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December 13, 2021 (Day 21)

Today is the last week of our school year because we are going to have our Christmas vacation
next week but before that we are going to have our presentation on Friday about our Payroll. As always
before my day begin I logged in to our Google form for my attendance and continue what I should do

So today I was continue what I am doing last week and that is the analysis and PowerPoint for our
presentation I was editing our power point that day and our team is decided to do not continue the
PowerPoint presentation instead we will present to actual excel file of our payroll in that case I edited
some designed and some error in our payroll. And after that we are having our group meeting to talk
about what strategy we should do during our reporting tomorrow. Ms. Girlie on the other hand inform us
that she have leave today and tomorrow so instead of she will be our mentor tomorrow Mr. Chris will be
there for us to present our payroll. After our meeting we take our rest for us to be ready for tomorrow’s
presentation. And when 5:00pm comes I was logged out in our attendance in google form.

So that’s how our days passed. Good luck to our Presentation EMS 1 we can passed this. FIGTHING!!.

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