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Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 2: 43–52 (2008)

Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/sej.19


INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

The challenge of organizational adaptation is often presented in terms of the tension between
the exploration of new possibilities and the exploitation of existing accomplishments. Whether
framed in the language of invention versus refinement or local search versus long jumps, the
spirit of the argument is of an explicit trade-off that resource-constrained organizations must
make to secure their survival and success. While we do not dispute the fundamental truth that
underlies this tension, we do believe this dominant characterization of the process of explora-
tion may be masking key drivers of this tension and potential paths towards its resolution.
We argue that, from the perspective of an actor, all activities are inherently exploitative in
their nature, in the sense that they are undertaken with the explicit expectation that they may
achieve meaningful progress on some dimension of performance. The key distinction regards
the extent to which the dimension of performance is recognized and legitimated from the
perspective of the organizational context in which the actor is operating. Acts perceived as
‘exploratory’ are, thus, more accurately characterized as acts of exploitation directed along
new performance dimensions. We consider the organizational challenges that such explor-
atory action poses and the implications for entrepreneurial initiatives. From the perspective of
the focal actor engaged in the exploratory initiative, the challenge is to identify ‘projections’
of the payoff of the initiative they are pursuing, either onto those dimensions of performance
that are of interest to the organization, or onto more concrete measures of product-market
acceptance and financial return. Low-dimensional representations of the business landscape
are an inevitable by-product of bounded rationality and the need for organizations and their
strategies to coordinate and direct collective action. In this regard, the most powerful form
of entrepreneurship may be the initiation of the cognitive shifts that offer a different topology
of the competitive landscape. Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society.

INTRODUCTION of more promising futures while, at the same time,

they must allocate resources to insure their survival
The exploration/exploitation trade-off captures in the face of short-run selection pressures (Levin-
a fundamental tension in evolutionary systems thal and March, 1993). While we do not dispute the
(Holland, 1975) and has become central in our think- fundamental truth that underlies this tension, we do
ing about the challenge of organizational learning believe that this dominant characterization of the
and adaptation (March, 1991). Organizations must process of exploration may be masking key drivers
make uncertain investments to create the possibility of this tension and potential paths towards its resolu-
tion. While images of long jumps or drawing from
urns may capture mathematical representations of
Keywords: exploration; exploitation; search; innovation exploratory activities, they serve as stylized—and,
*Correspondence to: Ron Adner, INSEAD Business School,
Boulevard de Constance, Fontainebleau, 77305, France. arguably, potentially misleading—suggestions of
E-mail: actual exploratory processes. We argue that, from

Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society

44 R. Adner and D. Levinthal

the perspective of an actor, all activities are inher- our characterization of the activity of exploration
ently exploitative in nature, in the sense that they are itself. The literature has emphasized the point that
undertaken with the explicit expectation that they exploration is not maximally enhancing to the orga-
may achieve meaningful progress on some dimen- nization’s near-term performance. While this obser-
sion of performance. In contrast, from the perspec- vation is a central property of exploration efforts, it
tive of an observer, an activity may be perceived as implicitly—and often explicitly—provides an image
either exploration or exploitation. For the observer, of exploration as a somewhat random, rather undi-
the key distinction between acts perceived as explor- rected search process: drawing from urns, taking
atory and those perceived as exploitative is the extent long jumps, and so on. Such images, we suggest,
to which the dimension of performance along which are misleading. Consider a paradigmatic example of
the actor is attempting to progress is recognized and exploratory activity—3M’s fabled policy of allow-
legitimated within the observer’s own context. Acts ing scientists to allocate 15 percent of their time
perceived as exploratory are, thus, more accurately and resources according to their individual discre-
characterized as acts of exploitation directed along tion. This policy has been identified as an important
new performance dimensions. example of slack search. We agree that this policy
In the following sections, we develop the impli- illustrates the idea of slack search, but we need to
cations of this conception of exploration as other- be more careful in how we interpret exactly what
directed action rather than undirected search. First, this means.
we clarify the relationship between the explora- The policy provides slack in the sense that the
tion/exploitation distinction and the local-distant scientists’ efforts are not required to be evaluated
search distinction as one that hinges on the differ- according to the performance benchmarks of any
ence between dimensionality and distance. Second, of the firm’s existing initiatives. However, it is
we consider two alternative paths that this distinc- also important to note what these scientists are not
tion presents to corporate entrepreneurs: they may doing. They are not boating on Lake Superior, nor
attempt to identify ways in which progress on the new are they sitting idle in their offices and labs waiting
dimensions that they are pursuing can be projected for lightening to strike. Rather, these engineers and
onto the payoff surface that is defined on dimensions scientists are working to solve particular puzzles and
of performance that are already legitimate within problems, and testing various hunches and hypoth-
the organization (i.e., mapping their initiative on eses. The critical feature of these activities that we
to the strategic context; Bower [1970]; Burgelman wish to highlight is that these initiatives are not
[1983]). Alternatively, they may attempt to legiti- undirected, but other directed, where the modifier
mize new dimensions of performance and alter the other connotes the notion that the goals and objec-
very definition of the payoff surface within the orga- tives of these discretionary activities need not cor-
nization. The first approach leverages the strategic respond to the current objectives of the firm. They
context of the organization, but risks constraining are pursuing dimensions of progress that, while pos-
the potential novelty of progress. The second holds sibly not orthogonal to the organization’s perfor-
the promise of a vastly enriched set of organizational mance objectives, may not be highly collinear with
activities, but risks diverting resources to pursuits them. These efforts do not correspond to spinning
that only make sense to their pursuers. Our char- one’s wheels. Rather, these efforts correspond to the
acterization of exploration as other-directed action actors’ attempts to climb dimensions of performance
argues that the focal challenge in the management of not fully sanctioned or recognized by the broader
entrepreneurship is not the specifics of the choice of organization.
entrepreneurial activity to be pursued; rather, it is the In Abbott’s (1884) allegorical tale, a stranger from
choice of organizational selection regime in which Spaceland (a world that recognizes three dimen-
these activities will be evaluated. sions) attempts to convince an inhabitant of Flatland
(a world that recognizes only two dimensions) of the
existence of a third dimension that he refers to as
RECONCEPTUALIZING height. Discovering that it is impossible to meaning-
EXPLORATION fully discuss the existence of this third dimension
using the Flatland’s language and metrics (which, of
Our understanding of the exploration/exploita- course, have no spatial constructs that extend beyond
tion trade-off is, in important respects, clouded by length and width), the Spacelander’s only way to
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 2: 43–52 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
Doing versus Seeing 45

Payoff along the new

dimension of performance

Payoff along sanctioned

dimensions of performance



Figure 1. Search distance and payoffs along sanctioned dimensions of performance

convince the Flatlander of the validity of the third This is a departure from the usual distinction
dimension is to demonstrate its existence by lifting between local and distant search. The distance of
the Flatlander up. Upon viewing Flatland from this search is usually measured as the extent of departure
raised position, in which he could observe both the from established routines and behavioral patterns.
two dimensions of the plane as well as witness the Figure 1 illustrates the trade-off between the risk of
new perspective of height, the Flatlander becomes jeopardizing the organization’s existing performance
convinced of the existence of the new dimension. position (A), and the promise of finding potentially
When the Flatlander returns from his journey, he superior positioning such as B or C, which lie at
tries to convince others of the existence of height. more distant summits that are either a short-jump
However, without the ability to demonstrate its exis- (x) or a long jump (x′) away.
tence by raising them above the plane, he is branded In contrast to this notion of long jumps, the view
a lunatic and sent off to isolated confinement. of exploration developed here need not imply a sig-
From the perspective of an entrepreneurial sci- nificant departure from established routines. Rather,
entist attempting to achieve progress along new it implies a departure from the established metrics
dimensions of performance, colleagues who do of performance to expand the set of measurement
not (yet) appreciate the value of the new dimen- dimensions. Since progress along these dimensions
sion are flatlanders. They are living on the lower- is not necessarily correlated, minor departures from
dimensional surface of the officially sanctioned routines that show trivial progress along established
goals of the organization and are sensitive to indi- dimensions might yield significant progress along
cators of progress only on this plane. Entrepreneurs, alternate metrics (see Figure 2b).
like Abbott’s enlightened Flatlander, are engaged Figure 2a illustrates how a moderate departure
in highly directed activity, but these efforts push from existing routines (x″) can simultaneously yield
them further along a performance dimension that is negative progress along the established performance
largely unseen or unvalued by those around them. metrics (from A to A′) and positive progress along
In the absence of acceptable validation, their efforts a new performance dimension (D). In this example,
are easily relegated to blue sky status and comfort- progress along the new dimension projects a nega-
ably ignored within their organizational context. If tive shadow along the established dimensions of
an entrepreneur is to validate these other-directed progress.
efforts, he or she must find a way to validate the new An example is Christensen’s (1997) discussion
dimension of performance. of disruptive innovation in the hard disk drive
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 2: 43–52 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
46 R. Adner and D. Levinthal

