Raising Geese

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Q Unitt!<! States
'J DepMtrnentof
Agri c ulture
Servi ce
Number 225 1

Breeds . . . . . . . .. . .• .•. . . ... 3

Toulouse ................ 3
Emden ......•....•.... .. 4
African. .. . . . . . .. .• . . . . .. 4
Chi nese. . . . . . . .• .• . . . ... 4
Canada ...... ..... ...... 7
Pilgrim .. .......... ... ... 8
Buff .... . .. . . . ..... . ..•. 8
Sebastopol .............. 8
Egyptian ..... .. ........ . 8
Geese milnilsement . . . . . . .. 8
Mating .................. 8
Breeding facilities. .. . . . .. 9
Egg production .......... 10
Incubation .. ... ......... 10
Brooding and rearing .... . 1.2
Nutrition ........•... . ... '13
Geese .as weeden ........ .. 14
Killing ilnd pickln • ...... .. . 14
Grildlng ................... 115
Milrketing ......... ........ 15
Geese • ..•....••.•......• 15
Feathers ................. 15

Issued April 1972

Slightly revised April 1983

Raising Geese
Reviewed by
K. A. Holleman, Program Leader.
Poultry Science, Extension Service

Geese are produced commer- production. Other common

cially on both general and specia l- breeds in this co untry are Chinese,
ized farm s in the North-Central Canada, Buff, Pilgrim, Sebastopol,
States, especially in Misso uri, and Egyptian .
Iowa, South Dakota, Minnesota. There are considerable differ-
Wisconsin, Ohio, and Indiana. ences in breeds and strains of
Cal ifornia and Washington are geese . In choosing a breed, co n-
also among the leading States in sider the purpose for which you
goose production. are raising the geese. Geese are
Annual production is esti- raised for meat and egg produc-
mated at approximately 1 million tion, and as weeders, show birds,
birds. The number of farms seIl- or farm pets. Both the standard
ing geese has decreased in recent breeds and crosses of breeds are
years, but the number of geese raised for mark et. A c ross of
so ld per farm has increased. young white Chinese males with
Geese also are rai sed in small medium-size yearling Emden
flocks in all parts of the United females usually results in fast-
States as a sideline, as a hobby, or growing white geese of good
for ornamental and exh ibition market size.
purposes. Following are the standard
Geese are very hardy and are weights of various breeds and the
not susceptible to many of the year5 these breeds were recog-
common poultry diseases. They nized, according to the Standard
are excellent foragers alth ough of Perfecti on published by the
selective, and can be raised on American Poultry ASSOCiation, Inc.
good succulent pasture or lawn Some commercial stock, particu-
clippings as early as the first week. larly the To ulo use, tends to be
somewhat lighter than standard.
Tou lo use, Emden, and African Toulouse
The Toulouse (fig. 1) goose
geese are the most popular breeds
derives its name from the city of
raised in this country fo r meat
Toulouse in southern France, a

Weish! of m<lle Weight of (em<lle

Breed Ye<lr
recosnized Young Adult Young Adult
To ulouse 1874 20 26 16 20

' ''I

Canada 12
Sebastopol ,,'" 12 14 12
8uff ,,.,
1939 12
18 14

territory noted for its geese. This African goose is a good layer,
breed has a broad, deep body and grows rapidly, and matures early.
is loose-feathered, a characteristic However, it is not as popular for
which gives it a massive appear- market production as either the
ance. The plumage is dark gray on Emden or the Toulouse because of
the back, graduaJJy shading to its dark beak and pinfeathers.
light gray edged with white on the
breast and to white on the abdo- Chinese
men. The eyes are dark brown or The Chinese goose, of whi ch
hazel, the bill pale orange, and the there are two standard varieties-
shanks and toes are a deep red- the Brown and the White (fig. 4),
dish orange. originated in China and probably
came from the wild Chinese
Emden goose. It is smaller than the other
The Emden (fig. 2) was one of standard breeds and more swan-
the fir st breeds of geese imported like in appearance. Both varieties
into the United States. This breed mature early and are better layers
was known at first as Bremen, than the other breeds. usually
named after a German city from averaging from 40 to 65 eggs per
which early importations were bird annually. The Chinese goose
made. The geese were later grows rapidly, is a very attractive
exported from Emden, Germany, breed , makes a desirable medium-
to England and the breed was size market goose, and is very
renamed Emden. popular as an exhibition and
The Emden is a pure white, ornamental breed .
sprightly goose. It is much tighter-
feathe red than the Toulouse and,
therefore, appears more erect.
The Emden is a fairly good layer,
but production depends on the
breeding and selection of the
fl ock. Annual egg production
averages from 35 to 40 eggs per
mature breeding goose. The
Emden is usually a better sitter
than the Toulouse and is one of
the most popular breed s for
marketing. It grows rapidly and
matures early.

