEDIATED MICROBIAL
number of target organisms, indicating in vivo multi- CONTROL
plication of the bacteriophages. Bacteriophages have been evaluated for the control of
They demonstrated that injecting 106 cfu (colory bacterial contamination in the food industry, the
forming unit) of E coli intramuscularly resulted in the control of water-borne pathogens such as Vibrio
death of 10 test mice, while a simultaneous injection in cholera34,35 and air-borne pathogens in the hospital
the opposite leg of 104 phages, selected against the K1 environment. They have been considered for the
capsule antigen, gave complete protection. control of Campylobacter in the poultry industry and
When presented before the onset of diarrhoea, a the control of mycobacteria in the environment.36
mixture of two phages protected calves against a A reduction in the numbers of Pseudomonas fragi in
potentially lethal oral infection with an enteropatho- arti®cially inoculated milk was achieved following the

8 J Chem Technol Biotechnol 75:6±17 (2000)

Bacteriophages and biotechnology

Table 1. Phage products and enzymes

Phage product Application Phage

Phage DNA46,47 Generation of molecular weight markers Substrate in restriction enzyme l, f X174
Unmethylated l DNA. Produced in Substrate for restriction enzymes sensitive to DNA methylation l
E coli dam and dcm methylase-
de®cient strain46,47
l insertion vectors46,47 Construction of cDNA libraries and genomic libraries with small size inserts l,
l cloning vectors46,47 Multifunctional cloning vector accepting fragments from 9±23kb l,
DNA ligase46,47 Catalyses the joining of two strands of DNA between 5'-phosphate and T4
3'hydroxyl groups of adjacent nucleotides
DNA polymerase46,47 Catalyses the 5'±3' synthesis of DNA from a primed single stranded DNA T4, T7
DNA polynuceotide kinase46,47 Catalyses the transfer of the phosphate from ATP to the 5'-terminus of poly T4
nucleotides or to mononucleotides bearing a 3'-phosphate group
RNA ligase46,47 Catalyses the ATP-dependent inter- and intramolecular ligation of single T4
stranded RNA or DNA
RNA polymerase46,47 DNA-dependent RNA polymerase with high speci®city for T3, T7 or SP6 T3, T7, SP6
promoter sequences

addition of bacteriophages.37 Applying the conditions considered to require phages able to interact with
used for retail display, Greer38 examined the control of speci®c cell receptors, and bio®lm-speci®c phages may
food spoilage in extracts of beef muscle and refriger- exist and infect only cells growing as a bio®lm.41
ated beef using bacteriophages Growth of Pseudomonas Bacteriophage SF153b produces a polysaccharide
sp was controlled at 7 °C for a period of 3 days. depolymerase enzyme speci®c for exopolysaccharide
Treatment of Pseudomonas inoculated steaks with a which is able to disrupt bio®lms.42
high titre of phages resulted in a 1±2 log decrease in Listeriaphages were evaluated for the disinfection of
