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Cobalt Overview

Cobalt is an absolute novelty for Acustica, it’s totally dif- Cobalt (EQ)
ferent respect other Acqua-plugins suite in every way. It is derived from the classic Pultec design with some
Through Stefano Dall’Ora (SoundDrops), who is an inval- added custom features, such as the separation of bass
uable collaborator of Acusticaudio, and has been deep- frequencies, for example, so that you can choose the Cut
ly involved in the production of this project, the Acustica frequency independently from the Boost frequency; then
team came in contact with Luca Martegani, also known we have a High band Boost section with an extremely
as Xelius. Luca is the manufacturer of an amazing suite of personal sound, because it’s built only with inductances,
hand-built audio hardware, characterized by great sound, instead of the more customary capacitors. Our emulation
quality, and value. has preserved all these sound features and we are very
The equalizer and compressor are the elements of this proud of the result.
suite that impressed us the most, so we have decided to
base our new product on both of them. We have called it Cobalt Comp
Cobalt. It’s an extremely versatile tube compressor. Thanks to
Acustica technology, we have been able to faithfully re-
The basic idea behind Cobalt produce the original device. CORE X contributed to cre-
ate a masterpiece able to reproduce the behaviour of the
LUCA: There are so many things in audio that are of fun- hardware, and at the same time, it provides a number of
damental importance to the basic sound stage; the depth plug-ins considerably more tolerable CPU consumption.
of the sound spaces, the way transients are handled, so
my approach has been focused on the entire sound, not Cobalt Pre
just about the tonal color. Cobalt Pre includes 5 different tube preamps to add great
Original devices are completely tube-based. Tubes are warmth.
used in the input stage, then in all of the internal gain sec- They precisely emulate the phase, frequency response
tions, up to the output stage. and harmonic distortion of their corresponding circuits.
The best use of these colors can only be decided by user
Why this choice? on a case per case basis and the engineer’s final judg-
ment should always depend on his/her own ears and im-
LUCA: In my own research, after countless listening ses- agination.
sions, I’ve come to the conclusion that the amazing sound
of those vintage devices we used to love comes from the Cobalt Dynamic Eq
tube circuits. The real novelty of this suite is showcased by our Cobalt
Many years of study, research and experiments (started in Dyn EQ (dynamic equalizer), the first of its kind.
the early 90’s) finally led me to these great results. Just like with audio productions, our idea was created as
a sort of remix of COBALT EQ and COBALT COMP. The
Cobalt is the name of the suite that consists of four differ- result of this is an incredible Dynamic EQ, the first of it’s
ent plug-ins: kind based on sampling characterized from some new
• COBALT (EQ) and important features.
• COBALT COMP These “endorsed” plug-ins are qualitatively unsurpassed
• COBALT PRE projects that, in our opinion, deserve to be among the top
• COBALT DYN EQ products in the digital audio market.

Introduzione a Cobalt
Cobalt rappresenta una novità assoluta in casa Acustica, indubbio valore su cui noi crediamo ciecamente e da qui
è totalmente differente in ogni modo rispetto alle altre Ac- è nata l’idea di costruire questa suite chiamata Cobalt.
qua plug-in suite L’equalizzatore e il compressore che ci hanno veramente
Grazie a Stefano dall’Ora (SoundDrops), che è anche un impressionati, quindi abbiamo deciso di creare anche un
collaboratore di Acusticaudio e che poi si è occupato a nuovo prodotto che rappresenta la fusione di entrambi.
attivamente nella produzione di questo progetto, sono
entrato in contatto con Luca Martegani in arte Xelius, che
è il produttore di una suite di strumentazione hardware di

Cobalt, l’idea di fondo che tu possa scegliere indipendentemente la frequenza
di CUT dalla frequenza di BOOST e una cella di Acuti
Luca: Ci sono molte caratteristiche interessanti nell’au- con una caratteristica estremamente personale perchè
dio che hanno un’importanza fondamentale, al di la del realizzata ad induttori. La nostra emulazione ha preser-
semplice timbro, che possono essere la scena sonora, vato tutte le caratteristiche sonore e siamo veramente or-
la profondità degli spazi sonori, la caratteristica dei tran- gogliosi del risultato.
sienti e quindi il mio approccio è stato un po’ totale sul
suono, non mi sono concentrato unicamente sul colore Cobalt Comp
sul timbro. Esso è un compressore valvolare estremamente versatile.
Le macchine originali sono a struttura completamente Grazie alla tecnologia di Acustica, siamo stati in grado di
valvolare, intendo che le valvole sono presenti dallo sta- riprodurre fedelmente l’outboard originale. CORE X ha
dio d’alimentazione a tutti gli stadi di gain interni contribuito a creare un vero capolavoro che riproduce al
meglio il comportamento hardware e allo stesso tempo
Perché questa scelta? fornisce plug-ins dai consumi CPU decisamente più tol-
LUCA: nella mia ricerca personale ho cercato il mio suono
convinto e sicuro che questo suono venisse proprio dalla Cobalt Pre
circuitazione valvolare. Cobalt Pre include 5 differenti preamplificatori valvolari in
Molti hanni di studio, ricerca e sperimentazioni (iniziati nei grado di aggiungere il calore che li contraddistingue.
primi anni ‘90) mi hanno portato a questi ottimi risultati. Essi emulano precisamente la fase, la risposta in fre-
quenza e la distorsione armonica the circuiti corrispond-
Cobalt è il nome di una suite che consiste in quattro dif- enti. L’uso migliore di questi colori può essere deciso
ferenti plug-ins: dall’utente caso per caso e la decisione finale dell’in-
• COBALT (EQ) gegnere del suono deve sempre dipendere dalle proprie
• COBALT COMP orecchie e dalla sua immaginazione.
• COBALT DYN EQ Cobalt Dynamic Eq
La vera novità di questa suite è rappresentato dal nostro
Nei prossimi capitoli troverai spiegazioni dettagliate della Cobalt Dyn EQ (equalizzatore dinamico), il primo nel suo
suite. Qui sotto una breve anteprima. genere..
Come nelle produzioni audio, la nostra idea era creare
Cobalt (EQ) una sorta di Remix di Cobalt EQ e Cobalt Comp. Il risul-
Esso è derivato dal classico Pultec design con già delle tato di questo questa fusione è un incredibile EQ dinami-
caratteristiche personalizzate da me quali la separazione co, il primo basato su campionamento e caratterizzato da
per esempio delle celle di frequenza dei bassi in maniera nuove importanti personalizzazioni.
Questi “endorsed” plug-ins sono progetti qualitativa-
mente ineguagliabili che, secondo noi, meritano di essere
tra i migliori prodotti del mercato audio digitale.

Cobalt Überblick
COBALT ist eine absolute Neuheit in Acusticas Pro- Die grundlegende Idee, auf der COBALT basiert
grammspektrum. Im Vergleich zu allen bisherigen Acqua
Plugin Suites ist COBALT einfach anders — und zwar in LUCA: Es gibt so viele Dinge, die von fundamentaler Be-
jeglicher Hinsicht. deutung für eine grundlegende Räumlichkeit sind, wie
Durch Stefano Dall’Ora (SoundDrops), einem unschätz- Tiefenstaffelung, Art der Transientenbearbeitung etc.,
baren Mitarbeiter von Acusticaudio und bei diesem Pro- dass meine Herangehensweise von Anfang an auf den
jekt besonders involviert, kam das Acustica Team in Kon- Gesamtklang ausgerichtet war, nicht nur auf die Klang-
takt zu Luca Martegani, auch als Xelius bekannt. Luca ist farbe allein.
der Hersteller einer unglaublichen Suite handgebauter Au- Die originalen Geräte sind vollständig röhrenbasiert. In
diohardware, die sich durch einen großartigen Klang, eine der Eingangsstufe werden Röhren verwendet, auch in
hohe Produktqualität und ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Ver- allen weiteren internen Verstärkungsstufen – bis hin zur
hältnis auszeichnet. Ausgangsstufe.
Equalizer und Kompressor sind die beiden Elemente
dieser Suite, die uns am stärksten beeindruckt haben. Und warum diese Wahl?
Deshalb entschieden wir uns dazu, unser neues Produkt
auf der Basis dieser beiden Komponenten zu entwickeln. LUCA: Während meiner eigenen Untersuchungen kam ich
Wir haben es COBALT genannt. nach zahllosen Hörstudien zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass

der umwerfende Klang dieser alten Geräte, die wir so lieb- CORE X trug dazu bei, ein Meisterstück zu schaffen,
en, von deren Röhrenschaltungen herrührt. welches einerseits das Verhalten der Hardware reproduz-
Viele Jahre des Studierens, Untersuchens und Experi- ieren kann und andererseits die CPU Last über eine Rei-
mentierens (angefangen in den frühen 90ern) führten mich he von einzelnen Plug-ins deutlich auf einen tolerierbaren
zu diesen großartigen Resultaten. Wert senken kann.

COBALT heißt nun die die Suite, die aus vier unterschiedli- Cobalt PRE
chen Plug-ins besteht: Cobalt Pre beinhaltet 5 unterschiedliche Röhren-Vorver-
• COBALT (EQ) stärker, um einen großen Anteil an warmem Klangcharak-
• COBALT COMP ter hinzuzufügen.
• COBALT PRE Die verschiedenen Typen emulieren Phasenverhalten,
• COBALT DYN EQ Frequenzcharakteristika und harmonische Verzerrungen
der jeweils korrespondierenden Schaltkreisoriginale.
In den folgenden Kapiteln finden Sie alle Details zur CO- Eine sinnvolle Auswahl aus diesen Klangfarben kann
BALT Suite. Hier ein kurzer Überblick: vom Anwender nur auf einer Fall-zu-Fall Basis getroffen
werden. Die endgültige Entscheidung des Mixing Engi-
Cobalt EQ neers sollte immer durch dessen Ohr und Vorstellungsk-
Abgeleitet vom klassischen Pultec Design wurde er mit raft getroffen werden.
einigen Sonderfunktionen angereichert. So bietet er z.B.
eine unterschiedliche Bearbeitung von Bassfrequen- Cobalt Dynamic EQ
zen, so dass man die Cut Frequenz unabhängig von der Die wirkliche Neuheit dieser Suite stellt jedoch unser dy-
Boost Frequenz anwählen kann. Weiterhin haben wir eine namischer Equalizer Cobalt DYN EQ dar, der erste auf
Boost Sektion im hohen Frequenzband mit einem ex- Basis dieser Technologie.
trem „persönlichen“ Klangcharakter, weil diese Form der Unsere Idee war, eine Art Remix aus Cobalt EQ und Co-
Klangregelung auf der Induktion von Spulen basiert – im balt Comp zu erschaffen – ähnlich wie beim Remixen ein-
Gegensatz zu der heute üblichen Lösung, basierend auf er Audioproduktion selber. Das Resultat ist ein unglaub-
Kapazitäten von Kondensatoren. Mit unserer Emulation licher dynamischer EQ, und zwar der erste auf Sampling
konnten wir all diese Klangeigenschaften erhalten und basierende, charakterisiert durch neue und bahnbrech-
sind besonders stolz auf das Resultat. ende Eigenschaften.
Diese “endorsed” Plug-ins sind qualitativ unübertroffene
Cobalt COMP Projekte, die es unserer Ansicht nach verdienen, zu den
Ein extrem variabler Compressor, den wir dank der Acus- Top Produkten digitaler Audiosoftware zu zählen.
tica Technologie wirklichkeitsgetreu reproduzieren konnt-