Th e African goose (fig. 3) is a
handsome breed with a distinctive
kn ob or protuberance on its head.
Its ca rriage is more erect than that
of the Toulouse, and its body
more nearly ob long and higher
from the ground. The head is light
brown , the knob and bill are
black, and the eyes are 'dark
brown . The plumage is ash brown
on the wings and back and is light
ash brown on the neck, breast,
and u.nd erside of the body. The

Figure 1-Tou louse geese (60946-8 ).

Figure 2-Emden geese (81860-8).

Figure 3- F/ock of Mrican geese (18607-8).

Figure 4-Breedlng flock of While
Chinese geese in a ~sture
containing a small natural pond

The Canada (fig. 5) is t he com~
mon wild goose of North America.
Subgroups range in weight from
about 3 pounds for the cackling
Canada goose to about 12 pounds
for the giant Canada goose.
The Canada is of a species dif·
ferent from the other breeds of
geese discussed in this bulletin
and can be kept in capt ivity on ly
by close confinement unless
wing-clipped or pinioned. How-
ever, in some instances, Canada
geese have become semi-
domesti cated by long residence
on the farm. Before Canada geese
ca n be so ld o r uansferred to
another perso n, a permit must be
obtained from the Fish and Wild-
life Service, U.S. Departmenl of
Interio r, Washi ngton, D.C. 20242.
Canada geese have long,
slender necks, oblong bodies, and
a horizontal carriage. This breed
does not have the economic valu e

of the domestic breeds of geese.
They mate only in pairs. are late
maturing. and lay very few eggs.
The wild gander is sometimes used
to cross with domestic breeds.
producing the so-ca lled mongrel
goose (which is a hybrid). usually
sterile but with fine quality flesh.

Pils rim
The Pilgrim (fig . 6) is a medium-
size goose that is good for ma rket-
ing. A un ique feature of this breed
is that males and females may be
distinguished by color. In day-old
goslings the male is crea my white
and the female gray. The adult
male remai ns all white and has
blue eyes; the adult female is gray
and white and has dark hazel eyes.

The Buff (fig. 7) ha s fair eco-
nomi c qualities as a market goose,
but only a limited number have
been raised for market. The color
varies from dark buff o n the back
to a very light buff on the breast
and from a light buff to almost
white on the under pari of the

Sebu topol
The Sebastopol ;s a white orna- Figure 6-Flod: of Pilgrim geese. The male5
mental goose which is very atlrac- are while; the females are Bray lB18&4-8).
live because of its soh plume-like
shown rapid growth, and have
feathering. This breed has long,
compact. meaty bodies. Medium-
curved. profuse fea thers on its
size birds are usually the best
back and sides and short, curled
feathers on the lower part of the
Mate geese at least one month
prior to the breeding seaso n. The
larger breeds of geese mate besl
in twos or threes or in a ratio of
The Egyptian is a lon g-legged,
one ma le to th ree or four females
but very sma ll goose, kept primari-
in large flock matings. Ganders of
ly for ornamenta l or ex hibition
some of the lighter breeds will
purposes. Its co loring is mostly
mate satisfactoril y with four or five
gra y and bla ck, with touches of
white. reddish brown, and buff.
Do not change geese mat ings
from year to year except when the
Geese Management malings prove unsatisfactory.
M al ing Geese are very slow to mate with
Select geese for mating that are new birds, so it is djfficult to make
vigorous and well developed, have changes in established malings or