bacteria with a 2 log increase in phage numbers. There stainless steel and polypropylene surfaces contami-
was a signi®cant marked decrease in surface discolora- nated with Listeria monocytogenes. Phage suspensions
tion of the meat and the shelf-life of steaks was at concentrations up to 3.5  108 pfu cmÿ3 were found
increased from 1.6 to 2.9 days. to have a comparable activity with 20 ppm solution of a
In contrast, other studies, using a pool of seven quaternary ammonium compound (QUATAL). Two
bacteriophages were unsuccessful in controlling a wide phages used in combination, or in combination with
range of Pseudomonas species in beef.39 The lack of QUATAL, produced a synergistic affect; they were
success was attributed to the narrow range of host resistant to 4 h exposure to QUATAL at concentra-
speci®city within the phage pool. Of 1023 strains of tions up to 50 ppm.43
pseudomonads isolated from meat originating from Streptococcus sanguis is one of the ®rst colonisers of
®ve abattoirs, only 57.2% were sensitive to the phage newly cleaned teeth and initiates plaque formation,
Persistence and virulence were not problems with enabling other microorganisms to attach and grow.
signi®cant phage titre being maintained after 14 days. Norris44 proposed the incorporation of bacteriophages
The development of bio®lms through cells directly into toothpaste, dental ¯oss, chewing gum and sweets
attached to surfaces and those indirectly attached to to control the development of dental plaque induced
subsurface bacteria via exopolymeric substances pre- by S sanguis. Similarly the use of phages to control
sents a considerable challenge to their removal and acid-producing bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophi-
control. Incorporated within a bio®lm, bacteria lus to combat the development of dental caries was
become less accessible to antibiotics and chemical proposed.45
control and are intrinsically more resistant. They
present a challenge to industry through biofouling,
through the development of protective microbial ®lms 4 BACTERIOPHAGE ENZYMES
on food processing equipment and in the medical Coliphage T4 falls into the group of larger T phages
devices industry through growth on the surfaces of with a genome of 170kb. Over 200 genes have been
catheters, prostheses and implants. identi®ed and 43 phage-encoded proteins identi®ed.
Bio®lms of E coli strain 3000 XIII developed on the These are essential for replication of the phage DNA
surfaces of polyvinylchloride coupons were demon- and the formation of new phage particles. Bacterioph-
strated to be infected and lysed using bacteriophage age genomes have been developed as cloning vectors
T4D.40 Similar studies with phages to Pseudomonas sp and phage-encoded promoters utilised as components
within bio®lms indicated phages were only infecting in the construction of expression vectors. Bacterioph-
the surface organisms. The control of bio®lms was age enzymes are widely exploited as tools for molecular

