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Precautions (सावधा नयां)
 Don't press these points  इन बंदओ
ु ं को दबाएं नह ं
- of pregnant/ menstruating females - गभवती / माहवार म हलाओं के
- Within (before/ after) 40 mins of
having food - भोजन करने के 40 मनट के भीतर (पहले / बाद म)
 For kids or, weak individuals  ब च या कमजोर यि तय के लए
- Apply low/ gentle pressure - कम / कोमल दबाव लागू कर

How long or, how many times a day should the pressure be applied on
these points? (इन बंदओ
ु ं पर दन म कतनी बार या कतनी बार दबाव डालना
चा हए?)
If you have any disease apply pressure in the relevant points 2 to 3 times a day for 2 mins each. For
preventive purpose, perform 8 to 10 times press and release and it can be done upto 3 times a day.

Symptoms of Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Vata: physical pain, variable appetite, insomnia, dry skin, constipation, flatulence, burping, and irregular

Pitta: diarrhea, burning sensations, skin irritations, odorous sweating, fever, inflammation, and a
hypercritical or intense mental outlook

Kapha: creation of phlegm, urine or, stool; drowsiness, laziness, obesity, weak digestive power,
thickening of artery wall

LOCATION: कलाई के जोड़ के centre से दो अंगूठे का gap छोड़कर इस point क location है।


- Improves both digestion and circulation भोजन अगर ऊपर को आता हो नीचे ज द ना
- Helps in getting relieved from food reflexes or, जाए उ ट आने क feeling होती हो traveling
nausiatic tendencies after food, also works
well for those who have travel sickness म उ ट का याल digestion को improve
(nausiatic sysmptoms while travelling). People करता है heart को बल दे ता है circulation ठ क
who suffer from belching (frequent burps with करता है low B.P. म मदद करता है मे डटे शन म
sour/ acidic taste) मन लगाने के लए भी यह मदद करता है अथात
- Helps remove phlegms from chest
- It strengthens the heart muscles, improves अपने अंदर दे खने क मता improve करता है।
circulation of blood in the body and useful for वात प कफ को balance करता है, hormone
those having low B.P. balance करता है, िजनको खूब डकारे आती ह
- Improves mental concentration, good to use मुंह म ख टा पानी आता है chest म बलगम जम
before meditation
- Balances vata, pitta & kapha जाती है यह तीन को ठ क करता है chest के
- Helps improve hormonal balancing in females area को ठ क करता है low hemoglobin को
- Helps improve low-hemoglobin बढ़ाता है ।



It's the king of heart यह point Heart क ऊजा को naurish करता है,
बल दान करता है , जो छोटे दल वाले होते ह
- Naurishes/ strengthens the energy of heart
- Increases heart's EF (Ejection Fraction) थोड़ी सी प रि थ त इधर-उधर होती है तो वह
- Decreases nervousness (examination fear, nervous हो जाते ह। िजनको stage पर जाने का
stage fear, afraid of socialisation or, facing fear होता है , nervousness को ख म करता है ।
public) िजनको हच कचाहट होती है , यह point हकलाने
- Improves communication skill, corrects
stammering, helps in regaining speech of म भी ठ क करता है paralysis म आवाज चल
people who lost their voice due to paralysis जाए या वाणी का लोप होने पर दोन हाथ के इस
Ejection fraction (EF) is a measurement, expressed point पर pressure दे ना है । heartbeat को
as a percentage, of how much blood the left improve करता है जो छोट -छोट बात म घबरा
ventricle pumps out with each contraction.
जाते ह उसम यह बंद ु बहुत मदद करता है ।


Practical Functions (MIP#3):

Helps relieve cervical problems. Keeps Cervical region healthy, maintain the flexibility of neck and deal
with spasms/ stiffness which develop due to any injury, overuse, stress or, poor posture. People who
drive a lot or, who work a lot on computers etc. generally suffer from neck spasms.

Helps improve resistance/ immunity to cold (which is related to eating cold substances, getting exposed
to cold weather etc.), can help in cases of throat infection, sinus, congestion in chest, sneezing etc.

Helps people with shoulder pain or, frozen shoulder (preventive measure)

Balances toxic heat on palm and foot of diabetic patients, who suffer from uncomfortably warm palms
and feet

Low grade fever (99 °F) in the afternoon

Constipation in the old age due to lack of muscle power in the large intestine (Sedates dryness of LI or,
naurishes LI)

Clears the respiratory tract, improves function of lungs

Clears lumps formed in breast

Helps asthma patients who face difficulty in exhaling


Practical Functions (MIP#4):

Expels toxins (toxic heat) through pores/ crevices on the skin on the location of baby hairs on the body

Reduces temperature of any high fever (more than 101 °F), in normal day to day life, it improves
immunity of the body to prevent high fever