Aperçu De Cobalt
Cobalt est une nouveauté absolue pour Acustica, il est Pourquoi ce choix?
tout à fait différent en respect des autres suites Acqua-pl-
ugins, et ce, de toutes les manières. LUCA: Dans ma propre recherche, après d’innombrables
Grâce à Stefano Dall’Ora (SoundDrops), collaborateur sessions d’écoute, je suis arrivé à la conclusion que le
précieux d’Acustica, et qui a été profondément impliqué son incroyable de ces appareils anciens que nous affec-
dans la production de ce projet, l’équipe d’Acustica est tionnons particulièrement vient des circuits à lampes.
entrée en contact avec Luca Martegani, également con- De nombreuses années d’étude, de recherche et d’ex-
nue sous le nom de Xelius. Luca est le fabricant d’une périences (commencées au début des années 90) m’ont
magnifique suite de matériel audio fabriqué à la main, car- finalement conduit à ces excellents résultats.
actérisé par un son, une qualité et une valeur de très haut
niveau. Cobalt est le nom de la suite qui se compose de quatre
L’égaliseur et le compresseur sont les éléments de ce- plug-ins différents:
tte suite qui nous ont le plus impressionnés, nous avons • COBALT (EQ)
donc décidé de baser notre nouveau produit sur ces deux • COBALT COMP
périphériques. Nous l’avons appeler Cobalt. • COBALT PRE
L’idée de base derrière Cobalt
Dans les chapitres suivants, vous trouverez tous les
LUCA: Il y a tellement d’éléments en audio qui sont d’une détails de la suite. En voiçi un bref aperçu.
importance fondamentale pour la base de l’étape sonore;

Cobalt (EQ) Cobalt Pre
Il est dérivé du design classique de Pultec avec certaines Cobalt Pre comprend 5 différents préamplis à lampes
fonctionnalités supplémentaires et personnalisées, telles pour ajouter une grande chaleur.
que la séparation des fréquences grave, par exemple, Ils imitent précisément la phase, la réponse en fréquence
afin que vous puissiez choisir la fréquence de Coupure et la distorsion harmonique de leurs circuits correspon-
indépendamment de la fréquence de Boost; Ensuite dants.
nous avons une section High Band Boost (Boost de La meilleure utilisation de ces couleurs ne peut être
Haute fréquence) avec un son extrêmement personnel, décidée que par l’utilisateur au cas par cas et le jugement
car il est construit uniquement à partir d’inducteurs , au final de l’ingénieur doit toujours dépendre de ses propres
lieu des condensateurs plus habituels. Notre émulation oreilles et de son imagination.
a conservée toutes ces fonctionnalités sonores et nous
sommes très fiers du résultat. Cobalt Dynamic Eq
La vraie nouveauté de cette suite est présentée par no-
Cobalt Comp tre Cobalt Dyn EQ (égaliseur dynamique), le premier dans
C’est un compresseur à lampes extrêmement polyvalent. son genre.
Grâce à la technologie d’Acustica, nous avons réussi à Tout comme avec les productions audio, notre idée a été
reproduire fidèlement l’appareil original. CORE X a con- de créer une sorte de remix entre COBALT EQ et CO-
tribué à créer un chef-d’oeuvre capable de reproduire le BALT COMP. Le résultat est un incroyable EQ Dynami-
comportement du matériel Hardware , et en même temps, que, le premier dans son genre basé sur l’échantillonnage
il fournit un nombre de plug-ins considérablement plus et caractérisé par d’importante nouvelles fonctionnalités.
tolérable à la consommation du CPU (donc CPU nette- Ces plug-ins « approuvés et endorssés » sont des pro-
ment réduit). jets qualitativement insurpassés qui, à notre avis, méritent
d’être parmi les meilleurs produits sur le marché audio

ОБЗОР Cobalt
Cobalt - это что-то абсолютно новое для Acusti- Почему такой выбор?
ca, совершенно особенный прибор в линейке Ac-
qua-плагинов во всех смыслах. ЛЮКА: В моих собственных исследованиях после
При содействии Стефано Даль`Ора (Stefano Dall’Ora бесчисленных прослушиваний я пришел к выводу, что
(SoundDrops), который является бесценным соавтором удивительный звук тех старинных устройств, которые
Acusticaudio и который был глубоко вовлечен в этот мы любили, исходит от ламповых схем.
проект, команда Acustica связалась с Люка Мартегани Многолетние исследования, поиски и эксперименты
(Luca Martegani), известным также как Xelius. Люка (начатые в начале 90-х годов), наконец, привели меня
является разработчиком удивительного набора к этим великолепным результатам.
аудиоустройств, созданных вручную и отличающихся
отличным звуком, качеством и стоимостью. Cobalt - это название пакета, который состоит из
Эквалайзер и компрессор - элементы этого набора, четырех различных плагинов:
которые поразили нас больше всего, поэтому мы • COBALT (EQ)
решили построить наш новый продукт на основе обоих • COBALT COMP
из них. Мы назвали его Cobalt. • COBALT PRE
Идея, лежащая в основе Cobalt
В следующих главах вы найдете все подробности о
ЛЮКА: В аудио есть так много вещей, которые пакете. Ниже представлен краткий обзор.
имеют фундаментальное значение для построения
звуковой сцены: глубина звуковых пространств; то, как Cobalt EQ
обрабатываются транзиенты... Поэтому мой подход Создан на основе классического дизайна Pultec с
был сфокусирован на всем звуке, а не только на его некоторыми дополнительными пользовательскими
тональных характеристиках. функциями, такими как, например, разделение низких
Оригинальные устройства являются полностью частот, так что вы можете выбирать частоту Cut
ламповыми. Лампы используются на входе, далее на независимо от частоты Boost; далее у нас есть секция
всех внутренних этапах сигнальной цепи и на выходе. High Band Boost с очень особенным звучанием, потому
что она построена только с индуктивностями, вместо
обычных конденсаторов. Наша эмуляция сохранила

все эти звуковые особенности, и мы очень гордимся Лучшее использование этих красок может быть
конечным результатом. определено исключительно пользователем в каждом
конкретном случае, и окончательное решение
Cobalt Comp инженера всегда должно зависеть от его собственных
Это чрезвычайно универсальный ламповый ушей и воображения.
компрессор. Благодаря технологии Acustica мы смогли
точно воспроизвести оригинальное устройство. CORE Cobalt Dynamic Eq
X способствовала созданию шедевра, который может Реальная новизна этого пакета демонстрируется
воспроизводить поведение аппаратных устройств, нашим Cobalt Dyn EQ (динамическим
и в то же время позволила создать ряд плагинов, эквалайзером), первым в своем роде.
значительно более терпимых к расходу ресурсов ЦП. Как и в случае с аудиопроизводством, нашей идеей
было создание своего рода ремикса COBALT EQ и CO-
Cobalt Pre BALT COMP. Результатом этого является невероятный
Cobalt Pre включает в себя 5 различных ламповых динамический эквалайзер, первый в своем роде,
предусилителей для придания теплоты аудиозаписям. основанный на семплировании, характеризующемся
Они точно воспроизводят фазу, частотную некоторыми новыми и важными функциями.
характеристику и гармонические искажения Эти «одобренные» плагины - это качественно
соответствующих схем. непревзойденные проекты, которые, на наш взгляд,
заслуживают того, чтобы быть в числе лучших
продуктов на рынке цифрового аудио.

Cobalt 概述

Cobalt(中文意思为一种金属元素“钴”)是AcusticaAu- Cobalt是由四个不同插件组成的套件的名称:
dio的绝对新奇产品,与其他Acqua-plugins套件完全不 - COBALT(EQ)
Stefano Dall’Ora(SoundDrops),是AcusticaAu-
dio公司非常宝贵的合作伙伴,并且一直深入参与该项 - COBALT PRE
目的生产,与Luca Martegani(也称为Xelius)接触, - COBALT DYN EQ
产品的声音,质量和价值都非常出色。 在接下来的章节中,您将找到有关套件的所有详细信息。
均衡器和压缩器是这个套件的主要元素,给我们留下 以下简要概述。
之上。我们称它为钴。 Cobalt EQ
Cobalt背后的基本理念 能,诸如低音频率的分离,举个例,您可以独立于Boost
LUCA:音响中有这么多东西对于基本的声 常用的电容器。我们的模拟机程序保留了所有这些声音特
音舞台至关重要;声音的深度,瞬态的处理方式, 征,我们为结果感到自豪。
音调的颜色。原始设备完全是基于电子管的。在 Cobalt Comp
用电子管,直到输出级。 CORE X贡献了创造出能够重现硬件行为的杰作,同时它
为什么选择这个? 件。

Cobalt Pre
Cobalt Pre包括5个不同的管前置放大器,以增加极大
测试,我得出的结论是,我们过去喜欢的那些老 的温暖度。
式设备的惊人声音来自于电子管电路。 它们精确地模拟了相应电路的相位,频率响应和谐波
经过多年的学习,研究和实验(从90年代初开 失真。
始)终于让我获得了这些伟大的成果。 这些颜色的最佳使用只能由用户根据情况决定,工程

Cobalt Dyn EQ 这些打上“endorsed(认可的)”标签的插件都是质量上无
这个套件的真正新颖性是由我们的Cobalt Dyn EQ(动态 与伦比的项目,在我们看来,这些项目应该是数字音频市
均衡器)展示的,这是同类产品中的第一个。 场的顶级产品之一。
就像音频制作一样,我们的想法被创造为COBALT EQ和
COBALT COMP的混音。其结果是令人难以置信的动态均