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 75:6±17 (2000) 9

T Marks, R Sharp

biology including DNA polymerase, RNA polymerase, been developed and widely exploited and new
DNA ligase, RNA ligase and polynucleotide kinase strategies have been widely reviewed.52±59
(Table 1).46,47 These are now produced as recombi-
nant products from E coli. Thermophilic phages have
been examined as a source of thermostable DNA 6 BACTERIOPHAGE TYPING
polymerase.48 The controlled production of phage- One of the ®rst practical applications of bacterio-
encoded lysozyme is coordinated with maturation of phages took advantage of the speci®city of many
new phage particles, enabling their release from the phages for their host. The analysis of patterns of
host cell. sensitivity to a speci®c panel of bacteriophages gave a
Phages infecting exopolysaccharide-producing bac- precise technique for the identi®cation of bacteria. A
teria in bio®lms have been shown to induce the set of phages for the epidemiological typing of
synthesis of enzymes able to degrade these polymers. Staphylococcus aureus was described in 1942.60 The
These enzymes appear to act as endo-glucanohydro- importance of using a routine test dilution (RTD),
lases42 and may ®nd application in the control of which was de®ned as the concentration of phages to
bio®lm formation. produce a semi-con¯uent lysis on the propagating
The lysins of bacteriophages have been examined strain, was recognised. In 1953, The International
for their potential to hydrolyse the cell walls of Subcommittee on Phage Typing was formed to co-
organisms resistant to the lysozyme of hens egg ordinate the selection of basic sets of phages and to
white.49 In cheese manufacture ¯avour maturation is develop the methodology. The Central Public Health
dependent upon the generation of proteolytic enzymes Laboratory in London maintains and distributes the
such as peptidases being released from the starter cells international Basic Set of phages and their propagation
as they spontaneously lyse. Recombinant phage lysins strains.61 Phage typing systems have also been
and autolysins have been used for the development of established for many other groups of micro-organisms
controlled starter cell lysis to promote intracellular including Salmonella,62 E coli 0157,63 Mycobacterium
enzyme release.50 This was ®rst demonstrated by tuberculosis,64 Listeria65 and Campylobacter.66
Shearman et al.51 who expressed f ML3 lysin in
lactococci introducing the gene on a plasmid. The
recombinant strain grew normally through the ex- 7 THE USE OF BACTERIOPHAGES AS
ponential phase and lysed spontaneously in the BIOLOGICAL TRACERS
stationary phase. Bacteriophages have been utilised as tracers of both
air-borne and water movement.67 Their use in the
study of hydrology of aquifers began in the 1970s by
5 PHAGE DISPLAY demonstrating their effectiveness as groundwater
Phage M13 and other ®lamentous phages have been tracers for the delineation of ¯ow paths over consider-
used as expression vectors in which foreign gene able distances. Coliphage T4 was successfully used to
products are fused to the phage coat proteins and trace a groundwater ¯ow for 1.6 km in the Karst terrain
displayed on the surface of the phage particle. of southern Missouri in the USA.68
The power of phage display centres on the batch The advantages offered by bacteriophages as
cloning of millions of variants of particular ligands into groundwater tracers include their small size, negligible
the phage genome as a fusion to the gene encoding one impact on water quality, the potential to use high
of the coat proteins (pIII, pVI, pVIII). When expressed concentrations and the ability to detect low numbers
the coat protein fusion is incorporated into new phage using ®ltration recovery strategies. The potential to
particles that are assembled in the bacteria. The ligand add phages at concentrations up to 1013 pfu (much
is then expressed at the surface of the mature phage higher than would be possible with bacterial tracers)
particles, while its genetic material remains encoded enables signi®cant dilution of phages throughout the
within the phage genome. A wide range of proteins, water system under study.
peptides and random peptide libraries have been Phages were used by Noonan and McNabb69 to
displayed on the surface of phages. Phage particles demonstrate the spread of faecal contamination from a
displaying the desired property can be separated using sewage disposal site in New Zealand using an injection
af®nity chromatography or panning on immobilised of coliphage T4 into an alluvial aquifer. The phage was
selector molecules. The selected phage is used to re- traced to an observation well 900 m downhill. Simi-
infect bacteria and further enriched. The success of larly, the dispersion of coliphage f2 was monitored,
ligand phage display is dependent upon the combina- following continuous addition over 7 days into a rapid
tion of the display and enrichment strategy with the in®ltration sewage disposal site.70
synthesis of large combinatorial repertoires of phages. The movement of groundwater beneath a coal
The display of peptides on the surface of a phage spoilage heap was traced over 680 m using an
presents a powerful tool for the identi®cation or Aerobacter aerogenose phage, con®rming results pre-
optimisation of ligands for antibodies and other viously derived from hyrogeological studies. Unlike
biomolecules. Smith52 constructed the ®rst phage other tracers such as organic dyes, this phage was not
display library in 1985. Since then the procedure has absorbed to certain media in the substrata.71

