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Who am I?

“Who am I?” a simple question and is yet one of the hardest to

answer. Growing up the difficulty of interacting to the people

outside of my circle has always occurred, this might be the

effect of all the insecurities kicking in. I thought that having

all the things that I have ever wanted will fill up the missing

part of me, but sharing my thoughts online anonymously to pass

my beliefs as a Christian and as a Filipino aware of the

incompetence of the government, it is the fight that gives me

the feeling of being part of a bigger and meaningful role.

There are a lot of things that built me for who I am today, like

being a sacristan and choir, serving God at an early age. This

experience brought me a whole new different perspective of the

world we live in, as a son of God, with a mission to be at

service to those who needs it the most like inviting kids to our

feeding programs and any other activities we have at church.

This experience developed my social skills that I was able to

apply at school and make friends with, but also is the

realization that not everyone is compatible with our

personalities. It is better to have one that I can trust instead

having a dozen who will not be there for me, because at the end

of the day I can count on them in the toughest times.

This pandemic challenged me at my best and the absence of

people affected me, with the help of social media it shaped our

connection to one another in a massive way that gave me a

platform to share all the goofiness, experiences, and events in

my life all at once.

Online platforms also change the way we date people, as a

straight male, it will probably take a lot of gut for me to

approach a girl in public, but it is the exact opposite in a

dating app. It is easier and comfortable to talk to someone that

you know is also looking for someone to be with. This might be

the platform that I never expected to work and be able to

interact with fun, intelligent, and interesting people.

Coming from an average family, I am thought to work hard for the

things that I wanted. And so, seeing kids that were spoiled by

their parents, it always made me felt lucky that I know the

worth of things and that I get to appreciate how I got it,

knowing that a lot of people will fight for it specially with

the increasing amount of poverty in this country.

Being aware of the ineffective system that we have, I am alarmed

by the incompetence that our government that promised changes

that they never even get close to implementing. It gets me

scared for generation and those that are next to come that will

be greatly affected by our corrupt system. This causes me to

sometimes question myself if I am doing enough for the society

that gives me this urge to have a change and be a part of it.

In my life, I have continuously searched for my purpose, to

completely answer who am I, and I’ve realized that the answer is

right in front of me. As a son, a brother, a friend, a Christian

and a young adult in this society, I care about the people

around me. My parents thought me to be responsible, honest, and

to work hard to achieve my goals, the church thought me that

giving to others will never make me poor, my friends made me

realize that relationships must be treasured, and my teachers

thought me to always push to my limits. All the good and bad

times in my life shaped me for who I am today and to keep on

moving forward, knowing that all the hardships will pay off.
looking back, I will never change anything about it for I am

proud of what I turned out to be.

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