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Starting point

1. If you could make one change to your university, what would you change?
 If I could make a change in my university, I would change the way some resources are
 If I could make a change in my university, it would change the control that is carried over
the professors since some have no ethics to teach.

2. If you had an accident and you had to be at home to recover for a long time, what would
you do to relieve the boredom?
 To combat boredom, I would read some self-improvement books.
 To combat boredom, I would play video games with my boyfriend.
 To combat boring, I would watch movies and series on Netflix.
 To combat boredom, I would eat a lot of food that I like the most.

3. What would you do if you were at home at night alone and you heard a noise in your house
that seemed to be footsteps?
 If this happened, he would call the neighbors to find out what would be happening.

4. If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?

 If I had only twenty-four hours to live, I would share with my whole family in the middle of
 If I had only twenty-four hours to live I would write several messages for each of the people
who made me happy while I was in this world.
 If I only had twenty-four hours to live I would dance for hours with the love of my life.
 If I had only twenty-four hours to live I would travel to see and feel the sea for the last time.

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