10 J Chem Technol Biotechnol 75:6±17 (2000)

Bacteriophages and biotechnology

Bacteriophages MS2 and PRD1 were used in large amounts of air required for microbial growth,
trench-to-trench lateral groundwater ¯ow studies in a ®ltration systems which eliminate the ingress of
weathered and fractured clay-rich till. The phages contaminating bacteriophages are required. Rapp et
added at 105±106 pfu cm3 were detected in water al 77 carried out short and long-term tests on air-
seepage collection points set in a trench 4 m from the sterilising ®lters using phage fX174. The model
source trench. Peak phage titres were in the region of demonstrated a 108-fold reduction in the numbers of
102±104 pfu cmÿ3 and were detectable for up to 5 days. bacteriophages. Similar studies were reported by
Phage attenuation was considered to be due to Vandenbroucke-Grauls et al 78 using phage T1.
inactivation and either attachment to the fracture Tests developed to assess the virucidal activity of a
walls or diffusion into larger pores. In contrast, similar range of skin disinfectants utilised both poliovirus
studies using bromide as a tracer in place of phages (vaccine strain Sabin lan) and coliphages MS2 and K1-
took up to several months.72 K5. The advantages provided by the use of bacter-
Phage PRD1 was selected for transport and recovery iophages as test organisms precluded the need for
studies in sand and gravel aquifers and to assess the complex recovery systems and could be applied by any
affect of sewage-derived organic material on virus bacteriology laboratory.79
attachment. In the uncontaminated zone, 83% of the
PRD1 was attenuated over the ®rst metre by attach-
ment to aquifer grains. In the contaminated zone, 42% 9 PHAGE-BASED DIAGNOSTICS
of the phages were attenuated over the ®rst metre. The speci®city of bacteriophages for their bacterial
Sewage-derived organic material reduced the attenua- hosts has made them the object of study in order to
tion of the phages by blocking attachment sites in the provide rapid and accurate detection of selected target
contaminated zone. The results indicated the signi®- organisms. A number of diagnostics based upon the
cance of contaminating organic material in the use of bacteriophages will also only detect metab-
ef®ciency of virus particle attenuation.72 olically-active target organisms. In order for phage-
Pathogens are easily introduced into groundwater based diagnostic tests to be readily acceptable, they
via septic tanks, land®ll, crop irrigation, and treated must be simple and economical to use. In comparison
sewage ef¯uent. Some of the more common water to antibodies, phages can be produced in large
borne viral diseases result from the dissemination of quantities at low cost, offering the prospect of
Norwalk virus, Rota virus, and Hepatitis A. Rapid inexpensive, accurate and sensitive diagnostics. How-
monitoring and detection of contamination with faecal ever, one of the principal problems in phage-based
material is essentially based on the detection of diagnostics is the visualisation of the phage.
bacteria normally considered to be of human origin One of the methods used for the visualisation of a
such as total faecal coliforms. The potential for positive identi®cation is the cloning of the luciferase
contamination with enteric viruses is therefore de- gene (lux) into the phage. Upon infection into the host
duced rather than con®rmed through direct analysis. bacterium, transcription of the phage DNA results in
Snowdon and Oliver73 proposed the development of production of luciferase which can then be detected by
strategies to detect small round RNA coliphages as virtue of the resultant light emission. This technique was
surrogates for the con®rmation of enteric viruses. used by Kodikara et al 80 for the detection of enteric
These phage were considered to survive and behave in indicator bacteria in food. Without recovery or enrich-
groundwater and under geological conditions in a ment, levels in excess of 104 gÿ1 or cmÿ2 could be
manner similar to human small round enteric viruses. detected in 50 min. Levels of 10 gÿ1 or cmÿ2 could be
detected following a 4 h enrichment period. Similarly,
the use of the lux gene in Listeria-speci®c bacteriophages
8 THE USE OF BACTERIOPHAGES FOR was evaluated for the detection of L monocytogenes in a
MONITORING AND VALIDATION range of food and environmental samples.81 With pre-
The removal of viral particles by a wide range of enrichment steps of 20 h, one organism per gram could
®ltration systems has been evaluated and validated be detected in foods such as ricotta cheese, chocolate
using a number of different bacteriophages. A model pudding and cabbage. In foods with a larger and more
system for testing viral barrier properties of simple diverse microbial ¯ora, such as minced meat and soft
®lters was evaluated using a bacteriophage active cheese, at least 10 cells per gram were necessary for
against Serratia marcescens.74 Benbough and Bennett75 detection. The recombinant phages detected 55 listeria
used air-borne challenges with coliphage T1 to model positives from a range of 348 potentially contaminated
the ability of Filta-therm and Filta-guard ®ltration food and environmental samples. This compared with
systems to protect equipment and patients from 57 positives derived from standard plating procedures.
human viruses such as Hepatitis B. The removal The lux-phage method appeared to detect more positive
ef®ciency of the Pall Ultipor Breathing system ®lter for samples in dairy products and environmental samples,
particles in the size range of Hepatitis A and HIV was whereas the standard plating method showed more
determined using a mono-dispersed aerosol challenge positives with meat and poultry products. However, the
of the coliphage MS2.76 To avoid the introduction of recombinant phage method gave results in 24 h, whilst
bacteriophages into fermentation systems with the the plating method required 4 days to show positives.