Corrects problems related to ear (puss, itchiness, tinnitus, deafness, meniere's syndrome)

Regulates platelets in blood

Intense migraine in females with throbing (temporal region)

Helps in balancing the lateral part of the body

Clears all kinds of blockages in the body


Practical Functions (MIP#5):

Stimulates the pituitary and pineal gland

Naurishes all sense Organs

Helps increase height

Helps maintain healthy hair (reduce hairfall and greying of hair)

Strengthens the bones

Prevents cataract of eye


Practical Functions (MIP#6):

This point energises the nervous system (works both for curative and preventive treatment)

Works well for general forgetfulness with age (senile dementia)

Helps people in general who are going through tension, stress, negative thinking, insomnia, depression,
or, numbness in areas of the body.


Practical Functions (MIP#7):

Helps deleting negative memories

As it's a homostatic point it creates balance. Balances and regulates body temperature, blood pressure,
heart beat, sweat, bowel motion, urination,

Acts as a preventive and curative treatment for paralysis

Helps in reducing shaking of hand, head, leg, eye due to nervous weakness


Practical Functions (MIP#8):

Helps improve functions of the Large Intestine (remove the toxins and absorb healthy nutrients), helps
in overall naurishment of the body.

Removes gas from Large Intestine

Acts as a pain killer for any region in the body

Expels vata of head region. Master point for relieving pain of any head ache/ migrain/ tooth-ache

Treats the tics of facial muscles (Facial tics are uncontrollable spasms in the face, such as rapid eye
blinking or nose scrunching)

Treats throat infection/ tonsil/ sore throat in children

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Practical Functions (MIP#9):

Strengthens the heart, naurishes the arteries, prevents weakening of pulmonary & aortic valves of the

It works miraculously in emergency situations related to heart, but it should be immediately followed
with medical help.

Improves concentration and IQ level.

Works as an anti-depressant, for people who suffer from fear psychosis

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Practical Functions (MIP#10):

Provides strength to spinal vertebra (helps in problems due to degeneration/ weakness/ pain of cervical,
lumber bones).

Helps, if the heat (yang heat) of the whole body is low,

Helps in situations where change of temperature initiates sneezing/ common cold (in the initial stage).

Treats pain in the neck, shoulder and fingers due to excessive work on computers

Keeps oneself young by keeping one's spine healthy, narishing the whole bod and improving immunity.

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Practical Functions (MIP#11):

Gives joyous feeling to a person from within. Feels a person with happiness, acts as an anti-depressant,
helps reduce jealous feeling in human beings

Cools down the heart

Helps in writer's cramp (spasms in muscles in hand/ forearm while performing fine motor tasks like
writing, playing an instrument etc.), carpet tunnel syndrome (pain, numbness, and tingling/ tremors in
the hand and arm due to nerve compression in the wrist)

Treats redness and burning sensation in the eyes

It also reduces worries in mind and increases one's level of confidence

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Practical Functions (MIP#12):

Helps in treating facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy)

Helps in treating all kinds of vata diseases: trembling of hands/ face/ any other area of the body,
twitching of face, fast blinking of eyes

Also helpful for paralysis patients in general, especially as a preventive measure for patients who have
already suffered from Paralysis. To determine if the point has to be used for a patient who has already
recovered from paralysis, his/ her tongue can be checked (tends to move to one side), if (s)he still has
high BP, if (s)he still has dizziness,

As it removes vata from body, it helps getting clarity in mind, helps in problems like sneezing, tinnitus

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Practical Functions (MIP#13):

Lightly press these points 2 hrs after food or, 1/2 an hour before food

Treats all circulatory and respiratory issues including issues related with upper digestive track

Low BP, numbness of hands and feet

Supplied blood and oxygen to the brain and all vital organs of the body

Helps in any kind of problems in the chest area

Those who generally suffer from food getting stuck in the esophagus, burps, acidity, hic-ups, bloated
feeling after food etc.

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Practical Functions (MIP#14):

Removes vata from body

Treats headache due to exposure to wind/ fever

Stiffness of neck due to cold environment

Treats tension, anxiety, depression, suicidal tendency

Treats muteness; congenital dumbness and deafness

Makes a person a good listener

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Practical Functions (MIP#15):

Regulates blood pressure

Helps release cramps in the neck region

Removes vata from brain, boosts up energy in mind and body, helps treat depression, morning sickness,
helps improve clarity in thinking

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Practical Functions (MIP#16):

Clears all blockages of sense Organs and narishes them

Releases toxins of the brain, helps remove negative thoughts and cultivate positivity, calms down mind

Provides preventive treatment for paralysis

Helps regain energy when one gets exhausted after doing some work (mental & physical)

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Practical Functions (MIP#17):

Helps keep the digestive system healthy, corrects indigestion

Treats diarrhoea as well as constipation, gastritis etc.