Visão Geral De Cobalt

O Cobalt é uma novidade absoluta para a Acustica, é to- Cobalt EQ

talmente diferente a respeito de outras suites Acqua-pl- É derivado do projeto clássico de Pultec com algumas
ugins em todos os sentidos .. características adicionadas feitas sob encomenda, tais
Através de Stefano Dall’Ora (SoundDrops), que é um in- como a separação de freqüências baixas, por exemplo,
estimável colaborador da Acustica Audio, e tem estado de modo que você possa escolher a freqüência do corte
profundamente envolvido na produção deste projeto, a independentemente do ganho da freqüência ; Então te-
equipe da Acustica entrou em contato com Luca Marte- mos uma seção High Boost banda com um som ex-
gani, também conhecido como Xelius. Luca é o fabricante tremamente pessoal, porque é construído apenas com
de um incrível conjunto de hardware de áudio construído indutâncias, em vez dos capacitores mais habituais.
à mão, caracterizado por grande som, qualidade e valor. Nossa emulação preservou todas essas características
O equalizador e o compressor são os elementos desta de som e estamos muito orgulhosos do resultado.
suíte que nos impressionou mais, por isso decidimos ba-
sear nosso novo produto em ambos. Nós o chamamos Cobalt Comp
Cobalt. É um compressor de tubo extremamente versátil.
Graças à tecnologia da Acustica Audio, conseguimos
A idéia básica por trás do Cobalt reproduzir fielmente o dispositivo original. CORE X con-
tribuiu para criar uma obra-prima capaz de reproduzir o
LUCA: Há tantas coisas em áudio que são de fundamen- comportamento do hardware, e ao mesmo tempo, for-
tal importância para o estágio de som básico; a profundi- nece um número de plug-ins consideravelmente mais
dade dos espaços sonoros, o modo como os transientes tolerável consumo de CPU.
são manipulados, então minha abordagem foi focada em
todo o som, não apenas na cor tonal. Cobalt pré
Os dispositivos originais são completamente baseados Cobalt Pre inclui 5 pré-amplificadores de tubo difer-
em tubo. Tubos são usados no estágio de entrada, em entes para adicionar um grande calor.Elas emulam pre-
seguida, em todas as seções de ganho interno, até o es- cisamente a fase, resposta de freqüência e distorção
tágio de saída. harmônica de seus circuitos correspondentes. O mel-
hor uso dessas cores só pode ser decidido pelo usuário
Por que essa escolha? em uma base de caso por caso e julgamento final do
engenheiro deve sempre depender de seus próprios
LUCA: Na minha própria pesquisa, depois de inúmeras ouvidos e imaginação.
sessões de audição, cheguei à conclusão de que o som
incrível daqueles aparelhos vintage que costumávamos Eq. Dinâmica do Cobalto
amar vem dos circuitos de tubos. A verdadeira novidade desta suíte é mostrada pelo nos-
Muitos anos de estudo, pesquisa e experimentos (inicia- so Cobalt Dyn EQ (equalizador dinâmico), o primeiro
dos no início dos anos 90) finalmente me levou a esses de seu tipo. Assim como com as produções de áudio,
grandes resultados. nossa idéia foi criada como uma espécie de remix de
COBALT EQ e COBALT COMP. O resultado disso é um
Cobalt é o nome da suite que consiste em quatro plug-ins incrível EQ dinâmico, o primeiro de sua espécie basea-
diferentes: do em amostragem caracterizado a partir de algumas
• COBALT (EQ) características novas e importantes.
• COBALT COMP Esses plug-ins “aprovados” são projetos qualitativa-
• COBALT PRE mente insuperáveis que, na nossa opinião, merecem
• COBALT DYN EQ estar entre os principais produtos no mercado de áudio
Nos próximos capítulos você encontrará todos os detal-
hes sobre a suíte. Abaixo está uma breve visão geral.

Cobalt Обща Информация

Cobalt е изцяло нова концепция за Acustica и е нещо Cobalt EQ

тотално различно от другите Acqua плъгини във всяко Базиран е на класическия Pultec дизайн с добавени
едно отношение.. допълнителни възможности, като например отделен
С помощта на Стефано Дал‘ора (SoundDrops), който избор на честоти за ниския регистър, т.е. можете да
е безценен партньор на Acusticaudio и е дълбоко избирате независимо честотата на намаляване и
въвлечен в разработката на този проект, Acusti- честотата на повдигане за ниските честоти. Освен
ca влязоха в контакт с Лука Мартегани, още познат това повдигането на високите честоти е с крайно
като Xelius. Лука е производител на бутиков аудио персонализиран и разпознаваем звук, тъй като схемата
хардуер със страхотен звук и ненадминато качество на е решена само с бобини (вместо с комбинация от
изработка. кондензатори и бобини). Нашата емулация е запазила
Еквалайзерът и компресорът са изделията му, които всички тези характеристики на звука и резултатът ни
ни впечатлиха най-много, затова решихме да базираме кара да се гордеем.
новия си продукт и на двете. Нарекохме го Cobalt.
Cobalt Comp
Основната идея, стояща зад Cobalt Това е лампов компресор с изключително широко
приложение. Благодарение на технологията на Acus-
ЛУКА: Има толкова много неща в аудиото, които tica успяхме да пресъздадем вярно оригиналното
са с фундаментална значимост: дълбочината на устойство. CORE X допринесе за създаването на
звуковата картина, начинът по който транзиентите се шедьовър, който изцяло отговаря на поведението на
възпроизвеждат и много други, така че моят подход хардуерното устройство, а в същото време успява да
беше да се фокусирам върху звука като цяло, не само намали процесорното време, необходимо за работата
към честотен баланс или друг детайл. на плъгините.
Оригиналните устройства са изцяло лампови. Лампите
се ползват във входното стъпало, след това във всички Cobalt Pre
секции, чак до изходната част. Cobalt Pre включва в себе си 5 различни лампови
предусилвателя за добавяне на невероятна топлота
Защо избрахте този подход? на звука.
Те прецизно емулират фазовата и честотна
ЛУКА: В моите изследвания след безброй характеристика, како и изкривяванията на хардуерните
прослушвания и сравнения достигнах до заключението, модели.
че невероятният звук на тези винтидж устройства се Най-добрата употреба на този „цвят“ може да бъде
дължи до голяма степен на ламповата схемотехника, различна, според материала, върху който се използва,
на която са базирани. Многото години изучаване на като винаги окончателното решение на тонрежисьора
свойствата им, разработка и експерименти (започнали се базира на собствените му уши и въображение.
още през 90те) в крайна сметка ме доведоха до
прекрасни резултати. Cobalt Dynamic Eq
Нашият Cobalt Dyn EQ (динамичен еквалайзер)
Cobalt е наименованието на серията от ефекти, която представлява истинска иновация и е първи по рода си.
се състои от четири различни плъгина: Също като при реална аудио-продукция идеята ни
• COBALT (EQ) беше да създадем комбинация от COBALT EQ и CO-
• COBALT COMP BALT COMP. Резултатът е невероятен динамичен
• COBALT PRE еквалайзер, първи по рода си базиран на семплиране
• COBALT DYN EQ на хардуерни устройства, който се характеризира с
няколко нови и важни функции.
В следващите глави ще намерите всички подробности Тези плъгини са ненадминати като качество, като
за тях. По-надолу е направен кратък преглед на по наше мнение заслужават мястото си сред топ-
отделните плъгини продуктите в сектора.

Cobal Equalizer

Cobal Compressor

Cobal Dynamic EQ

Cobal Preamp

Core X

The Cobalt suite is based on the brand new CoreX engine. Features currently supported in Core X:
It’s the revolutionary upgraded multithreading technology 1. Internal saturation of the plug-in no longer exceeds +3 dB;
by Acustica. 2. New hard-clipping algorithm;
It is an optimization of Core9 in terms of high perfor- 3. Implementation of a “Multi-input System”;
mance, it introduces new important features allows to op- 4. Brand new “Blending Algorithm” designed to reduce
timize performance of Acqua plug-ins. the number of instances; it allows significant savings in
terms of CPU load.



We are using these terms to define the introductory price of the product. It’s a Public Beta Preview. In other words, we provide
the customers with a COMMERCIAL VERSION/ TRIAL VERSION that could be improved and bug fixed within this period.
If you want to be sure that the release is totally safe, you must wait for the pre-order term.

Performance Caution

In order to maximize performance and usability of your This manual includes a description of the product but no
computer and minimize CPU usage we suggest you to guarantee as for specific characteristics or successful re-
follow some precautions. sults.
The design of our products is under continuous develop-
First at all keep your buffer size setting as high as possible. ment and improvement.
Technical specification are subject to change.
There is generally no reason to use low buffer size setting
for all sample rates.
Increasing buffer sizes (hence also latency) highly de-
creases required CPU power.
You should also consider using only necessary features.

We do not ensure the complete absence of bugs or the

perfect operation of the product.
Before purchasing, we suggest you to download the Trial
version to verify the behavior of the plug-in with your system.
Trial products are fully-functional versions of the relative com-
mercial plugin. The trial period lasts 30 days after activation.

CORE X upgrade solves spikes problems and jump vol-

ume issues.
We do not take any responsibility for misuse of the prod-
uct or collateral problems derived from it.
Normally the pre-order period ends within 30 days from
the publication of the product page but the period may
vary at our discretion

About the hardware

Luca “XELIUS” Martegani
Luca Martegani was born in Italy in 1966. He works as a sound engineer in his own studio and as
He studied piano and chemistry of plastic materials and a free lance engineer in several recording and mastering
macromulecules. studios in Italy.
In 1988 he began to work as a recording studio assistant He also composes different genres of electronic music,
and keyboard programmer. Then he became interested in from electropop to dance, to experimental and contem-
the basics of analog electronics and vacuum tube tech- porary.
nology and began to study this subjects. During the last twenty years he designed, built and con-
He designes and builds his own analog synthesizers, as tinuously refined the two prototytpes that has been con-
well as various electronic devices and effects, equalizers, verted into the COBALT suite of plug ins by the Acustica
hi end preamplifiers, power amplifiers, mic preamplifiers, Audio team.
compressors etc...

About the equalizer LM 9736

The basic concept behind the LM 9736 was to develop an All the components have been carefully selected, and
“old-school” passive eq around a resistive divider, using MKP capacitors and carbon resistors are liberally em-
resistors, inductors and capacitors. ployed throughout the circuitry.
This eq is built around a pure vacuum tube topology, in- The main scope of this project was to build an eq ca-
cluding the high voltage power supply. pable of processing big sound masses in a transparent
The original hardware is fully handmade, and all the com- way, keeping the soundstage untouched, preserving fast
ponents are wired point to point, except for the filter net- transients and without introducing “sound tails” or excess
works. All audio inductors are handwound. of coloration.

