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Name : Haidar sanditia rahma nurissada

Number : 1804016021

Language inggris

Assalamualaikum wr. wb

introduce my name is haidar sanditia rahma nurissada, my place of birth is Semarang, July 9 1999, I am
two brothers. Born from a couple of mahzum and mudayati mothers, currently I am 20 years old
approaching 21 years, I am pursuing my education at a regional college, namely the state university of
Semarang, Semarang 4th semester. I really like the things about religion in my learning, related to food I
really like meatballs and chicken noodles because no one can match hehehe. thank you that's as
complicated as the description about me, would like to further meet the person directly, thank you

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

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