Payoff along the new

dimension of performance
Payoff along sanctioned
dimensions of performance



Payoff along the new

dimension of performance
Payoff along sanctioned
dimensions of performance



Figure 2a,b. Projection of payoffs along sanctioned and new performance dimensions for alternative activities

industry. Incumbents, who evaluated progress along of the atom was an important question in physics in
the legitimized performance dimensions of capacity the late 1940s (c.f. Block, Levinthal, and Packard,
and speed, did not appreciate the potential of new, 1947) and the basis for awarding a Nobel Prize to
smaller disk drive generations—even though they Felix Bloch in 1952. Bloch and his students were,
themselves had already developed them (i.e., the from their perspective, very much engaged in goal-
routines were already established)—to contribute directed problem-solving research. However, it was
to value by progressing along the not (as of yet) not until many decades later that the solution to this
legitimized dimensions of portability and energy puzzle in physics cast a shadow on the quest for
efficiency. better diagnostic images of soft-tissues, resulting in
This casting of shadows may have a temporal the development of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
quality as well. An initiative that seemed irrelevant (NMR) devices.
to flatlanders may, with the passage of time, come Organizations and their entrepreneurs confront
to be viewed as having importance. For instance, the problem from opposite directions. On the one
the question of measuring the magnetic resonance side, organizations that seek to foster innovation and
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 2: 43–52 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
Doing versus Seeing 47

entrepreneurship struggle to find ways to encourage systems. Within the organizational hierarchy, each
managers to pursue new dimensions of performance. manager may regard his or her own project activi-
On the other side, those managers who take up the ties as exploitative, whereas, from the perspective of
call and pursue progress on new dimensions struggle higher-level actors who may have a substantial portfo-
to find ways of legitimizing their efforts. lio of initiatives under their purview, each individual
Of course, individuals may perceive possible project may be regarded as an option which the firm
dimensions of performance that are unlikely to ever may—or may not—choose to continue to pursue.
have any mapping to any pragmatic real-world flat- Adner and Levinthal (2004) refer to this distinction as
land. Poets and dreamers may climb castles in the the difference between holding an option and being
sky or tilt at windmills. An important organizational an option. Hence, the different perspectives that are
challenge ultimately remains: sorting through initia- inherent in the hierarchical structure of organizations
tives that pursue novel—but potentially pragmatic— contribute to the presence of ranges of initiatives that
dimensions and those that may have relevance only may have an exploratory quality.
in terms of the dimension that is forming the basis However, the presence of variety in options (or
of exploration. How do organizations distinguish experimentation) is not sufficient to insure variety in
between those initiatives that correspond to climb- strategy. Indeed, we suggest that the lack of variety is
ing toward castles in the sky from those that may not the constraining factor in limiting the adaptabil-
be unearthing promising new veins of technological ity of organizations. Imagine that a thousand flowers
progress and product initiatives? An organization’s have bloomed, but the gardener tills over all but one
answer to this key question is reflected in the internal variety of flower. While obviously a caricature, the
resource allocation process and the extent to which point is that experiments must be complemented by
this process is designed to support a multiplicity of sufficient variety in the dimensions of performance
selection regimes. by which an initiative is evaluated within an orga-
nization. Underlying the organizational difficulty of
organizations sustaining a diversity of selection cri-
FLATLANDS AND teria is the tendency for resources to be allocated by
CORPORATE ENTREPRENEURSHIP a singular authority structure within an organization.
Thus, while a large organization may have sufficient
Organizations facilitate coordinated actions among resources to make multiple bets, those individu-
disparate individuals and subgroups. This coordina- als who control resource allocation decisions are
tion is achieved through the alignment of interests unlikely to be of multiple minds. While there may
either through incentive mechanisms to reduce diver- well be considerable diversity of opinion within the
gent behavior in the face of goal conflict, or through organization, there is typically a dominant political
socialization and the development of shared identity coalition, and the perspective of this ruling group
to achieve a greater degree of shared motives. Strat- will tend to drive the resource allocation decisions
egy is an important mechanism to align and direct according to a dominant logic (Prahalad and Bettis,
behavior within organizations. As such, a strategy 1986). Indeed, the motivation of entrepreneurs to
serves to define and legitimate the dimensions along leave their prior organization may be driven as
which progress is to be measured. In so doing, of much by their inability to convince their prior firm
course, a given strategy also acts to delegitimate the to pursue an opportunity that they feel has tremen-
alternative dimensions along which progress could dous promise, as it is associated with an incentive
have been made. to appropriate for themselves the returns associated
While the problem of innovativeness is often with the pursuit of the opportunity (c.f. Klepper and
defined as a problem of lack of variety (Kanter, 1988), Sleeper, 2005; Christensen, 1997).
our arguments point to the need to consider the role
of selection processes and, in particular, the bases
of selection mechanisms. In the traditional view, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND
the solution to the problem of innovativeness lies in THE LEGITIMATION OF
mechanisms that enhance the level of experimenta- OTHER-DIRECTED INITIATIVES
tion on the part of organizations. Indeed, one natural
approach to resolve the exploration/exploitation An implication of our distinction between the
trade-off is to recognize organizations as hierarchical distance and the dimensionality of progress is that
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 2: 43–52 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
48 R. Adner and D. Levinthal