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 75:6±17 (2000) 11

T Marks, R Sharp

With the increased incidence of multi-drug resistant the best yield of phages per unit volume of culture, the
strains of tuberculosis, the need for a rapid screen of optimum time for phage infection was such that
drug susceptibility of a given strain is crucial to the bacterial lysis just prevented the carbon dioxide evolu-
early commencement of drug therapy. The use of tion rate reaching its potential maximum. Cultures
recombinant Mycobacterium bacteriophage (TM4) grown and infected under conditions of low aeration
carrying a luciferase reporter gene has been tested as gave poor yields of phages. Inorder to prevent premature
a tool for rapid assessment of drug susceptibilities.82 infection of bacterial cultures, separate facilities were
When strains of Mycobacterium, some of which were used to prepare bacterial seed cultures and phage
drug-resistant, were grown for 24 h, and in the preparations. If cultures are left too long after phage
presence of selected antibiotics, light was only infection, the cultures can become overgrown by
produced in those strains that were resistant to those resistant bacterial cells. Earlier work by Strauss and
antibiotics under test. However, due to poor expres- Sinsheimer,87 and by Seigel and Singer88 gave yields of
sion of the luciferase, in the order of 104±105 cells were phages of up to 200 mg per dm3 of culture, as calculated
required to produce a signi®cant signal. Use of a by Sergeant and Yeo,86 albeit at smaller volumes than
different cloning strategy and phage (L5) resulted in those authors.
high levels of luciferase being expressed in integrated
prophages.83 This was shown to be able to detect
rifampicin-resistant strains (RifR) of M smegmatis in a 11 PROCESS CONTAMINATION
mixed population at a level of 1:1000 with rifampicin- The contamination of a fermentation production plant
sensitive strains (RifS), which is below the accepted can lead to signi®cant losses through increased `down-
detection level of 1:100.84 In addition, the phage was time' and cause considerable problems in eradication
able to detect as few as 700 colony forming units (cfu) of the infection. Bacteriophages can effectively shut
of M smegmatis after 20 h incubation, falling to 70 cfu down a fermentation plant, the source is often
following 40 h incubation. impossible to identify and the prevention of subse-
A recent development in phage-based diagnostics quent infection is dif®cult. Certain processes and
has been the `phage ampli®cation assay'.85 This is production strains appear more susceptible than
based upon the phage lytic cycle and relies on plaque others. Phages may enter from external sources such
visualisation as the assay end point. The assay as the air supply and raw materials, or as lysogens
comprises essentially four stages. Firstly the phages within the culture itself.
are used to infect the target bacterium. Next, Those fermentations conducted within the food
exogenous phages are destroyed by a virucidal agent, industry, often with non-sterile raw materials and with
pomegranate rind extract. Ampli®cation of the phages exposed operating processes, are particularly prone to
within the host, which have been protected from the infection. Industrial fermentations producing anti-
action of the virucide, results in subsequent formation biotics, enzymes or recombinant products generally
of visible plaques on lawns of helper bacteria. The use only employ pre-sterilised feed stocks, and micro-
of the virucide ensures that only those phages which organisms are generally cultivated using sterile media
have been internalised into the target bacteria are able and carefully controlled operating procedures.
to form plaques. Using this method, P aeruginosa has The introduction of lysogenic phages via the use of
been detected at levels of 40 cmÿ3 and Salmonella new seed cultures or new production strains needs
typhimurium at 600 cmÿ3 within 4 h. One signi®cant careful control. Prior to the introduction of new seed
advantage of this method of detection is that naturally or starter cultures to a process they must be intensively
occurring phages are used, without the need for screened for the presence and induction of lysogenic
genetic modi®cation, thus reducing the costs required phages. Once introduced into a plant it may take many
to develop the test for other organisms. weeks to ensure that the process environment is free
from potential sources of re-contamination. It may be
bene®cial to switch the plant to the growth of
10 LARGE-SCALE PRODUCTION OF alternative cultures not sensitive to the contaminating
BACTERIOPHAGES phages. A small pilot plant, growing a wide range of
The production of bacteriophages in large quantities micro-organisms, had no problem with phage infec-
became essential for their use as tracers, the production tion in its processes for a period of 25 years until it
of phage-encoded enzymes and their use as anti- replaced an expensive, electrically operated hot air
microbial agents. Much of the work on large-scale sterilisation unit by inlet depth ®lters to supply sterile
production of phages was undertaken in the 1950s and air to the plant. Within 6 months, a series of phage
1960s. Sergeant and Yeo86 produced E coli bacterioph- infections almost closed the plant and caused con-
age m2 at the 150 dm3 scale in stirred tank fermenters siderable disruption. The plant was situated in
during the mid-1960s. Phage titres in excess of 1013 pfu/ proximity to a farm where slurry spreading was
cmÿ3 were obtained, resulting in yields of phage of widespread in the autumn. While it was impossible
75 mg/dmÿ3 of culture. The authors found that aeration to con®rm, the assumption was that coliphages present
of the culture and timing of the addition of bacterio- within the slurry were aerosolised during spreading
phages was critical to obtaining maximum yields. For and were taken up in the air inlets to the plant.