Figure 7-Breeding flock of Buff geese (81863-8).

to introdu ce new stock into the bent downwards. Then insert your
flock. If matings are changed, it is pointer finger (sometimes it helps
usually advisable to keep pre- to have a little vaseline on it) into
viously mated geese as far apart as the cloaca about half an in ch and
possible. Since geese are easily move it around in a circular
disturbed, they should be handled manner several times to enlarge
carefully. and relax the sphincter muscle
Sex is difficult to distinguish in whiCh closes the opening. Next
all breeds o f geese except the pil- apply some pressure directly
grim. In other breeds, sex can be below and on the sides of the vent
determined by exam ination of the to evert or expose the sex organs
reproductive organs, whi ch is (fig. 8).'
done as follows:
lift the goose by the neck and Breeding facilities
lay it on its back, either on a table Breeding geese prefer to be
or over your bended knee, with ou tdoors. Except in extremely cold
the tail pointed away from you. weather or in storms, mature
Move the tail end of the bird out geese seldom use a house. Colony
over the edge so it can be readily poultry houses, open sheds, or

barn s are provided for shelter in I:;

the North. :Iooc ol

Geese make nests on the floor
of the house or in coops, boxes, or
barrels provided in the yard. Out-
side nest-boxes (fig. 9) should be
at least 24 incheS square. Very
crude nests are used in the open
for many farm fl ocks of geese.
Straw or grass hay is used for
outside nests as well as for the
nests on the floor of a house. Pro-
vide one nest for every three
females and allow the geese to
select their own nests. Separate
inside nests by partitions and place
outside nests some distance apart
to reduce fighting.

Egg production
Geese generally start laying in
February or March and often lay
until early summer. However, the
Chinese breed may start laying
early in the winter.
Feed geese pelleted breeder
ration at least a month before egg
production is desired . They do
much better on pellets than on
Figure 8-(Top) Exposed reproductive
mash and waste less feed. Use a organ of an immature male. (Center)
chi cken-breeder ratio jf special Reproductive organ o f sexually mature
feeds for geese are not available . male. (Bottom) Genital eminence of
Provide oyster shells (or other cClI- maturing female (PN-2641).
cium sources), grit, and plenty of
clean fresh drinking water at all tility may be obtai ned in eggs from
times. young birds, but these eggs may
Lights in the breeder house can not hatch well. Although young
be used to stimulate earlier egg fl ocks are considered more profit-
production. In commerciClI flock s, able, fema les will lay until they are
artifjcial methods of hatching Clnd 10 or more years of age, and
rearing are also used. ganders may be kept for more
To maintain egg production, than 5 years.
feed laying pell ets or mash, con-
fine broody geese away from but Incubiltion
in sight of their mates, and gather Gather eggs twice daily, espe-
eggs several times each day to cially during co ld weather. Store
break up broodiness. them at 55° F. and a relative
Young ganders make good humidity of 75 percent until set for
breeders, but both sexes usually hatching.
give best breeding results when If eggs are held more than a
they are 2 to 5 years old. Good fer- couple of days, turn them daily to
increase the percentage of hatch.
'From Bull etin 403, " Sex Determina- Hatchability decreases fairly
tion of Geese," AgriculturClI Experi- rapidly after a 6- or 7-day holding
ment Station, Unive rsity of Minnesota. period although eggs, properly

Figure 9-Large laying nest for geese. The gander stays near the
nest to protect the goose while she is laying (12240-A).