entrepreneurial initiatives must be defined by more The limitation of such an approach is that success-
than just the level of uncertainty associated with their ful initiatives may not be financially self sufficient
outcome. Analogous to Knight’s (1921) contrast and, as a result, require additional funding. One is
between risk and uncertainty, we argue that variabil- then back in the position of having to convince some
ity in outcomes along existing legitimated dimen- central authority of the merits of the particular ini-
sions of performance is qualitatively different from tiative.
uncertainty regarding the merit of the performance
dimension itself.1 Strategic initiatives, despite their Option 2: Retrofit
inherent Knightean risk, are qualitatively different
from other-directed initiatives. An initiative’s align- A second approach is to reframe a non-conforming
ment with existing strategic dimensions serves as a initiative in a way that fits within the official strat-
substitute for direct evidence of its success. The less egy—that is, to identify ways in which progress along
aligned the initiative, the higher the required stan- the other dimension results in a projection of prog-
dard of evidence for its approval is. In the absence ress along the legitimated dimensions. Burgelman’s
of legitimacy, hard proof is required. The very act of (1991) discussion of Intel’s venture into Reduced
aligning an initiative along existing strategic dimen- Instruction Set Computing (RISC), a venture that
sions serves to legitimate its purpose and, hence, to required the allocation of precious development
facilitate a positive selection outcome. resources away from the legitimated approach of
In the context of corporate entrepreneurship, two Complex Instruction Set Computing (CISC), is a
logically distinct options seem to be present: classic example of retrofit. The RISC effort was
justified as a complementary project—one of devel-
oping a math co-processor to the core CISC proces-
Option 1: Skunk Works sor—rather than on the basis of the RISC team’s
The first option faced by a corporate entrepreneur true intention—developing a substitute platform for
operating outside the firm’s strategic context is to a new core processor. By highlighting the benefits
hide the initiative from the internal selection regime. to be gained along the existing performance dimen-
Such projects rely on the individual commitment sion (‘this will make for a more compelling CISC
of their supporters for their resources and face two offer’), the RISC team found a way of projecting
distinct challenges. First, because they are neces- the progress along their own focal dimension (RISC
sarily hidden from the larger organization, they performance) onto the organization’s established
face an additional set of inefficiencies in access- performance dimension (CISC performance).
ing the shared capabilities that would otherwise be Such subterfuge is required when an initiative
available to legitimate projects. Second, because is targeting illegitimate dimensions because, as in
incremental success is generally accompanied by the Flatland tale, describing the existence of a new
increased resource requirements, such projects dimension requires a language and perspective that
become increasingly difficult to hide. Because they is unavailable to (passive) observers before they are
are hidden from the organizational context, the presented with the definitive, visceral proof of the
evaluation of skunk works projects is haphazard, validity of the new perspective. It is only after a
coinciding with accidental discovery, a need for Flatlander is confronted with the reality—rather than
non-concealable resources, or the unveiling of the the promise—of the new dimension that he or she
completed initiative. finds the justification to adjust his or her preexisting
map of reality.
Kingdon (1984) applies the Garbage Can frame-
Knight distinguished between situations of: (1) risk in which work (Cohen, March, and Olsen, 1972) to provide
multiple outcomes are possible, and in which the probability
of these outcomes is quantifiable, and (2) situations of uncer- an analysis of how public policy solutions rise to
tainty in which probabilities are unknowable in advance. In the surface of the political agenda amidst many dif-
our arguments, the analogue to risk corresponds to the vari- ferent claims for politicians’ attention. In Kingdon’s
ance in possible outcomes along an existing and agreed upon
dimension of performance, whereas the analogue to uncertainty analysis, policy advocates are akin to political entre-
corresponds to a lack of clarity or agreement about appropriate preneurs waiting for the alignment of circumstances
dimensions of performance. Alvarez and Barney (2007) make that allows them to push their agenda to the fore.
a related contrast between entrepreneurial efforts of discovery
which identify pre-existing opportunities and those that create A powerful contemporary example is the initiation
new opportunities. of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) (Mazarr, 2007).
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 2: 43–52 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
Doing versus Seeing 49

