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The researchers spent a lot of time, effort, and teamwork creating their questionnaire so that

the people who would fill it out would find it beneficial. The poll included questions taken from

prior studies as well as ones developed by the researchers themselves. The survey was divided

into six primary components, each of which was further divided into subsections, all of which

were related to the participants’ perceptions of profit-maximizing techniques. The survey used

a Likert scale to determine whether respondents agreed or disagreed with a statement.

Messenger received copies of the questionnaire when the professor authorized it. The 50

respondents from Technology Incorporation. The participants were given time to respond

before the researchers collected the survey surveys the next working day. Based on the

frequency with which the participants checked the items, the data acquired from this study

instrument was tallied and processed for interpretation. In addition to primary data, the

researchers backed up the survey results with secondary sources such as published articles and

literature. In this study, in-depth interviews were used. In depth interviews are personal and

unstructured interviews aimed to extract participants’ thoughts, feelings, and opinions about a

given research topic. Interviewers and interviewees are in direct touch during personal

interviews, which eliminates the risk of non-response rates. However, in order to conduct a

good interview, interviewers must have mastered the appropriate interviewing skills (Fisher,

2005, Wilson, 2003). Furthermore, because of the flexibility of the interview flow, unstructured

interviews allow for the production of conclusions that were not originally meant to be reached

about a research subject. This indicates that the interview may stray from its stated goals and

objectives (Gill & Johnson, 2002). In terms of data collection instruments, the researchers
employed a semi-structured questionnaire as a guide for their interviews. The researcher had

some questions prepared to assist lead the interview toward the study’s objectives, but more

questions occurred as the interviews went.

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