The input circuitry is designed around a Lundahl input trans- As an operating example, a combination of a 3 KHz cut with
former driving the gain potentiometer, which is coupled to a 20 KHz boost is able to produce a large, smooth dip in
the grid of a cathode follower. the mid-high zone. Because of the reciprocal interactions be-
The cathode follower is an ideal solution to drive the following tween the passive networks, please don’t be surprised if you
filter network with a low output impedance. It is conceived have to boost and cut relatively many dBs, in order to obtain
around a 6C5 GT tube that can be exchanged for a less com- only a gentle 3 dB dip.
mon 6L5 G if a smoother hi top is needed. Then the signal flows past the passive filters into the gain
The filter network is basically a variation upon the classic stage. Actually I’ve spent many years experimenting around
Pultec style topology, with the added bonus of independ- this stage, finally choosing a hybrid SRRP/mu-follower stage
ent frequency selections of Low Cut and Boost sections. based on a couple of asymmetrically loaded 6SN7 GT tri-
The Presence cell can reach almost 12 dB of gain, and its odes. This stage is coupled with the output transformer
center frequency can be varied in 11 steps, from a warm and through a large film capacitor. In my experience, this is the
smooth 680 Hz bell up to a sharper 7,5 KHz one.A continu- best way to balance quality, dynamics and musicality; now
ous Q control allows to narrow or widen the bell shape (see I can confidently say that this arrangement provides exactly
the curves). the sound I’ve always looked for!
The High Boost cell is the real gem of this unit. Designed In my designs I’ve always almost obsessively wanted to min-
around a custom multi-tapped inductor, with a very low para- imize the noise from the AC supply leaking into the signal
sitic capacitance and the lowest possible DC resistance, the path: not a trivial task to undertake when dealing with vacu-
cell is able to develop about 9 dB of pure musical brightness, um tube circuits.
from a very transparent “air” top around 20 KHz to a coher- Thus I’ve opted for an external box containing the power
ent smooth mid-high boost starting from just below 1 KHz. supply transformers. Heaters and services have their own
As with several shelving curves that change their shape de- separate transformers, as well. Grounding is entirely star
pending on the boost amount, it has been very difficult to point wired, and there’s no ground buss. Moreover star
estabilish a constant relationship between gain steps and point wiring is used with the internal supplies, too, instead
frequency. of the more common power supply rail arrangement. RF de-
Each frequency step refers to a knee point located 3dB be- coupling is placed as close as possible to each single cath-
low the shelf line at maximum boost. The lower the boost, the ode connection. The 5mm-thick aluminum chassis is earth
lower is the starting point of the curve frequency-wise. (see grounded and all the internal shields are chassis grounded.
curves).The Hi Cut is made from another very well sounding The 0V audio ground is RF grounded in ground-lift position,
network, and it’s able to effortlessly solve excessive bright- and fully chassis grounded without lift. Audio signals are car-
ness or harshness problems in its shelving mode. ried by OFC shielded cables. Audiograde relays act as single
Each cut control has a final CUT position, in which the shelf cell bypasses. A total bypass allows to use tube stages and
is transformed into a 6dB/oct HPF and LPF, respectively for audio transformers as a “warming” chain stage, bypassing
gentle low and high cut. the whole filter network.

About the compressor LM 9804

This project started as a reproduction “exercise” of a classic An accurate matching of tubes and trimming of their respec-
Altec Lansing style feedback compressor. The whole circuit tive bias is mandatory to minimize a “thump” artifact at the
was then re-designed for experimental purposes, first around beginning of the compression. I’ve introduced a further nega-
a 12AT7 tube as a gain control element, then a 12AU7 and tive feedback loop in the circuit, to accomplish a more stable
finally the classic 6BZ7. The output stage was designed operation and a lower ratio compression.
around a parallel push-pull of two 6SN7 GT driving a custom Stereo Link is obtained simply putting in common the control
built output transformer. The vacuum tube signal rectifier is voltages of the two channels; in this case both threshold con-
a classic 6AL5 circuit which drives a passive attack/release trols are active and interactive.
network. The timing capacitor is charged/discharged in an The original hardware is fully handbuilt and it is wired point-
unusual way because of its particular placement in the circuit. to-point.
As for the LM 9736, the power supply has a power transform- This compressor shines in tracking sessions because of its
er external box with a multicore cable/connector to the main elegant behaviour, expecially on sustained sounds such as
chassis. Two large “industrial” VU meters support the ele- vocals, guitars, bass, pads and strings.
gance of the smooth and slow character of this compressor. On drums and fast electronic loops it exhibits an audible com-
Its kind of dynamic behaviour might be defined quasi-RMS. pression which can be very useful in some music styles, rang-
Peaks and transients pass through it practically untouched, ing from a pumping style compression to a brutal squashing.
until the attack knob is set at its fastest setting. Then the LM As a hardware device, the LM 9804 is capable of max. 18/20
9804 exhibits a few very different personalities depending on dB of gain reduction; this range has been considerably ex-
the timbre, the amplitude and time distance between tran- tended in its plug-in software version, and the same is true for
sients (ie. a single shot or a burst). A notable amount of dis- the threshold range. The attack shape control (SHMOD) is an-
tortion (consisting of both odd and even harmonics) appears other added bonus and it’s a really quick and practical way to
as the rectifier starts to work. The threshold control sets this adapt the attack curve to the specific nature of any transient.

About the software

Cobalt is the name of the suite that consists of four differ-
ent plug-ins:

Cobalt LM 9736 Equalizer

This EQ isn’t another simple clone. It is adds to our list of can choose the Cut frequency independently from the
amazing “endorsed” plug-ins. Boost frequency; then we have a High band Boost sec-
Original device is unique and innovative that is not even in tion with an extremely personal sound, because it’s built
mass production. only with inductances, instead of the more customary ca-
The Cobalt is a fully parametric tube EQ, dual-channel pacitors.
five-band equalizer.
It’s a completely tube-based. Tubes are used in the input It is mostly unusual to find such a purely inductive circuit in a
stage, then in all of the internal gain sections, up to the high frequency cell: as you will hear, this Eq is able to impart
output stage. a unique sonic signature with a characteristic personality.
It was created as the evolution of a classic P. Equal- Then we have a very classic “Presence” band, with sev-
izer and it is the result of many years of of study, re- eral frequency steps from medium to medium high and
search and experiments (started in the early 90’s). a continuous bandwidth control, and finally a High Cut
It is characterized by new custom features, such as the band, a shelf with a very moderate slope that in the ex-
separation of bass frequencies, for example, so that you treme position becomes a 6 dB octave cut.

Equalizer Channel A

Equalizer Channel B

Selecting Band

There are five bands for processing available on Cobalt Equalizer; To activate a specific band, press the activation band button
( ), and make certain that BYPASS led isn’t illuminated, or
• LO CUT you will not hear the changes that you are making to the EQ.
These buttons switch the 5 filter bands on (button lights
• LO BOOST up and bypass led lights off) or off ( button lights up and
bypass led light off).
LO CUT and LO BOOST bands depend on each other, so
• PRESENCE if you press the activation button of the first band auto-
matically you also activate second band.

Control Section
Cobalt includes a control section characterized by the fol-
lowing parameters:

Press this button to power up the unit.

Press this button to activate a PREAMP stage offering
typical vacuum tube + transformer harmonic distortion.

This led warns about possible internal peak clipping.

It sets the input level from -24dB to +24dB (from 0 to
10 on the GUI), and it controls the signal level inside the
Eq; the output level is automatically compensated by the
same amount of negative gain.
At the first execution of the plug-in, input must be set to
ensure that you feed an appropriate signal level to the eq.

This gain control sets the OUTPUT LEVEL of the Left chan-
nel of the plug-in. Its range goes from -24dB to +24dB.

This gain control sets the OUTPUT LEVEL of the Right
channel of the plug-in. Its range goes from -24dB to +24dB.

This switch links the controls of left and right channels.

Eq Section

Cobalt is a dual-channel tube Equalizer. -The amplitude setting ranges from -20 dB up to +20 dB.

-Each channel provides five frequency bands. All bands -LO CUT, LO BOOST, HI CUT bands have fixed Q,
are fully parametric and can independently be deactivat- For HI BOOST, PRESENCE bands you can adjust the
ed or activated. The workable frequency range stretches bandwidth using each Q knob.
from dependently be activated or deactivated. The work-
able frequency range stretches from 30 Hz to 22 kHz.



Frequency: this knob selects the frequency of the cell

among 8 steps, from 30 Hz to 250 Hz.

Gain: this knob sets the gain of the band in 12 steps from
-0.5 dB to -10 dB.

This shelf filter is characterized by a very moderate slope;

in the final 13th position (CUT) it becomes a 6dB/octave
HP filter.

Lo Cut value: 30 Hz Lo Cut value: 40 Hz

Lo Cut value: 50 Hz Lo Cut value: 60 Hz

Lo Cut value: 75 Hz Lo Cut value: 90 Hz

Lo Cut value: 140 Hz Lo Cut value: 250 Hz

Lo Cut value with Cut filter


Frequency: this knob selects the frequency of the cell

among 7 steps, from 30 Hz to 200 Hz.

Gain: this knob sets the gain of this shelf band in 12 steps,
from +0.5 dB to +10 dB.

Lo Boost value: 30 Hz Lo Boost value: 45 Hz

Lo Boost value: 60 Hz Lo Boost value: 80 Hz

Lo Boost value: 100 Hz Lo Boost value: 140 Hz

Lo Boost value: 200 Hz


Frequency: this knob selects the frequency of the cell

among 9 steps, from 2 KHz to 20 KHz.

Gain: this stepped knob sets the gain of the band in 12

steps from 0.5 dB to 10 dB.

Hi Boost value: 2 KHz Hi Boost value: 2,5 KHz

Hi Boost value: 3,6 KHz Hi Boost value: 5 KHz

Hi Boost value: 6,5 KHz Hi Boost value: 8,5 KHz

Hi Boost value: 11,5 KHz Hi Boost value: 15 KHz

Hi Boost value: 20 KHz


Frequency: this knob selects the frequency of the cell

among 11 steps, from 0.68 KHz to 7.5 KHz.

Gain: this stepped knob sets the gain of the band in 12

steps from 0.5 dB to 10 dB.

Q: this knob sets the width of the band at the selected

frequency, from wide (up) to narrow (down).

