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1. When I was little I had a somewhat painful experience, it turns out that I was in a
cousin's house, there we were playing with a toy motorcycle; in which one can
mount, as the part where we were had a slight slope we played to slide from the top.
When we were ready to throw ourselves a cousin arrived who was a little older than me, I
was 7 years old. He pushed me and I lost control of the toy motorcycle and fell on the wall
of a house, it was very painful since I had fractured my clavicle, they immediately took me
to the hospital where I was for several weeks. Being in the hospital was not good, I did not
like the food and my grandmother brought me my food every day without the doctors
I remember that my recovery was slow and painful since I had surgery and I could not play
with my friends

 When I was little I used to cry about everything, but now I don't anymore
 When I was little I used to play dolls, but now I don't do it anymore
 when I was little I used to hide from imaginary monsters under the covers but now
I don't
 When I was little I was used to sleeping late on weekends and at the time I do too
 When I was little I was used to sharing with my sister and now I do too
 When I was little I was used to going out on a bike ride and now I do it too

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