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Anthropology Questionnaire:

1. It is the period in a couple's relationship which precedes

their engagement and marriage, or establishment of an agreed relationship of a
more enduring kind?
2. It is a social union or legal contract between people called spouses that
creates kinship?
3. The Tagalog tradition of courtship and marriage is a class all its own, especially with
respect to dowry-giving?
4. The group of people whose parents hire a matchmaker to provide pictures ad
resumes of potential mates?
5. They follow the arrange marriage system and the term they use for dating is taboo?
6. This type of wedding is usually performed in shrines or chapels?
7. In an Egyptian Muslim Wedding, The suitor’s family proposes to the bride and upon
agreement of the two families, the groom-to-be pays an amount of money to the
bride-to-be’s family.  The money is called?
8. The type of wedding wherein the bride wears a white wedding gown with veil and
the groom wears aBarong Tagalog?
9. They prefer wearing the western white bridal gown for her wedding ceremony, but
will change later into a hanbok?
10. The type of wedding that is usually about bridal shower, bridal party, the veil,
kissing the bride, the groom's cake and the honeymoon, which most people are
already familiar with?

1. Courtship
2. Marriage
3. Tumbasan/ Dowry System
4. Japanese
5. Indians
6. Japanese Wedding/ Shinto
7. Mahr
8. Filipino Wedding
9. Modern Korean Wedding
10. Traditional American Wedding

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