Presence value: 0,68 KHz - Q min Presence value: 0,8 KHz - Q min

Presence value: 1 KHz - Q min Presence value: 1,6 KHz - Q min

Presence value: 2,2 KHz - Q min Presence value: 3 KHz - Q min

Presence value: 3,5 KHz - Q min Presence value: 4,3 KHz - Q min

Presence value: 5 KHz - Q min Presence value: 6,3 KHz - Q min

Presence value: 7,5 KHz - Q min Presence value: 0,68 KHz - Q max

Presence value: 0,8 KHz - Q max Presence value: 1 KHz - Q max

Presence value: 1,6 KHz - Q max Presence value: 2,2 KHz - Q max

Presence value: 3 KHz - Q max Presence value: 3,5 KHz - Q max

Presence value: 4,3 KHz - Q max Presence value: 5 KHz - Q max

Presence value: 6,3 KHz - Q max Presence value: 7,5 KHz - Q max


Frequency: this knob selects the frequency of the cell

among 8 steps, from 3 KHz to 22 KHz.

Gain: this knob sets the gain of the band in 12 steps from
-0.5 dB to -10 dB.

This shelf filter is characterized by a very moderate slope;

in the final 13th position (CUT) it becomes a 6dB/octave
HP filter.

Hi Cut value: 3 Hz Hi Cut value: 4 Hz

Hi Cut value: 6 Hz Hi Cut value: 8 Hz

Hi Cut value: 12 Hz Hi Cut value: 16 Hz

Hi Cut value: 22 Hz Hi Cut with Cut filter

Cobalt LM 9804 Compressor

Cobalt comp is stereo/dual channel tube compres- This project born with the idea to build a recreation of
sor (two compressor characterized by a tube preamp what many consider to be the best compressor ever cre-
and equipped by the same number of controls). ated. This Comp is able to impart a unique sonic signa-
It is adds to our list of amazing “endorsed” plug-ins. ture with a characteristic personality.
It’s a truly faithful emulation of LM9804 compressor built
by Luca Martegani.

Control Section

Cobalt Comp includes a control section characterized by STEREO-LINK

the following parameters: This knob allows to determine the stereo-
phonic behaviour of the two compressors.
BYPASS-OPERATE Starting from the left (OFF position) the control signal is
This button allows to activate/bypass both compressors stereo and the compressors operate independently, with-
(L-R); it toggles between the active (OPERATE, lamp ON) out any interaction between them. Turning the knob to the
and bypassed (BYPASS , lamp OFF) state; right forces the compressors to progressively mix their
control signals, until they react exactly in the same way to
ON/OFF PRE any input signal (FULL position).
Press this button to activate the em-
ulated tube PREAMP of the plug-in. EXTERNAL SIDECHAIN
This button engages the external side-chain** of the com-
INPUT GAIN pressor.
It sets the input level from -25dB to +25dB and it is used In audio production, sidechaining refers to the use
to control the signal level inside the Comp. of the dynamic content of one track to control the
At the first execution of the plug-in, input is set to 0 dB. processing of an effect inserted on another track.
Sidechaining applications are numerous, but their
OUTPUT GAIN discussion is beyond the scope of this manual.
It sets the output gain compensation, in order to Many references can be easily found on the Web.
match the level of the compressed signal with
the original. Its range goes from 0 dB to +25dB. INSANE MODE
It engages the INSANE mode of the compressor.
CONTROL-LINK This mode has been implemented to increase the accura-
This switch links the controls of left and right channels. cy and speed of the compressor. The price to pay for this
high quality mode is a slightly heavier load for the CPU.



It measures the gain reduction applied by compressor.
The meter indicates ‘dB in the absence of an input signal
or any gain reduction. If the signal exceeds the compres-
sion threshold or limit level, the amount of gain reduction
is shown.

It sets the compressor’s attack time, ranging from 20 mS It sets the threshold of the compressor, ranging from -60
(fast) to 50 mS (slow); dB to 0 dB;

It sets the compressor’s release time, ranging from 0.1 S This control determines the mix proportion between the
(fast) to 1 S (slow); original (dry) and ‘effected’ (wet) signals. The DRY/WET
control is a very powerful and simple-to-use feature that
SHMODE wasn’t included in the original devices. This function is
It controls the shape of the compressor’s attack curve. It logically placed in the control section, because it signif-
allows you tof ine-tune the attack behaviour, in order to icantly changes the operational mode of the module, al-
adapt it to any audio source, ranging from 0 to 4. lowing parallel or sidechain compression.


20 mS Attack curve 30 mS Attack curve

50 mS Attack curve


0,1 S Release curve 0,15 S Release curve

0,2 S Release curve 0,3 S Release curve

0,5 S Release curve 1 S Release curve

Cobalt Dynamic Equalizer

The real novelty of this suite is showcased by our Co- The result of this is an incredible Dynamic EQ, the first of
balt Dyn EQ (dynamic equalizer), the first of its kind. It it’s kind based on sampling characterized from some new
is a very useful and versatile tool, for many audio en- and important features.
gineers it can be a great problem solver and we know In our opinion this “endorsed” Acqua plug-in includes in
that it will be an essential and important product. Cobalt suite is qualitatively unsurpassed, deserve to be
Thanks to contribution of Giancarlo and Stefano Dall’Ora among the top product in the digital audio market.
(SoundDrops), who is an invaluable collaborator of Acusti- COBALT DYN EQ consists of four sections:
caudio, and has been deeply involved in the production of
this project, we created a new qualitatively unsurpassed - EQ 1
plug-in. - EQ 2 (sidechain EQ)
Just like with audio productions, our idea was created as - COMPRESSOR
a sort of remix of COBALT EQ and COBALT COMP. - DYNEQ


The main idea behind Compressors (Dynamic processor) These are the main features/controls inside COBALT DYN
is the dynamically manipulation of the overall level of the EQ which are not present in the standalone versions:
audio material. First at all, in the EQ1 module, with the help of Stefano
Equalizers change the spectral character of the audio sig- we added 6 negative gain steps in the PRESENCE band.
nal, statically. These were not present in the original hardware built by
Multiband processors, such our COBALT DYN EQ, can Luca Martegani and emulated by COBALT (EQ), but we
do both. It can be used like a filter that isn’t limited to needed them in order to provide a complete range of values.
being set to a specific gain level, but it is able to change We added 2 additional faster Attack times in the com-
its gain settings dynamically using a control signal. pressor section.
In the DynEq, three different Ratios are available, (ranging
In audio market there are usually complex tools and can from low to high), in order to provide specific and differ-
be potentially destructive if not used properly. So we de- ent amounts of dynamic equalization or gain reduction:
cided to create a complete, powerful Dynamic EQ with- - Mantis (it can be considered a very moderate compres-
out compromise but easy to use for engineer in mixing, sion ratio; it is a sampling of Stefano’s PWM compressor);
sound-design and also for mastering. - Violet (a medium compression ratio taken from
Dynamic EQ represents a new generation of tools pro- our VIOLET compressor, included in N4 library);
viding a marriage between dynamics processing and EQ. - Cobalt (the original ratio of Luca’s hardware).


EQ2 3


+ 3

EQ1 - Main Equalizer

EQ2 - Sidechain Equalizer

- EXT (external sidechain) Some hosts do not support the channels 3 – 4, so using
this feature might even cause crashes with specific DAWs
This button enables the external sidechain. under certain conditions.
Each compressor may use an external signal, instead of This behavior differs depending on format and host used.
the main input, to control the amount of dynamic equali- Please read the manual of your DAW to verify if it sup-
zation or audio compression. ports this feature.
The different routing configurations allow to choose be-
tween the internal (channels n.1 & 2), or the external side Users may contact our technical support for more details.
chain input (channels n.3 & 4). The external sidechain is not yet supported in AUDIO
We use the term “internal sidechain” to specify that the UNIT (AU) format. It will be implemented in the future.
compressor is fed internally (it means it has an internal
routing) when the input signal is at the same time the con- - Range knob
trol signal.
The “external sidechain” derives the control signal from The Range knob lets you easily adjust the max-
another source (entering the plugin, but not necessarily the imum amount of applied dynamic equalization.
compressor, as it can be equalized before the dynamic sec- This control sets the global active range of the dynam-
tion). This control signal then goes through the sidechain ic equalization, so, depending on Eq1 settings (preva-
channel and sets the amount of the gain reduction. lence of boosts or cuts) it determines how much spectral
Explaination of the Sidechain be- gain increase or reduction is applied to the input signal.
haviour in different plugin formats: The Range control is therefore strictly dependent on
VST: the plugin supports four input channels (Quadro Threshold parameter.
Mode). The first two channels represent the audio chan- The latter sets the threshold level for compression; then,
nels (1-2), the last two channels are the sidechain chan- when the signal exceed the Range setting value, the Dy-
nels (3-4). namic EQ is triggered.
AAX: the external sidechain routing controls a key input In other words, as the audio signal exceeds the threshold,
parameter to selectively modify the boosts and cuts are progressively reduced, thus com-
sidechain in PT. Audio channels (1-2), Sidechain channels pressing the dynamic range of the affected frequencies.

Control section

Pushing IN (EQ1):
EQ1 (main inputs 1-2 channels)

Pushing IN (EQ2):
EQ2 is in internal sidechain mode (1-2 channels),

Pushing EXT button:

EQ2 feeds the control signal from another source-> exter-
nal side chain input (channel 3 & 4).

Pushing COMP button:

COMP input is the signal processed by EQ1,
COMP control signal is the signal processed by EQ2 (de-
rived from the input signal, if in internal sidechain mode,
or from an external signal routed to input channels n.3 & 4
if EXT SIDECHAIN is selected)

Pushing Dyn EQ:

the signal is dynamically processed using the EQ1, EQ2
and COMP settings as indicated above.
They measures the input and output levels of the plugin


They measure (L-R) the re¬duction level applied by com-
pressor. The meter indicates ‘0’ in the absence of an in-
put signal or any gain reduction. If the signal exceeds the
compression threshold or limit level, the amount of gain
reduction is shown.

They measures the input and output levels of the plugin.