12 J Chem Technol Biotechnol 75:6±17 (2000)

Bacteriophages and biotechnology

Many phages require the presence of cations such as ment of bacteriophage-insensitive mutants (BIMs)
Ca2‡ and Mg2‡ to promote adsorption to bacteria. which are generally derived from the isolation of
The use of media incorporating cation chelators such spontaneously arising phage-resistant strains. These
as phosphates, citrate or oxalate remove free cations mutations are generally considered to be due to
and inhibit phage adsorption. Other medium compo- chromosomal mutations resulting in loss of phage
nents inhibiting phages include non-ionic detergents, receptors on the cell coat. At least seven different
ascorbic acid, phytic acid and spermine.89 Good lactococci plasmids have been found to encode genes
sanitation is critical in controlling phage infections that inhibit phage adsorption to the host cell. Plasmid
with readily cleaned equipment, no obscure or hidden pME0030 48kb from L lactis ssp lactis ME2 reduced
ledges or open drainage channels within the plant, the phage adsorption by 80±90% to 20±40% when carried
use of chlorine-based disinfectants and the sterilisation in the host strain.92 Plasmids pSK11 (54kb) from L
of all raw materials used within the process. It is lactis ssp lactis SK110 and pCI528 (46kb) from L lactis
imperative that, if contamination does occur (often ssp cremoris UC503, appeared to prevent phage
®rst observed by foaming within the fermentation adsorption by masking the phage receptor sites.93±95
vessel), sampling ceases immediately and all samples pSK11 appears to produce a galactose-containing
are immediately heat sterilised. In addition sampling lipoteichoic acid moiety which is implicated in the
areas must be disinfected and the contents of the masking of the receptor.96,97 pCI528 is involved in the
fermentation vessel sterilised prior to disposal. The formation of a cell wall-associated hydrophilic polymer
harvesting of batches contaminated with phage can containing rhamnose and galactose which is respon-
lead to the generation of phage aerosols throughout sible for phage inhibition.98
the process plant leading to major subsequent decon- There is evidence that after successful phage adsorp-
tamination problems. In any plant where phage tion to the host, injection of phage DNA can be
contamination is a recurrent problem, routine surface prevented. Inhibition of DNA injection to the host was
and air-borne monitoring should be carried out. demonstrated in Lactococcus carrying a lactococcal
plasmid, pNP40.99±101 Speci®c host-cell membrane
proteins appear to be required for successful phage
12 THE DAIRY INDUSTRY AND THE infection and it is considered that these may be the target
DEVELOPMENT OF PHAGE-RESISTANT STRAINS for a mechanism interfering with DNA penetration.91
While the details of phage infections of industrial scale The mechanism of host Restriction and Modi®ca-
processes are not generally published, the food tion (RM) has been discussed earlier. The RM systems
industry is generally the most affected, in particular of many lactococci spp have been characterised and
the fermented dairy products industry producing enzymes cloned.91 Modi®cation or incorporation of
cheese and yoghurt. these into susceptible hosts presents an opportunity to
Fermented dairy products were one of the ®rst prevent phage multiplication.
applications of microbiology to the production of food. The inhibition of the intracellular development of
Early cheese-makers utilised complex mixed cultures bacteriophages has also been observed and, although
developed over years of sub-culturing. With an increas- the mechanisms acting are not clearly understood,
ing understanding of microbiology, starter cultures were they appear to be the result of abortive infection (Abi)
developed which often-comprised single or paired plasmids.91 The 64kb plasmid, pNP40, has been
microbial cultures. This together with the increasing demonstrated to inhibit infection by phage c2 follow-
scale of modern dairy fermentations enhanced the ing conjugal transfer of the plasmid to the plasmid-free
ability of a phage to wipe out a single strain resulting in recipient L lactis ssp lactis LM2301.102 The plasmid
a considerable ®nancial loss. The dairy industry has thus appears to carry three independent phage insensitivity
taken the lead in the development of strains resistant to traits, two operating as abortive infection mechanisms
phage infection and much of the recent research centres interfering with the lytic cycle and the other interrupt-
around organisms used in the dairy industry. ing phage injection.99,100 In bacteriophage lambda,
Dairy starter cultures are predominantly composed phage exclusion mechanisms include the Rex proteins
of sub-species and strains of Lactococcus lactis. Com- which appear to be encoded by plasmids or prophages
ponents of a starter culture are selected for their fast and promote the death of the host cell following phage
acid-producing ability, high phage insensitivity and infection. Phage infection triggers early cells death of
differing phage susceptibilities. Speci®c combinations the host before the phage infection cycle can be
are used continuously until they become phage- completed and progeny phage released and hence
sensitive or alternatively they may be rotated to prevents their spread to nearby cells.103
minimise phage build-up by limiting exposure of any
one combination to potential phage exposure.90
The harnessing of naturally occurring mechanisms 13 BACTERIOPHAGE-MEDIATED GENE
of phage resistance together with the development of TRANSFER
novel strategies developed through genetic manipula- Many bacterial virulence determinants are encoded by
tion are the subject of considerable research.91 accessory element-borne genes, rather than those that
Adsorption inhibition results through the develop- are chromosomally located. In the 1950s, the b