Children who don't feel hungry or, hardly eat anything, and which results in constipation, the points are
miracle for them

People who suffer from indigestion as well as weakness, as energy is never absorbed by the body

It's good for those who excrete mucus in their stool

Females who observe late and painful periods, clots during periods

Females who suffer from licorrhea (white discharge)

The points detoxify the abdomen and lower parts of the body

Helps regulate urea & creatinine level in the blood

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Practical Functions (MIP#18):

Spiritual energy enters through this point, (point for sanity, grounding, intelligence and blood)

Helps people who have lost the warmth in the body, who have lost the tightness of the body, people
having cold palms and feet

Strengthens/ straightens weak spine

Helps in cases like prolapse of organs, vericose veins, loosening of muscles (arms/legs), loose skin below
the lower jaw etc.

Provides energy to each and every cell of the human brain, it's a point which acts as a preventive
measure for any brain related problems

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Practical Functions (MIP#19):

It’s a homostatic point

Balances/ - BP, blood suger, Pulse rate & temperature of the body

Also, it balances the thoughts (hyper/ hypo activities, state of excitement/ depression) of the brain

Treats any kind of abdominal (digestive) problems: pain/ gas/ acidity in the stomach, access or, no
hunger, constipation/ diarrhoea, nausea (vomiting like feeling), chronic stomach upset

Acts as an anti-aging point, slows down degeneration process of body systems, organs, joints & bones

Improves the stamina of the legs to run/ walk (one will not get tired easily)

Stimulates extraction of nutrients from food that is taken into the body system. People feel more
energised, especially elderly ones, who feel lack of energy even if they eat well, take enough rest etc.

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Practical Functions (MIP#20):

Helps in removing difficulties in the knees (ligaments, bones, muscles, lubrication of the cartilages
between the bones)

Helps in reducing hair fall, regrowth, shining of hair and provides overall naurishment of hair

Helps in loosing weight (for overweight individuals) and gaining weight as well (for underweight

Naurishes - all bones including the spinal vertebrae, joints, tendons, skin texture, lubrication in any part
of the body (dryness of eyes, anus and joints of bones),

Treats urinary function, lumps formed in any part of the body!

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Practical Functions (MIP#21):

Helps in strengthening nerve function (tones the muscles)

Helps releasing muscular pain/ spasm/ cramp/ weakness, muscle tear

Various types of nerve degeneration, nerve compression, tremors in limbs due to nervous dysfunction

Balances pitta in the body, e.g., people suffering from belching (khatti dakar), travel sickness (nausea
feeling during travel), belching combined with migraine (females suffer from this before menstruation).

Helps relieving pre-menstrual/ menstrual cramps in abdomen, thighs, etc.

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Practical Functions (MIP#22):

Balances kapha in the body

Helps remove phlegm stuck in the nose/ chest

Sometimes when people have too much kapha and take suppressive medicine, they are observed to
have lumps formed all over the body. This point can help melt all these lumps formed in the body

Females observe white discharge, who have excess kapha in their body. When they take suppressive
medicine, fibroids are formed. This point can help melt these fibroids.

When kapha goes inside the brain, one loses the clarity of thinking and deciding on goals. This point also
helps in this aspect by clearing the kapha in the brain and improving clarity of thinking.

Cleanses the large intestine, improves absorption power, treats chronic diarrhoea

This also helps treat diabetic neuropathy (numbness/ powerlessness of legs), foot drop issue (difficulty
in lifting the front part of the foot)

Helps melt the stones (kapha) in kidney/ gall bladder

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Practical Functions (MIP#23):

Helps in any kind of gynecological disorders (delayed/ early menstruation, excessive/ scanty bleeding,
pain during menstruation)

This strengthens the liver, spleen and kidney

Treats Eosinophilia effectively

Kidney controls the conception power, Liver is the controller of all issues with the uterus, Spleen has the
power to hold (muscle power) and increases the haemoglobin content in the blood. So, this point is very
crucial for any female suffering from infertility. In the similar manner this works well for Males suffering
from impotency/ premature ejaculation etc.

Treats sickness due to humid environment (rainy season/ sea shore etc.)

This point also is a great point to recover subdued/ lost energy.

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Practical Functions (MIP#24):

Balances the vata in the body, expels extra vata from the body

It's the point which is vital for the bone marrow

Naurishes all the "upa-dhatu"s such as ras(plasma), rakt(blood), mamsa (muscle and skin),
medas(adipose tissues), asthi(bone), majja(bone marrow)

Provides energy to the whole body

Acts as a preventive and treatment point for people who have neural problems, or, people who have
already suffered from paralysis of any part of the body

Many have gas (vata) in the body. If it is released it feels good, if it gets stuck it leads to chest pain,
anxiety etc., this point helps release the gas either through burps or, farts.