Subsequent to the first Gulf War, there was a as those viewed as exploitive—involve the pursuit
concern in the U.S. intelligence community about of progress on some performance dimension. It may
Saddam Hussein’s aspirations for weapons of mass be a performance dimension that only appeals to a
destruction and the proximity of the Iraq military small community of researchers—such as the effort
program to achieving those aspirations. During the to better measure the magnetic resonance of the
1990s, an important group of policy analysts and atom—and appears to be exploratory to the rest of
advocates, largely outside the government at that the world. But, that interpretation of the initiative as
time, developed and promoted an argument for mili- exploratory is with reference to a particular set of
tary intervention to overthrow the Iraqi government. actors’ reference points of what constitutes relevant
This agenda became highly salient with the tragic and salient dimensions of performance. Thus, one
events of 9/11, when the administration, under the can only view acts of exploration or exploitation
context of a ‘broader war on terror’ (Mazarr, 2007: relative to a particular actor’s vantage point. The
6), immediately began the development of military tension of exploration versus exploitation is, thus,
plans. The important point here is not whether the a challenge of competing world views.
military plans were wise or not, or what the exact Unfortunately, the solution to this challenge of
motivations of the policy advocates were—the key differing world views cannot be that individuals
issue (as relates to our arguments) is that these long- adopt the union of all performance dimensions that
standing proposed actions would not have become are relevant to the set of actors with whom they
policy in the absence of the events of 9/11. Kingdon are interacting. There are two basic reasons for
(1984) argues that events, often crises, create policy this restriction of attention. First, progress on some
windows, brief moments in time during which atten- dimensions of performance may cast no shadows on
tion is attached to particular domains. Successful the space of economic performance. Second, bound-
policy entrepreneurs seize the opportunity and fit edly rational actors are restricted to low-dimensional
their solutions to the current perceived problem that representations of more complex realities (Gavetti
is galvanizing attention and energy. and Levinthal, 2000). Thus, while it is fashionable
Other-directed initiatives face the same chal- to scoff at the simple 2 × 2 representations that
lenges in legitimating their claims on resources as are common in the strategy field, it is important to
did the Spacelander in legitimating his perspective recognize that individuals are hard pressed to think
within the confines of Flatland. We suggest that this simultaneously about many more dimensions than
is a fundamental challenge of the entrepreneur: how that. Gavetti and Levinthal (2000: 117) note that
to obtain resource commitments for initiatives that ‘Halford et al. (1994) find that the most complex
appear foreign and at odds with existing business statistical relationship that individuals can process
models and logics. While the manner in which this in working memory is a three-way interaction (i.e.,
challenge is addressed may be different for de novo three independent variables and one dependent vari-
entrepreneurial ventures that are financed exter- able, for a total of four dimensions).’ Thus, there is
nally and corporate entrepreneurial ventures that an important opportunity cost in adding additional
are financed internally, the fundamental problem of dimensions: the risk of adopting a dimension of
creating legitimacy remains. Internally and exter- performance orthogonal to the space of economic
nally there is the possibility of bootstrapping, using payoffs and the addition of a dimension that effec-
modest preexisting resources and relying on the tively crowds out a possibly more valuable basis by
profits of product market outcomes, both to provide which to judge performance.
the basis for scaling up the initiative and for legiti- Institutionalizing additional dimensions of per-
mating the novel performance dimension being formance poses additional hazards to coordinated
pursued. Next, we consider how tighter coupling action with an organization. Strategy, and the set
to the external environment can impact the ways in of operational goals, should direct and coordinate
which an organization manages its internal ecology action among a disparate group of individuals.
of performance dimensions. As more dimensions are added, attention is inevi-
tably fragmented and the level of coordination is
reduced. Attempting to focus simultaneously on a
Ecology of Dimensions
broad array of performance measures can effectively
We have argued that all purposeful action—both freeze an adaptive system (Ethiraj and Levinthal,
initiatives that might be termed exploratory as well 2007).
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 2: 43–52 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
50 R. Adner and D. Levinthal