Cobalt Dyn Eq is equipped with the same controls as CO- RATIO

BALT EQ and COBALT COMP, but, as anticipated in the This control allows to choose among 3 different ratios
previous chapter, we added other controls: (more details in the MAIN FEATURES chapter above);

These buttons activate each specific module of the plugin It sets the compressor’s attack time, ranging from 0.5 mS
(EQ1, EQ2, COMP3); (fast) to 50 mS (slow);
It enables the Dynamic Eq; EXT
PRE This button enables the external sidechain of the plug-in.
This button activates the preamp of the plug-in (the same (more details in MAIN FEATURES chapter above).
preamplifier circuit emulation of COBALT (EQ) standalone

How to use it

This is not a restrictive explanation about how to use this tivating IN button of EQ2 and pushing EXT button).
Dynamic Eq: it’s just our suggested operating approach, Input trim also influences the level of the compressed sig-
and we invite you to start from here and follow this guide nal.
in order to become familiar with this processor.
Here’s a short description in three steps:
1) EQUALIZE YOUR TRACK 3) When you are satisfied of your sound, press
Cobalt DynEq includes two vacuum tube equaliz- DYN EQ button located in the Control section.
ers: EQ1 (active on the input signal path) and EQ2 Now you’re starting from a basically flat setting of
(active only on internal or external sidechain path). the eq. If the signal is above the threshold level of the
EXT button activates the external sidechain (input chan- compressor and exceed the RANGE control value, you
nels n.3 & 4). obtain up to the maximum of the equalization curve,
Set EQ1 as desired, and activate the preamp stage, if need be. depending on the indicated gain reduction value.
EQ 1 OUTPUT is an output gain control, and it is used as As previously explained, the Threshold control sets the
a final master volume control. threshold level for compression; then if the signal ex-
ceeds the Range value, the Dynamic EQ is triggered. The
2) COMPRESS YOUR TRACK AND EVENTUALLY USE RANGE control lets you easily adjust the range of the dy-
THE SIDECHAIN namic eq action by setting the maximum amount of ap-
Compress your track using the dynamic processor mod- plied gain change.
ule of Dyn Eq in internal sidechain mode (activating IN
button of EQ2 module) or external sidechain mode (ac


0.5 mS Attack curve 3 mS Attack curve

20 mS Attack curve 30 mS Attack curve

50 mS Attack curve


0,1 S Release curve 0,15 S Release curve

0,2 S Release curve 0,3 S Release curve

0,5 S Release curve 1 S Release curve


Cobalt LXM96 Preamp

COBALT PRE is a plug-in included in the COBALT This careful selection of preamps aims to provide you
suite. It emulates five great vacuum tube preamps. with an array of flexible options in order to build a virtual
The phase and frequency response and the harmonic dis- console emulation.
tortion of the original devices are perfectly reproduced. The best use of these sound coloring processors can only
COBALT PRE includes two preamplifiers de- be decided by the user on a case per case basis, and the
rived directly from the devices built by Luca Marte- engineer’s final judgment should always depend on his/
gani (the LM9736 eq the LM9804 compressor), and her own ears and imagination.
three additional vacuum tube microphone preamps, These amazing preamps are able to add great warmth to
again built by Luca, one of which is a stereo ver- your music.
sion made by combining two of the mono preamps. Without a doubt, this module offers several great choices,
As it often happens while working on Acustica projects, and it delivers a special quality that enhances any perfor-
also during Cobalt development we unexpectedly stum- mance calling for that distinctive vacuum tube sound.
bled upon two great vacuum tube preamplifiers designed
and built by Luca, so we decided to sample and include
them in this fantastic project.


Pressing this button to bypass the unit.


Press this button to Press this button to Press this button to Press this button Press this button to
activate the MIC1 activate the MIC2 activate the MIC ST to activate the EQ activate the COMP
This tube preamp This tube preamp This is a stereo It is characterized by This preamp emu-
emulation is char- was added to give preamp made by a relatively high har- lation is perfect for
acterized by a pro- you another color combining MIC1 and monic distortion. adding warmth to
nounced time do- choice in your pal- MIC2 preamps. This preamp gives your audio tracks.
main distortion. ette. It faithfully emu- This incredibly flex- the tone color of the This preamp gives
It’s perfect choice for lates the original be- ible emulation can original equalizer the tone color of the
imparting an analog havior and sound of add warmth and modelled in Cobalt original compressor
feel to vocal tracks. the original circuit. depth to sound in a (EQ). modelled in Cobalt
variety of applica- COMP.

It sets the input level from -24dB to +24dB (from 0 to 10, The gain control sets the OUTPUT LEVEL of the plug-in.
as shown in the GUI), and controls the level of the sig- Its range goes from -24dB to +24dB.
nal entering the Eq; the output level is then automatically
compensated by the same amount of negative gain.
At the first execution of the plug-in, the input level is set
to ensure that you feed an appropriate level to the plugin

MIC 1 Preamp MIC 2 Preamp

MIC ST Preamp MIC EQ Preamp


Luca Martegani
The hardware creator

LM 9736
The two-channels equalizer

LM 9804
The compressor

The internal circuit of the equalizer

The internal tubes of the equalizer

Cobalt Dynamic Equalizer

Remixed from the two hardwares

Cobalt preamps, equalizer and compressor


1 - System requirements and package contents

1.1.Sampling process

The sampling process has been performed by Acustica. kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz frequencies were derived from the
The unit was sampled with mastering quality converters, native one by a down-sampling and up-sampling process.
using a method which takes considerably more time than This method avoids any negative sample rate conversion
the normal sampling standard. This method improves the (SRC) artifacts when loading projects at different sample
quality on the entire audio spectrum. rates and gives faster project loading times as well.
Native sample frequency was 96 kHz. The 44.1

1.2. System Requirements

1.3. Sampling rate

- 44,1 kHz
- 48 kHz
- 88.2 kHz
- 96 kHz

2 - Product Installation

2.1. Introduction

Acqua Effects plug-ins are released with an installer pro- . In AAX OSX installer, Skin and Vector files are not shared
gram for Windows and OSX. The installer contains pl- with other formats and/or architectures due to a limitation
ugin specific files and system files. Please run OS X (1) of the AAX format. Co-installation of Pro Tools 10 (32 bits)
or Windows (2) installer depending on your OS and your and Pro
audio host plug-in supported formats. During the instal- Tools 11/12 (64 bits) it isn’t possible.
lation, use a true administrator account or make your OS . In VST Windows installers, Skin and Vector files are not
aknowledge that you have a user account with full ad- shared between VST 32 bits and VST 64 bits.
ministrator privilege. If you don’t understand what we are . In AAX Windows installer, Skin and Vector files are not
talking about, please contact your system administrator shared with other formats and/or architectures due a to
for more information. limitation of the AAX format. Co-installation of Pro Tools
. In VST-AU OSX installer, Skin and Vector files are shared 10 (32 bits) and Pro Tools 11/12 (64 bits) it isn’t possible.
between AU and VST format and are
installed in Acustica (VST 32 bits) folder.

3 - Product Authorization

3.1 Online authorization: AQUARIUS

Aquarius Lite is a brand new application from Acustica As image, name and category are pretty much self ex-
Audio. Its purpose is to simplify authorization process for planatory, let’s talk more about license information and
your purchased Acustica products (ACQUA plug-ins, N4 possible actions which can be taken, depending on the
etc.). With future updates, this application will be covering situation.
product overview, download, installation, authorization,
updates and more. Under the product’s name and category you can see the
Aquarius Lite runs on Windows as 32 bit (64 bit optional) number of used licenses and the total number of pur-
and OSX 64 bit application. You will need a working in- chased / available licenses. Of course, you can not use
ternet connection in order to run the application. Off-line more licenses than you own, you would then need to buy
mode is not available yet. additional licenses. Depending of those two numbers and
Current version of the application offers an overview and computers involved in the authorization process, info and
(re)authorization of the purchased Acustica products in- action buttons can have different colors, labels and func-
stalled on your computer(s). tions (they are context sensitive).
Important note: Because this application needs access Let’s first look at the small, colored info button, it is the
to system protected folders, you should always run it as main sign, which shows the status of product in question.
administrator on Windows (mouse right-click on the icon By clicking on this button, you can see a hint about its
/ Run as administrator). On OSX you’ll be prompted to status.
enter your OSX user password for every operation which
involves system protected folders.
When started, application will scan your computer for
installed products (see “Settings” chapter for additional
explanation about scanning process).

Each product strip consists of:

- image
- name and category
- information about used / available licenses
- colored info button
- action button

So what the different colors mean?

Everything is OK - your product is properly authorized There is one exception, though. If product is already
and you don’t need to do anything. Still, the action button marked as authorized on this computer, but license file
on the right (labeled “RE-AUTHORIZE”) is available. You can not be found (corrupted, deleted), clicking on the ac-
should use the action button only if you experience unex- tion button will fix this
pected problems with the product, despite it is properly situation using existing license slot (used licenses count
authorized. will NOT increase).
Your existing license slot will be used and used licenses Contact technical support - no further action is possible
count will NOT increase. (action button is not available).
Note, if you’ve already used all your available licenses, When clicking on the icon at the top right corner of the
the action button will not be available at all, in such case, program, a pop-up menu will show.
please contact technical support. Menu contains following options:
Authorize product - product hasn’t yet been authorized on - Logout (will disconnect you from the server and the log
this computer and the action button on the right is labeled in window will pop up again)
“AUTHORIZE”. By clicking on the action button, you will - Settings (settings window will pop up, see bellow)
authorize product in question on this particular computer. - Exit (application will terminate)
Note, that new license slot will be used, so used licenses You can click on the Aquarius image at the top left to
count WILL increase. force a re-scan of the products and refresh the product

Settings window contains two main sections. The upper Use “plus” button to add new, “minus” button to delete
section shows factory defined plugin paths. All standard existing and “x” button to delete ALL existing user de-
paths are covered, so if you’ve installed your plug-ins in fined plugin paths. You must confirm changes with “OK”
standard places, they all will be found at the scan pro- button, which will close the settings window and re-scan
cess. Factory list can not be changed. your installed products.
In case you have some or all of your plugins installed in
non-standard folders, you can use the bottom section.
There you can add additional folders, which will then be
included in product scanning stage as well.

3.2 Offline authorization

3.2.1 Computer identification creation - AAX plug-in folder 32 bits: OSX HD/Library/Application-
Run your audio/video host and create a new session Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-ins/ (fixed path)
(avoid templates). Your Acqua Effect plugin should be
scanned, detected, and added into the available list of 3.2.4 Computer Identification on-line request
plugins. Go to Acustica Audio website, Customer Area, Dash-
Load your Acqua Effect plug-in and you will see a mes- board, Authorize Products. Browse to your Comput-
sage asking for authorization. er Identification file (GOLD.SER) and click Upload. Our
A computer Identification file (GOLD.SER) will be creat- Global Key Generator will create your authorization and
ed into your Acustica/Acustica64 or Components folder within few minutes you will receive an email with your au-
depending on which format you are using in your audio/ thorization attached. The Global Key Generator will also
video host application. deposit a copy of your authorization into “My Licenses”
If your audio/video host refuses to create an Acqua Effect section in your Dashboard as an on-line backup.
plug-in Computer Identification file, try it again running it
as a true administrator with administrator privilege. If you
don’t understand what we are talking about, please con-
tact your system administrator for more information.