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 75:6±17 (2000) 13

T Marks, R Sharp

prophage of Corynebacterium diptheriae was implicated modern biotechnology. From the early hopes of
in the increased virulence of strains harbouring this developing methods for the control of microbial
phage.104 Many such virulence determinants are now infections, later eclipsed by the discovery of anti-
believed to be phage-encoded, for example, the genes biotics, to the latest developments in phage display
coding for shiga-like toxins (SLT) in strains of E coli technology, bacteriophages have played key roles in
0157 are located on bacteriophage genomes.105,106 The biotechnological advancements. Their usefulness is
conversion of non-toxigenic strains of E coli to toxigenic underlined by the diversity of their uses in biotechnol-
strains has also been demonstrated. A phage, H19A, ogy. Phages have been used as tracers in the environ-
isolated from E coli serotype O26:H19, encoding SLT I, ment, as challenge agents for monitoring and
has been used to convert the enteroadherent E coli validation, and as bacterial typing systems. In the ®eld
RDEC-1, which is a rabbit pathogen, into a signi®cantly of molecular biology they have been used as sources of
more virulent strain, RDEC-H19A.107 It has been enzymes and have been invaluable as cloning vectors.
proposed that the new strain, RDEC-H19A, may form As we enter the next millennium, the wheel has turned
the basis of an animal model for shiga-like toxin full circle, with re-awakened interest in phage therapy,
production.108 More recently, VT genes have been sparked by concerns over the emergence of drug-
identi®ed in other bacterial strains including Citrobacter resistant micro-organisms, and the re-emergence of
freundii109 and Aeromonas sp.110 pathogens believed to have been eradicated from the
Similarly, in Vibrio cholerae the structural genes for developed world.
cholera enterotoxin are located on the genome of a The continuing struggle between phages and their
bacteriophage, CTXΦ, which is related to the E coli hosts resulting in the infection of microbial fermenta-
phage M13. For full virulence, V cholerae requires two tions will continue to present a challenge to the
factors for virulence, cholera toxin and toxin-co- biotechnology industry. Increased concerns over the
regulated pili, which are required for colonisation. ability of phages to transfer genes, especially virulence
Phage CTXΦ uses the pili as its receptor. Infection by factors, amongst microbiol populations, potentially
CTXΦ was reported to occur more ef®ciently in the resulting in the creation of pathogens with enhanced
gastrointestinal tract of mice than in vitro.111 virulence, have ensured that fundamental research on
Other bacterial toxins that are encoded on bacter- the biology of phages is likely to continue unabated.
iophage genomes include type A exotoxin in Strepto- At the end of the 20th century, the emergence of the
coccus pyogenes112±114 coded on bacteriophage T12, powerful technique of phage display, with its potential
staphylokinase and enterotoxin A115 in S aureus116 and to revolutionise screening in the biotechnology and
cytotoxins in P. aeruginosa.117 The transfer of neuro- pharmaceutical industries, provides ample testament
toxin type E from strains of Clostridium butyricum to to the pioneering work and beliefs of d'Herelle, Twort
non-toxigenic strains of Cl botulinum has been shown and other workers, who achieved so much at its
to be mediated by bacteriophage.118 Other virulence beginning.
determinants coded on bacteriophages include capsule
production by Streptococcus pnuemoniae119 and lipopo-
lysaccharide acetylase.120 Cheethan and Katz121 pre-
sent a more detailed review of the transfer of bacterial 1 Twort FW and Lond LRCP, An investigation on the nature of
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additional factors can only increase the subsequent Thermus bacteriophage YBIO, in Abstracts of XIV International
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5 Zillig W, Reiter WD, Palm P, Gropp F, Neumann H and
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