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Dwayne Hardin

Professor Martin

ENG 102

5 June 2021

Epic of Gilgamesh Character Comparison

The Epic of Gilgamesh is a myth that revolves around the adventures of the

Mesopotamian hero Gilgamesh. In the story Gilgamesh is a tyrannical leader who meets and

befriends Enkidu, a wild man sent by the gods. Even though the two seem to be completely

different from one another, Enkidu serves as a foil character to Gilgamesh and helps push him

forward in his epic journey. Through experience and time the two characters find commonality

and respect for each other which results in the change of both of them.

Gilgamesh was born as royal and part god while Enkidu lived as a beast in the

wilderness. Gilgamesh was inconsiderate to those around him and showed no regard for

others, going as far as raping women on their wedding nights. This is to show Gilgamesh's

selfishness and pride due to the power he holds over others. Enkidu lived in harmony with

nature until he was tamed by not only a woman but a prostitute which shows that he doesn’t

care about the wealth or social status of someone for them to earn his respect. Even though

these characters are completely different when they end up battling against each other the two

end up being equally matched. Them being equally matched fits the theme that all humans are

equal despite their upbringing. When Gilgamesh finally views Enkidu as an equal he decides to

befriend him and through time the two realize they have a lot more in common than they first

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Gilgamesh grew to see Enkidu as a brother so when Enkidu dies Gilgamesh is thrown

into a great existential grief. Because of Enkidu's relationship with Gilgamesh for the first time

we not only see Gilgamesh genuinely care about another person but also question his own

arrogance. Gilgamesh’s self centered conception of the world is shattered so with a bruised ego

he sets off to find a way to avoid death to recover himself. This journey for immortality ends up

being a journey of self discovery as Gilgamesh learns that rather than living in fear of dying he

should enjoy and savor the life that he has now. Enkidu serves as a mirror to Gilgamesh's

character by being completely opposite but still equal. Gilgamesh respecting a person who is

the complete opposite of him rips him out of the egotistical world view that he had before and

makes him realize that he is just as human as everybody else.

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