Tones all the muscles and nerves, helps the ones who feel weakness in their legs

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Practical Functions (MIP#25):

Preventive point for kidney stone, also helps melt kidney stone, if it has been formed!

One who loses albumin (protein, life energy) through urin also benefits from this point - we can
otherwise say, that this point helps deal with any problems related to urination and kudney

Bed-wetting issue in any age group (child, young, old) can be dealt with the help of this point. This point
also helps, if one is not able to control urination while laughing/ sneezing/ coughing

It works like wonder if one feels weak by the knee, waist. The point naurishes the bones of the whole

Those who have hair fall, or, those who have weak hair can also benefit from this point

This also works positively if the facial glow (complexion of face) starts to diminish

Relieves leucorrhea all on its own

Naurishes the bones, Spinal vertebrae, strengthens the kidneys, retains youth

Balances yin and yang energies of the body

Epileptic seizures, especially if it happens in the night, this point is very useful

This also helps in regaining memory and hearing power for aging individuals

Reduces fear psychosis (e.g., if one fears traveling in faster modes of transport (speed train or,
aeroplane etc.), helps increase determination (helps people who are habitual with procrastination, they
keep postponing activities)

Helps retain the sexual energy and desire

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Practical Functions (MIP#26):

Balances all types of blood impurities - uric acid, sugar, cholesterol, SGUT, SGPTl, bilirubin, decreased
haemoglobin, any kapha related issue with the blood (stops kapha getting formed in the body)

This point helps

- children, who don't feel hungry(anoroxia)

- those, who feel like eating chalk/ mud etc.
- elderly, who feel heaviness (ballooning of belly) in the body after food
- those, who suffer from irritable bowl syndrome (feel like having a motion immediately after
- those, who have prolapsed belly/ uterous/ anus
- those, who suffer from vericose veins
- females, who suffer from milky white discharge
- those, who develop white stretch marks (both post delivery, and after loosing weight)
- maintaining good quantity and quality of blood in the body
- treating jaundice of newly born baby (very light luke warm pressure need to be applied)
- in getting rid of tumer (lump formation) in the body
- in maintaining the WBC, R C & blood platelets in the body
- diabetic patients who feel weak by their limbs

Relieves pain in the testicle if it is hurt

This is a cancer preventive zone. Helps cancer patients who are through the chemo therapy, in
strengthening their immunity and energy level by balancing their WBC, RBC, platelets, haemoglobin etc.
It also ensures they never catch up with cancer again.

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Practical Functions (MIP#27):


- muscle cramps (Raka pasiba) anywhere in the body

- pre-menstrual syndrome (pain in abdomen, thigh or, migraine)
- excessive bleeding during menstruation

Cools down excessive anger, helps deal with insomnia and depression

Balances the vata & pitta in the body

Helps deal with

- allergies in the body

- any type of migraine/ general head ache
- all kind of diseases in the eyes (redness, burning sensation etc.)
- bleeding nose

Helps regenerate liver cells if they are damaged (fatty liver)

Improves level of patience in a human being (works well to improve relationships)

Pain of the inner and outer knee, flaccidity (lacking firmness) and weakness of the legs.

Balances blood pressure

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Practical Functions (MIP#28):

This helps balance pH level in the body (balances acidity and alkalinity in the body)

It balances the pitta of the body and helps deal with - acidity, burping, food reflexes, hiccups, burning of
heart and chest

Treats bleeding gums, mouth ulcer, bad breath (all due to increased heat in stomach)

This helps improve lubrication in the knee joints (those whose knees produce sounds while making
movement), helps reset dislocated patella (knee ball)

It helps deal with joint pains (anywhere in the body, especially the knees and lower back)

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Practical Functions (MIP#29):

Helps to get the skin glowing. Treats blemishes, scars, stitch marks, stretch marks after delivery or, after
loosing weight.

Treats skin rashes and allergies

Helps one stay away from any kind of tumors (also includes cyst and fibroids) in the body even if one has
hereditary diseases. It also helps melting these different forms of tumors before they turn cancerous.
Cysts get formed in Kidneys, liver, ovaries & cervix. Treatment need to be given for 6 month to a year,
daily thrice.

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Practical Functions (MIP#30):

Helps expel fat from the body, helps reducing weight of body (press these points 3 rounds each tine
thrice a day, regulate your diet and start exercising a bit, will see the results in a weeks' time)

Also helps melting fatty tumors anywhere in the body

Also reduces fatty tissues in heart, liver, brain & Spleen (enlarged) and improves the function of these

Balances the pitta in the body and helps address acidity. Helps fix the function of valves of the heart.
Helps improve overall metabolic activities of the body

Helps improves overall energy level of the body

Here are all narratives on use of 30 MIPs together (in English)

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