stored, can be held 10 to 14 days Turkeys and Muscovy ducks are

with fair results. larger and better than chickens for
Goose eggs can be washed just hatching goose eggs. Incubate
like chicken hatching eggs. Wash four to six eggs under a setting
soiled eggs in warm (100 to 110°F.) chicken, and 10 to 12 under a tur-
water and a detergent sanitizer. key or duck depending on the size
For best results wash eggs soon of the bird and the season of the
after gathering, allow them to dry, year. Hens used for hatching
and store them until ready for the goose eggs should be treated for
incubator. lice. For information on control-
The incubation period for eggs ling chicken lice, contact your
of Canada and Egyptian geese is 35 county agricultural agent.
days. All other goose eggs hatch in If the setting hen does not turn
29 to 31 days. the eggs, mark the eggs with
Small, inexpensive electri c incu- crayon or pencil and turn them
bators, either still-air or forced- daily by hand. A chicken hen can-
draft, can be used to hatch goose not turn goose eggs.
eggs. However, artificial incuba- Moisture is needed where
tion of goose eggs is much more chicken or turkey hens are used
difficult than eggs of chickens for setting. Sprinkle the eggs dur-
because more time and higher ing the incubation period and
humidity are required. Breeders have the nest and straw on the
should gai n experience with ground or on grass-covered turf.
chicken eggs before attempting Some growers report better hatch-
artificial incubation of goose eggs. ability if they lightly sprinkle the
When using an incubator, always eggs or dip them in luke-warm
follow the manufacturer's water for half a minute daily dur-
instructions. ing the last half of the incubation
Many goose breeders prefer to period. Eggs need no additional
set eggs under chickens, turkeys, moisture if the setting goose has
or ducks and allow the geese to water for bathing.
continue to lay. Sometimes the Remove goslings from the nest
eggs are set in an incubator for 2 as they hatch and keep them in a
weeks and then are placed under warm place until the youngest is
the hens fOf the remainder of the several hours old. If this is not
time f.equired for hatching. done, the setting hen may leave

Figure 1o--Toulouse goslings about a month old (18598-8).

the nest along with the hatched and most breeds of geese. If the
goslings before all the eggs are young birds were not hatched by
hatched. the brooding female, place them
under her at night. Be certain
Brooding and rearing broody birds are free of lice and
A special brooder building is mites. One hen can raise five
not required for brooding small goslings. In mild weather, the
numbers of geese. Any small hens may only need to brood the
building or a corner of a garage or goslings for 10 to 14 days, after
barn can be used as a brooding which the goslings can get along
area for a small flock if it is dry, without heat.
reaso nably well lighted and venti- Goslings are artificaJly brooded
lated, and free from drafts. The in many types of heated brooders.
building must also be protected Infrared lamps are a convenient
against dogs, cats, and rats. For source of neat. Buy enough to
brooding large numbers of geese, furnish sufficient heat at the low-
provide a barn , large poultry est temperatures expected.
house, or regular broiler house. When using nover-type brood-
Allow at least 112 square foot of ers, brood only about one-third as
floor space per bird at the start of many goslings as the brooder's
the brooding period and gradually chick capacity. Because goslings
increase the space to 1 square foot are large in size, it may be neces-
at the end of 2 weeks. If the birds sary to raise the hover 3 to 4
are confined longer because of inches higher than for baby
inclement weather, provide addi- chicks. Fence in the brooding area
tional space as they increase in for the first few days with a
size. corrugated-paper or wire-mesh
Cover the floor with 4 inches of fence.
such absorbent litter as wood At the start, set the temperature
shavings, chopped straw, or peat of the hover at 85 to 90° F. Reduce
moss. To maintain good litter, stir the temperature 5 to 10° per week
frequently, remove wet spots, and until 70° is reached. The behavior
periodically add clean , dry litter. of the goslings will indicate their
Be sure litter is free from mold. comfort. If they are cold, they
Goslings can be successfully will huddle together under the
brooded by broody chicken hens lamps. If they are too warm, they