Computer Identification file path in Windows
VST plug-in folder 32 bits: C:\VSTPlug-ins\Acustica\(not
fixed path)
VST plug-in folder 64 bits: C:\VSTPlug-ins\Acustica64\
(not fixed path)
AAX plug-in folder 32 bits: C:\Program Files (x86)\Com-
mon Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\ (fixed path)
AAX plug-in folder 64 bits: C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\ (fixed path)
File name: depends on the product or bundle. Extension:
If your audio/video host refuse to create Acqua Effect
plug-in Computer Identification file, try
it again running it as true administrator with administrator
privilege. If you don’t understand
what we are talking about, please contact your system
administrator for more information.

Computer Identification file path in OS X
- VST plug-in folder 32 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-
ins/VST/Acustica (fixed path)
- VST plug-in folder 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-
ins/VST/Acustica64 (fixed path)
- AU plug-in folder 32 and 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/
Plug-ins/Components (fixed path)
- AAX plug-in folder 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Application-
Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-ins/(fixed path)

4 - Authorization Request

Browse to your computer ID file (COBALT.SER) created IMPORTANT: Try with different browsers if you have any
in Acustica/Acustica64 folder(s), Components folder, AAX trouble with computer ID file upload.
Plug-ins folder, depending which format are you using,
and upload it in Acustica Audio website, Customer Area, NOTE: Do not try multiple uploads of your computer ID file
Dashboard, Authorize Products. (COBALT.SER) after each request, wait at least 3 minutes.
Our Global Key Generator will create your personal key in
three minutes and you will receive an email with your per-
sonal key and also GKG (Global Key Generator) will add
a copy of your license into My Licenses section in your
Dasboard as an on-line backup.

4.1 License installation 4.3 License file path in Windows

After creating your license file, our Global Key Generator . VST plug-in folder 32 bits: C:\VSTPlug-ins\Acustica\(not
will send you a message to your registered email address fixed path)
with your license file compressed in zip format as an at- . VST plug-in folder 64 bits: C:\VSTPlug-ins\Acustica64\
tachment. Decompress your license file and move it to the (not fixed path)
corresponding path, depending on the format you use. . AAX plug-in folder 32 bits: C:\Program Files (x86)\Com-
The product will be unlocked after you move the license monFiles\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\ (fixed path)
file to the correct folder. . AAX plug-in folder 64 bits: C:\Program Files\Common-
Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\(fixed path).
4.2 License file path in OS X File name: depends on the product or bundle.
Extension: .AUT.
. VST plug-in folder 32 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-
ins/VST/Acustica (fixed path) Note: our Global Key Generator will also deposit a copy
. VST plug-in folder 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug- of both your Computer Identification and your license into
ins/VST/Acustica64 (fixed path) “My Licenses” section in your Dashboard as an on-line
. AU plug-in folder 32 and 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/ backup.
Plug-ins/Components (fixed path)

. AU plug-in folder 32 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug- 4.4 Installations paths
ins/Components(fixed path)
. AU plug-in folder 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug- 4.4.1 OS X paths:
ins/Components(fixed path) . VST plug-in folder 32 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-
. AAX plug-in folder 32 bits: OSX HD/Library/Application- ins/VST/Acustica(fixed path)
Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-ins (fixed path) . VST plug-in folder 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-
. AAX plug-in folder 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Application- ins/VST/Acustica64(fixed path)
Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-ins (fixed path)
Also recommended:
Windows paths: - Do not resume downloads.
. VST plug-in folder 32 bits: C:\VSTPlug-ins\Acustica\ - Disable any anti-virus and/or any anti-malware.
(recommended path) - Disable OSX Gatekeeper.
. VST plug-in folder 64 bits: C:\VSTPlug-ins\Acustica64\ - Disable Windows Smart Screen.
(recommended path)
. AAX plug-in folder 32 bits: C:\Program Files (x86)\Com-
monFiles\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\ (fixed path)
. AAX plug-in folder 64 bits: C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\ (fixed path)

All product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or
affiliated with Acusticaudio S.r.l.
Product names are used solely for the purpose of identifying the specific products that were studied during Acusti-
ca-audio’s sound model development and for describing certain types of tones produced with Acustica-audio’s digital
modeling technology. Use of these names does not imply any cooperation or endorsement. Pultec® is a registered
trademark property of Pulse Techniques, LLC. ALTEC is a trademark of Altec Industries, Inc.

Product warranty

Acustica warrants to the original end user customer that This limited warranty also does not apply to any product
its products are free from defects in material and work- on which the original identification information has been
manship. Subject to the conditions and limitations set altered, obliterated or removed, that has not been han-
forth below, Acustica will, at its option, either repair or dled or packaged correctly, that has been sold as sec-
replace any part of its products that prove defective by ond-hand or that has been resold contrary to Italy and
reason of improper workmanship or materials. Repaired other applicable export regulations.
parts or replacement products will be provided by Acusti- This limited warranty covers only repair, replacement, re-
ca on an exchange basis, and will be either new or recer- fund or credit for defective Acustica products, as provid-
tified. All recertified products have been tested to ensure ed above. Acustica is not liable for, and does not cover
that they are functionally equivalent to new products. under warranty, any damages or losses of any kind what-
This limited warranty does not cover any damage to the soever resulting from loss of, damage to or corruption of,
product that results from improper installation, accident, content or data or any costs associated with determining
abuse, misuse, natural disaster, insufficient or excessive the source of system problems or removing, servicing or
electrical supply, abnormal mechanical or environmental installing Acustica products. This warranty excludes third
conditions, or any unauthorized disassembly, repair or party software, connected equipment or stored data.
modification. Acustica is therefore not liable for any losses or damage
This limited warranty shall not apply if: (i) the product was attributable to third party software, connected equipment
not used in accordance with any accompanying instruc- or stored data. In the event of a claim, Acustica’s sole
tions, or (ii) the product was not used for its intended obligation shall be to issue a refund or replacement of the
function. hardware.

Garanzia del prodotto

Acustica garantisce all’utente finale originario, che tale sono stati movimentati o imballati correttamente, a quel-
prodotto è esente da difetti di materiale e lavorazione. li venduti di seconda mano, o che sono stati rivenduti
In osservanza alle condizioni e alle limitazioni riportate in base a procedure non conformi alle norme di espor-
in sezione sotto, Acustica si impegna, a sua esclusiva tazione vigenti in Italia e ad altre normative applicabili
discrezione, a riparare o sostituire qualunque compo- sull’esportazione. Questa garanzia limitata copre esclusi-
nente dei suoi prodotti che presenta difetti di materiali e vamente la riparazione, sostituzione, rimborso o accred-
lavorazione. I prodotti riparati o sostituiti possono essere ito del valore riferito ai prodotti Acustica che presentano
nuovi o rigenerati, e verranno forniti da Acustica previa difetti in base ai criteri riportati in sezione sopra. Acustica
restituzione del prodotto difettoso. Tutti i prodotti rigene- declina ogni responsabilità, e non offre alcun tipo di ga-
rati sono stati testati, al fine di assicurare che la loro fun- ranzia, per i danni o perdite di qualunque natura, derivanti
zionalità sia pari al nuovo. da perdite, danneggiamenti o corruzione di contenuti o
La presente garanzia limitata non copre il prodotto da al- dati, per i costi associati all’identificazione delle cause dei
cun danno derivante da errori di installazione, incidenti, problemi presenti sui sistemi, e per quelli derivanti dalle
abuso, utilizzo non corretto, disastri naturali, esposizione spese per gli interventi necessari alla rimozione, manuten-
a sotto o sovratensioni di alimentazione, condizioni mec- zione e installazione dei prodotti Acustica. La presente
caniche o ambientali anomale, nonché i danni derivanti garanzia non include i software di terze parti utilizzati con
da qualunque tentativo non autorizzato di smontaggio, i dispositivi, o i dati eventualmente memorizzati. Acustica
riparazione o modifica dello stesso. La presente garan- declina altresì ogni responsabilità per i danni e le perdite
zia non è applicabile quando: (1) il prodotto non è stato imputabili a software di terze parti collegati ai dispositivi
utilizzato in modo conforme alle istruzioni che lo accom- o ai dati memorizzati. In caso di reclami, l’unico obbligo
pagnano, oppure (2) quando il prodotto è stato utilizzato di Acustica consiste nel pagamento di un rimborso o nella
per impieghi differenti da quelli ai quali esso è destinato. sostituzione del componente hardware
La presente garanzia limitata non è inoltre applicabile ai
prodotti i cui dati di identificazione originari siano stati al-
terati, danneggiati o rimossi, oppure ai prodotti che non


Acustica garantiert dem Erstkäufer, dass das Produkt frei die nicht ordnungsgemäß gehandhabt und verpackt,
von Material- und Verarbeitungsmängeln ist. Vorbehalt- gebraucht gekauft oder entgegen den Exportvorschrif-
lich der in diesem Vertrag dargelegten Bedingungen und ten der Italien oder anderer geltender Exportvorschriften
Einschränkungen wird Acustica bei erwiesenen Verarbe- weiterverkauft wurden. Diese eingeschränkte Garantie
itungs- oder Materialfehlern das defekte Teil dieses Pro- umfasst ausschließlich Reparaturen, Austausch, Rück-
duktes nach eigenem Ermessen entweder reparieren oder erstattung oder Gutschrift für defekte Acustica Produkte,
ersetzen. Die Reparaturteile oder Ersatzprodukte werden wie vorstehend angeführt. Acustica haftet in keiner Wei-
von Acustica ausgetauscht und sind entweder neu oder se für Beschädigungen oder Verluste jeglicher Art, die
neuwertig. Alle durch unsachgemäße oder falsche Instal- aus Verlust, Beschädigung oder Störung von Inhalten
lation, Unfall, Missbrauch, falsche Verwendung, Naturka- oder Daten entstehen, oder sonstige Kosten, die durch
tastrophen, Über- oder Unterspannung, anomale tech- die Ermittlung der Ursache von Systemproblemen oder
nische und Umweltbedingungen, oder durch unbefugtes die Deinstallation, Instandsetzung oder Installation von
Zerlegen, Reparieren oder Modifizieren, verursachten Acustica Produkten entstehen. Diese Garantie schließt
Schäden am Produkt sind von dieser eingeschränkten jegliche Software von Drittanbietern, angeschlossenen
Garantie ausgenommen. Diese eingeschränkte Garan- Geräte oder gespeicherten Daten aus. Acustica haftet da-
tie findet keine Anwendung wenn: (i) das Produkt nicht her nicht für Verluste oder Schäden jedweder Art, die auf
gemäß seiner Bedienungsanleitung verwendet wurde, Software von Drittanbietern, angeschlossene Geräte oder
oder (ii) das Produkt für einen anderen, als für den an- gespeicherte Daten zurückzuführen sind. Im Falle eines
gegebenen Zweck verwendet wurde. Gleichfalls sind alle Garantieanspruchs besteht Acustica s ausschließliche
Produkte ausgenommen, deren ursprüngliche Kennzeich- Haftung in der Erstattung oder dem Ersatz der betreffend-
nung geändert, unkenntlich gemacht oder entfernt wurde, en Hardware.