Linking the organization to the environment (c.f. Dushnitsky and Shapira, 2007). Such external-
ization of corporate initiatives provides a fair, but
The inherent hierarchy of organizations (Michels, not complete, degree of decoupling from the firm’s
1915) constrains the extent of variety than can be existing strategic context that a skunk work offers;
sustained within them. Skunk works and retrofits, but, at the same time, this structure imposes some
like the dominant organizational logic they attempt elements of discipline from product market competi-
to overturn, all rely on a singular selection regime, tion and the evaluation of financial markets.2
whether it be the entrepreneur’s own belief set, the This argumentation regarding the appropriate
organization’s official strategy, or the entrepreneur’s bases by which to evaluate performance occurs not
attempt to contort the first into the second. Consider only within firms, but also with respect to financial
the feedback processes and selection criteria implied markets’ evaluation of firms. Many of the economic
by such singularity. One basis of evaluation is an actions in which we are most interested do not realize
untested belief about the market. Such beliefs will their full implications until some future time period.
persist by the failure to test them (Weick, 1979), This is particularly true in the context of techno-
unless proven to the contrary via vicarious learn- logical activity. Research and development activity,
ing from others. The other-selection criterion cor- by its very nature, cannot be readily evaluated on
responds to fitness with respect to the organization’s the basis of contemporaneous outcome measures.
on-going policies and, more broadly, conception of The benefits of even more prosaic actions—such as
itself. Clearly, this latter selection criterion is also the time and diligence spent solving a customer’s
not likely to introduce novelty and act as a source problem—will only materialize at some future time
of change for an organization. An alternative to point.
these internally focused regimes is tight coupling to It is worth noting that, despite their independence
the external product market (Adner and Levinthal, from a specific strategic mandate, investors in finan-
2002). While organizations may have a focus on a cial markets need to rely on metrics of performance
particular conception of their core competencies, or as well. The need to establish the legitimacy of
defining markets and mission, there is one common such dimensions and to navigate deviations from
denominator across all business firms—money. A established benchmarks is present in both internal
projection onto the performance dimension of finan- and external resource markets. For example, Gurley
cial return provides a credible statement of value, (1999) argues that a key part of Craig McCaw’s
regardless of how far fetched or seemingly unrelated success in the cable industry (and then in cellu-
an initiative may be. Further, the external market in lar) was his ability to convince financial markets
which success and failure are ultimately evaluated of the appropriateness of nonfinancial measures of
is a highly variegated environment. Is there a way to performance—such as homes passed in the context
use the heterogeneity of the demand landscape itself of cable and POPs, or percent of population served,
to create support for other-directed ventures? Doing in the context of cellular—as opposed to traditional
so would require the organization to find a way of financial measures such as the price-earnings rela-
mapping the rich dimensionality of the external uni- tionship. As capital intensive businesses, cable and
verse onto the organizationally legitimated surface. cellular required enormous sums of investment prior
The direct linkage to product and financial markets to significant evidence of financial return. McCaw
is often achieved by the formation of a new, distinct was able to convince investors to accept these alter-
organization freed from any authority structure at the natives as substitutes so that ‘even though these com-
corporate office. Such ventures may be kept within panies may have been hemorrhaging cash, investors
the existing organization (e.g., Block and MacMil- could now take comfort that a cable franchise was
lan, 1993) or managed as partial spinoffs (e.g., Ches- worth $2,000 per home passed, or that a wireless
brough, 2002). Corporate venture funds that may company was worth $30 per POP (percentage of
invest in promising internal and external initiatives population)’ (Gurley, 1999).
have become alternative vehicles to achieve such Recognizing the need for new dimensions of
direct linkage (e.g., Dushnitsky, 2006). It is inter- performance to displace existing performance
esting to note that corporate venture capital orga-
nizations are often required to find private venture
partners to invest alongside them, not just to spread 2
We thank Harry Sapienza for making this connection to
risk, but to safeguard unbiased value assessments corporate venture capital.

Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 2: 43–52 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
Doing versus Seeing 51

dimensions casts interesting new light on the ques- about the value of new dimensions of performance
tion of emergent strategies and their connection to are a far more fundamental source of novelty.
processes of second-order change. Novel initiatives, From an organizational management perspec-
which to uninvolved actors will appear to be explor- tive, this challenge implies the need to consider
atory, are those initiatives that pursue a dimension two forms of organizational slack, and to choose
of progress that is not currently legitimate and/or their relative allocation. The first, more traditional
focal to the firm. form of slack, typified by 3M’s fabled 15 percent
In time, this new dimension of performance may rule, characterizes the extent of an organization’s
be accepted. This may result from validation of this openness to allocating resources to activities with
initiative in the marketplace or via the common variable outcomes along established performance
performance measure of financial performance, a dimensions. The second form of slack, which is our
process we refer to as direct link to the fitness land- focus here, characterizes the openness of the orga-
scape. Alternatively, this performance dimension nization’s internal selection processes to evaluating
may be effectively coupled to existing sanctioned the outcomes of new ventures along new dimensions
bases of evaluating performance, a process which of performance.
we term retrofit. Such acceptance of a new perfor- The pursuit of a new dimension, from the perspec-
mance dimension is akin to a second-order change. tive of those lying on the flatland of the existing
The firm has now encoded the merit of initiatives accepted view of the payoff space, appears to be
on a new basis. exploratory behavior—the exertion of energy and
resources to an end that has no (or little) apparent
consequence for how we currently define progress
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION or performance. However, we suggest that what is
termed exploratory behavior can better be under-
Managers are often exerted to think outside of the stood as exploitive activity on a dimension of perfor-
box. But what constitutes this proverbial box? In mance not currently accepted or recognized.
general in the literature, we think of this in terms Entrepreneurs have a distinct vision. They see the
of the proximity of behavior to current initiatives. payoff space in a different light than other actors and
A radically distinct behavior is a long jump to a pursue avenues of progress along those dimensions of
substantially new domain of action. However, we perceived value. However, entrepreneurs cannot act
suggest that even substantially divergent action, if in a vacuum. Effective entrepreneurs, whether inside
evaluated on the basis of existing performance cri- the corporate context or external to it, must acquire
teria, results in a certain conservatism. Consider the sufficient material and financial resources to sustain
contrast of Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 provides the their efforts. To do so in the immediate term, they
now typical imagery of a rugged landscape. Move- must validate this endeavor in terms that a flatlander
ment along the domain of action yields a non-mono- can appreciate. In the longer term, there is the possibil-
tonic performance payoff. However, Figure 1 is ity of transforming perceptions of the payoff surface
conservative in the sense that all the perturbation in itself. While we are all condemned to live in flatlands,
performance is constrained to the existing dimension as our understanding of performance metrics inevi-
of performance. In contrast, Figure 2 indicates how tably is of very modest dimensionality, projecting
even modest changes in behavior may yield dramatic the true business landscape on different bases can
changes on the new dimension of performance, even offer radically different representations of the payoff
if the change in behavior only casts a modest shadow surface. In this regard, cognitive shifts that offer a
on the existing performance criterion. different topology of the business landscape are, argu-
Entrepreneurship is about novel acts. However, ably, the most powerful forms of entrepreneurship.
the novelty of the behavior does not, in and of itself,
constitute entrepreneurship. Moving along existing
technological trajectories or extending existing busi- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
ness models may impose tremendous individual and
organizational demands. There may be questions of We wish to thank Harry Sapienza and Sharon Alvarez
the feasibility of these initiatives and uncertainty as for their comments on a prior draft as well as the partici-
to their payoff on the existing agreed upon perfor- pants at the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Launch
mance criteria. However, efforts to climb and claims Conference.
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 2: 43–52 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
52 R. Adner and D. Levinthal

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Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 2: 43–52 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/sej

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