will move away from the heat use shallow pans or small feed
source. hoppers in addition to the regular
In warm weather, the goslings feeders, for each 100 confined
can go outdoors as early as 2 goslings on full feed, provide
weeks but will need frequent either two hanging tube feeders
attention until they learn to go with pans that are 50 inches in cir-
back into the coop or brooder cumference or 8 feet of trough
when it rains. They must be kept space. Increase the feeding space
dry to prevent chilling that can as the birds grow. When feed
result in piling and smothering. intake is being restricted, provide
Houses are usually not needed enough space so that all geese can
after the geese are 6 to 8 weeks eat at one time.
old. For geese raised on range for
market, use two wooden hoppers
Nutrition2 or two turkey range feeders for
Goslings should have drinking each 250 birds. The hoppers
water and feed when they are should be large enough so that
started under the brooder or hen. they will need to be filled only
Supply plenty of watering space. once or twice weekly. Construct
Use waterers that the birds cannot the hoppers so that feed is pro-
get into but that are wide and tected from rain, sun, and wind.
deep enough for the bird to dip A mechanical feeder is suitable
both bill and head. for large-scale production. Geese
Start with two automatic cup- may be fed pellets, mash, or whole
type waterers for each 100 to 200 grains. For the first 6 weeks, feed
geese, depending on the envi- goslings 22 percent protein goose
ronmental temperature. Increase starter in the form of 3/32- or
the number of waterers as the 3/16-inch pellets. After 6 weeks,
birds grow. Watering jars or a feed a 15 percent goose grower in
trough with wire guard and run- the form of 3/16-inch pellets.
ning water are also suitable for Although geese can go on pas-
young goslings. If troughs are ture as early as the first week, a
installed, figure on 8 feet of good share of their feed can be
trough space for 500 goslings for forage after they are 5 to 6 weeks
the first 2 weeks of age; then, as old.
needed, increase the space up to Geese are very selective and
20 feet. tend to pick out the palatable for-
On the range the waterer can ages. They will reject alfalfa and
consist of a barrel or large tank narrow-leaved tough grasses and
rigged to an automatic flo~t in a select the more succulent clovers
watering trough. If waterers are and grasses. Geese cannot be
indoors, they should be kept 'on raised satisfactorily on dried-out,
wire platforms with underdrainage mature pasture.
to help keep the litter dry. An acre of pasture will support
For the first few days of feedin'g, 20 to 40 birds, depending on the
size of the geese and the quality of
lThe information on feeding geese' is the pasture. A 3-foot woven wire
based upon the recommendations of fence will confine the geese to the
the Department of Poultry Science, grazing area. Be sure that the pas-
Ontario Agricultural College, Univer-
ture areas and green feed have
sity of Guelph, Ontario, Canada; the
New Mexico Agricultural Experiment not had any chemical treatment
Station, University Park, New Mexico that may be harmful to the birds.
88001; and the National Research If pasture is plentiful and of
Council's "Nutrient Requirements of good quality, the amount of
Poultry," revised 1977. pellets may be restricted to about

1 to 2 pounds per goose per week vary the amount de pe nding on
until the birds are 12 weeks of age. the availability of weeds and grass.
However, for maximum growth, For more complete information
increase the amount of feed as the on geese as weeders, request the
supply of young, tender grass Mi~souri University Guide,
de<:reases or when the geese "Weeding With Geese," from the
reduce their consumption of grass. Department of Poultry Science.
From 12 weeks to market, offer University of Missou ri, Columbia,
the birds pellets on a free choice Missouri 65201.
basis, eve n when on range.
Mash or whole grains can be fed Killing and Picking
alone or they can be mixed at 3 Withhold feed from geese for
50:50 mash-to-grain rati o. At 3 about 12 hours before killing
weeks of age, use a mash-la-grain them, but keep water before
mix o f approximately 60:40.
Change this ratio gradually during To kill, place geese in funnels or
the growing period until at market
hang them by the legs in shackles.
age the geese are receiving a 40 :60 Cut throat at the base of the beak
ratio of mash to grain. Depending to sever the jugular vei n and
on the quality and quantity of ca rotid artery.
available pasture, adjust these Geese can be scalded o r picked
ratios up or down slightly. dry. The dry meth od, if well done,
Wheat, oats, barley, and corn results in an attractive ca rcass but
may be used as the whole grains in
is now usually co nsidered too slow
va ri ous mixtures, such as equal
and laborious to be economical.
pans of wheat and oats. All-corn There is also more danger of tear-
can be substituted when the ing the skin in dry-picking.
goslings are 6 weeks old. For max- Geese can be sca lded in a com-
imum growth , it is important that mercial scalde r, or they ca n be
mash-and-grain mixtures provide hand-scalded for a small ope ra-
similar nutrient intake (15 percent
tion. Water temperature sho uld be
protein) as the all-mash diets. from 145 Q to 155 c F. The length of
Grower-size insoluble grit
scald varies from 1-112 to 3 min-
sho uld be freely available to geese utes. The time and temperature
throughout the growing period. If will vary depending on age of the
feeds for geese are not available, bird, time of year, and density of
use a chicken feed formulated for feathering. Also, the lower the
the same age bird.
temperature, the longer the
required sca lding time. Add a little
Geese as Weeders
deterge nt to the water to hasten
Because geese will eat weeds thorough wetting of the feathers.
without harming certain cultivated To hand-scald. grasp the goose
plants, they are frequentl y used as firmly by the bill with one hand
weeders for such crops as straw- and by the legs with the other,
berries, sugar beets, corn, cotton, then submerge its body (breast
and ornamental plants. They are down) in the scalding water. Pull
also used in orchards and the bird repeatedl y through the
vineyards. water again st the lay of the feath-
For best results, start with 6- ers; this action serves to force the
week-old goslings and provide water through the feathers to the
them shade and waterers spaced skin. The spa rser feathering on the
throughout the field . Keep back needs lighler sca ld ing than
weeder goslings hungry. A light the heavier and denser feathering
feed of grain at night is enough; on the breast.