Garantie produit

Acustica garantit à l’utilisateur original que ses produits Cette garantie limitée couvre uniquement la réparation, le
sont exempts de défauts de matériaux et de fabrication. remplacement, le remboursement des produits Acustica
Sous réserve des dispositions et limitations présentées défectueux tels que décrits ci-dessous, ou donne droit
ci-dessous, Acustica remplacera ou réparera, à sa seule à un avoir. Acustica ne peut pas être tenu responsable,
discrétion, toute partie d’un produit défectueux à cause et exclut de toute garantie applicable, les dommages ou
d’un défaut de fabrication ou de matériau. Les pièces pertes de tous types pouvant résulter de la perte, de la
réparées ou les produits de remplacement seront four- détérioration, de la corruption d’un contenu ou de don-
nis et échangés par Acustica et seront neufs ou recerti- nées, ni des coûts associés à l’identification des causes
fiés. Tous les produits recertifiés sont testés pour garantir des problèmes du système, ou à la désinstallation, à l’en-
qu’ils sont fonctionnellement équivalents aux produits tretien ou à l’installation des produits Acustica. Cette ga-
neufs. Cette garantie limitée ne couvre aucune détério- rantie exclut les logiciels tiers, les équipements connectés
ration d’un produit provoquée par une installation incor- ou les données stockées. Acustica ne peut être tenu re-
recte, un accident, une utilisation inappropriée ou abusive, sponsable d’aucune perte ou dommage attribuable à un
une catastrophe naturelle, une alimentation électrique logiciel tiers, à un équipement connecté ou à des don-
insuffisante ou excessive, des conditions environnemen- nées stockées. En cas de demande de garantie, l’obliga-
tales ou mécaniques anormales, ou toute opération non tion de Acustica se limite strictement au remboursement
autorisée de modification, de démontage ou de répara- ou au remplacement du matériel fourni.
tion. Cette garantie limitée n’est pas applicable si : (i) le
produit n’a pas été utilisé conformément aux instructions
jointes, ou si (ii) l’utilisation du produit a été inappropriée
ou abusive. Cette garantie limitée n’est pas applicable à
un produit dont les informations d’identification originales
ont été modifiées, effacées ou supprimées, qui a été ma-
nipulé ou emballé incorrectement, qui a été vendu d’oc-
casion ou revendu contrairement à la réglementation de
l’exportation aux Italie, ou autre réglementation de l’ex-
portation applicables.

гарантия на изделие

Компания Acustica гарантирует всем пользователям Настоящая ограниченная гарантия также не

своей продукции отсутствие брака в используемых распространяется на любую продукцию, на которой
компонентах и изготовлении. В соответствии с исходная идентификационная информация была
условиями и ограничениями, изложенными ниже, изменена, уничтожена или удалена, для которой были
компания Acustica, по своему усмотрению, производит нарушены правила погрузки-разгрузки или упаковки,
ремонт или замену своей продукции, оказавшейся которая была продана как бывшая в употреблении или
бракованной по причине ненадлежащего качества повторно продана в нарушение экспортных правил
изготовления или используемых материалов. Италия и других экспортных правил.
Отремонтированные компоненты или продукция на Настоящая ограниченная гарантия распространяется
замену бракованной предоставляются компанией только на ремонт, замену, возврат уплаченных
Acustica на основании обмена на новую или повторно денежных средств или скидку для дефектной продукции
проверенную продукцию. Настоящая ограниченная Acustica, как указано выше. Компания Acustica не
гарантия не распространяется на любые повреждения несёт никакой ответственности за и не распространяет
продукции, произошедшие в результате неправильной гарантию на любые повреждения или убытки любого
установки, несчастного случая, неправильного рода, возникающие вследствие утери, повреждения
употребления, неправильного использования, или разрушения содержимого или данных, либо
стихийного бедствия, недостаточной или чрезмерной расходы, связанные с определением источника
подачи электропитания, аномальных механических системных проблем или снятием, обслуживанием или
условий или условий окружающей среды, а также установкой продукции компании Acustica. Эта гарантия
любого несанкционированного демонтажа, ремонта не охватывает программное обеспечение сторонних
или модификации. Настоящая ограниченная гарантия производителей, подключаемое оборудование
неприменима в следующих случаях: (i) продукт не или хранящиеся на устройстве данные. Поэтому
использовался в соответствии с сопровождающими компания Acustica не несёт ответственности за любые
инструкциями, или (ii) продукт не использовался по его убытки или повреждения, которые можно отнести
целевому предназначению. на счёт стороннего программного обеспечения,
подключаемого оборудования или хранящихся
данных. В случае предъявления претензии
единственным обязательством компании Acustica
будет предоставление согласия на возмещение или
замену оборудования.


Acustica 向其產品之原始消費者保證,其產品在材料及製 本保证仅限定于上述的声学缺陷的产品所提供的服务的修

作上均無任何瑕疵。若證實因不適當之製作或材料而導致 理,更换或退款。对于因内容或数据丢失,损坏,造成伤
瑕疵, Acustica 將遵循下列所述條款及限制之規範,自行 害或损失的错误,或确定的系统问题或拆卸,维修或安装
選擇修復或更換其產品之任何零件。修復之零件或更換產 任何成本音响产品的来源有致,声学承担责任,并且覆
品均由 Acustica 以更換方式提供,且將為全新或經翻修之 盖这些案件或产品保修。此产品保修部分不包括第三方软
產品。所有經翻修之產品均已經過測試,以確保其功能等 件,连接的设备或数据保留。因此,声学第三方软件,任
同於全新產品。若  何损失或设备损坏或数据存储设备连接造成的不收费。如
此有限保修不包括因安装不当,意外事故,滥用,误用, 果有保修要求,它是唯一的责任声学退款或更换产品给消
自然灾害,供应不足或过量,机械或环境条件异常,或任 费者。

Garantia do produto

A Acustica garante ao cliente usuário final original que manuseado ou embalado corretamente, tenha sido ven-
seus produtos estão livres de defeitos, tanto de material dido de segunda mão ou revendido em desacordo com
como de fabricação. Sujeita às condições e limitações as regulamentações de exportação dos Itália e outras
estabelecidas abaixo, a Acustica, a seu critério, irá rep- regulamentações de exportação aplicáveis. Esta garantia
arar ou substituir qualquer peça de seus produtos nos cobre apenas o conserto ou a substituição, reembolso ou
quais seja comprovado defeito devido à mão de obra ou crédito dos produtos Acustica defeituosos de acordo com
materiais inadequados. Peças reparadas ou produtos de a descrição desta garantia. A Acustica não é responsável,
substituição serão fornecidos pela Acustica à base de nem oferece garantia , por quaisquer danos ou perdas de
troca, e serão novos ou recondicionados. Todos os pro- quaisquer tipos resultantes de perda, dano ou corrupção
dutos recondicionados foram testados para garantir que de conteúdo ou dados ou por quaisquer custos associa-
são funcionalmente equivalentes aos novos produtos. dos com a determinação da origem dos problemas do
Esta garantia limitada não cobre qualquer dano ao produ- sistema ou com a remoção, manutenção ou instalação
to que resulte de instalação inadequada, acidente, abuso, da marca Acustica ou HyperX. Esta garantia exclui soft-
uso incorreto, desastre natural, suprimento elétrico insufi- wares de terceiros, equipamento conectado ou dados
ciente ou excessivo, condições mecânicas ou ambientais armazenados. A Acustica não é, portanto, responsável
anormais ou qualquer desmontagem, conserto ou modi- por quaisquer perdas ou danos atribuíveis a softwares
ficação não autorizados. Esta garantia limitada pode não de terceiros, equipamento conectado ou dados arma-
se aplicar se: (i) o produto não foi usado de acordo com zenados. Em caso de reclamação, a única obrigação da
as instruções que o acompanham, ou (ii) o produto não Acustica será efetuar um reembolso ou a substituição do
foi usado para a função destinada. Esta garantia limitada hardware.A Acustica não deixará de oferecer assistência
também não se aplica a qualquer produto no qual as in- técnica para seus produtos nem retirará seus produtos
formações de identificação originais tenham sido altera- do mercado, desde que haja componentes disponíveis
das, rasuradas ou removidas, que não tenha sido no mercado e demanda razoável pelos mesmos.

гаранция за продукта

Acustica гарантира на първоначалния краен продава като втора ръка или продукти са препродадени
потребител, че продуктите нямат никакви дефекти в нарушение на нормативната уредба за експорт
в използваните материали и изработката. В на други приложими разпоредби и Италия. Тази
съответствие с долуизброените условия и ограничена гаранция включва само ремонт, подмяна,
ограничения, Acustica, по свой избор, ще поправи или възстановяване или кредит се равнява на дефектни
замени свои продукти, които са доказано дефектни продукти Acústica според II-условия по-горе. Акустико
поради неправилна изработка или материали. не носи отговорност за и не дава никакви гаранции
Поправените или новите продукти за смяна ще се II заглавието на загуба или щети от всякакъв вид,
предоставят от Acustica в замяна на дефектните и ще причинени загуба, повреждане или унищожаване на
бъдат или нови, или пре-сертифицирани за употреба. съдържание или данни, в това число разходите II,
Настоящата ограничена гаранция не включва повреди свързани с установяване на причината за проблема,
на продукта, нанесени в резултат на неправилно или промяната, ремонта и инсталирането на Акустика
инсталиране, инцидент, злоупотреба, неправилна продукти. Тази гаранция не се прилага по отношение
употреба, природно бедствие, недостатъчно или на софтуера на трети страни, включително оборудване
прекомерно захранване, неподходящи механични или съхранени данни. II Затова Акустика не поема
или екологични условия, както и неупълномощено отговорност за загуби или щети, произтичащи от
разглобяване, ремонт или промяна. Тази ограничена използването на софтуер на трета страна, оборудване
гаранция не се прилага в случай че: (i) продуктът не или съхранени данни. В случай на гаранционен
е бил използван в съответствие с придружаващите го иск, единственото задължение на Акустика е за
инструкции или (ii) продуктът не е бил използван по възстановяване на платената сума или да се замени
предназначение. Настоящата ограничена гаранция на хардуера.
също така не се отнася за продукти, чиято оригинална
идентификационна информация е частично или
напълно променена, или изтрита, продукти, които са
неправилно или неподходящо опаковани, продукти,


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