After scalding, the birds may be POl:Jltry Division , Agricultural Mar·
rough·picked by hand, picked on keting Service, USDA, Washing·
some type of conventional ton , D.C. 20250.
rubber·fingered picking machine.
or placed in a spinner·type picker. Milrketing
Pinfeathers and down remaining C....
on the ca rcass after rough·picking Farm geese are usually marketed
are difficult to remove by hand . in the fall and winter. at wh ich
This is done by grasping the pin· time they are relatively free of pin·
feathers between your thumb and feathers. Most geese are marketed
a dull knife. Because of the diffj· when they are S to 6 months old ;
culty of handpicking, it is commo n they will weigh from 11 to 1S
practice to finish the rough·picked pounds depending on the strain
birds by dipping each bird in and breed . Some young geese
melted wax (a wax formulated for (also called green geese or junior
this purpose). geese) full·fed for rapid growth
In small operations, dry off the are marketed at 10 to 12 pounds
rough.picked geese just enough when they are 10 to 13 weeks old .
to "take" the wax ; then dip them The best markets for geese are
several times in wax held at 150° in large cities. Geese bring the
to 160° F. to build up a heavy highest prices at Thanksgiving and
enough laye r of wax to supply Christmas.
good pulling power. A better job Information on the pri ces of
results with the use of two tanks of ready·to-cook geese to retailers
wax, o ne held at 160° to 170°, and for the months of November and
the second at about 150°-the December is obtai nable from the
holler wax is used for penetration Poultry Division, Market News
and the cooler for buildup. Branch , Agricultural Marketing
In large·scale operations, the Service, USDA, Washington , D.C.
birds are waxed in an on·the·line 20250.
process with a wax temperature Geese are sold alive usually to
of 145° to 220° F. After waxing. live-poultry buyers or to poultry
the birds are exposed to a cold dressing and packing companies.
water spray or dipped in a tank of
cold water to cool and harden the Feilthen
wax to a "tacky" condition. The Goose feathers are valuable and,
wax is then removed by hand if properly cared for and mar·
resulting In a dean, attractive car· keted, may be a source of extra
casso The wax is reclaimed by income. Three geese usually pro-
remelting and strain ing ou l the duce one pound of dry feathers.
pins, down, and feathers. These feathers are used chiefly by
bedding and clothing industries.
Grading Buyers of feathers are in most
The United States standards of large cities.
quality are essentially the same for Feathers may be sold to a
all poultry. Geese, as other paul· feather-pro cessi ng plant, or a
try, are graded for conformation, small producer ca n wash and dry
fleshing , and fattening. Defects, the feathers on hIs own premises.
such as missing skin and bruises, To wash feathers, use soft. luke-
are also considered in establishing warm water to which has been
quality. added either a detergent or a little
Further information on the borax and washing soda. Rinse the
voluntary grading program for feather1, wring. then spread them
poultry may be obtained from the out to dry.

GPO : 1983 0 - 406-841 : QL 3 15

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