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Bahasa Inggris “Antonius Edy” – Ph/WA: 0812.238.


1.George is (wealthy) ______businessman in this village.

2.We are (difficult) ______to please than you.

3.Is John any (good) ______? No. he is (ill) ______than yesterday and had to be hospitalized.

4.Andre is a few years (young) ______than his brother.

5.The wizard is (mighty) ______than the knight.

6.(dark) ______the day is, (little) ______sun you get.

7.That teacher explains the lesson (clear) ______of all.

8.Evelyn is (clever) ______student in the class.

9.The river was (narrow) ______than the sea.

10.Fiona is (kind) ______of all the students.

11.There is (much) ______ juice in the fridge than in the bottle.

12.Mount Everest is (high) ______mountain in the world.

13.Tom’s car is (antique) ______of all.

14.Our sword is (ancient) ______than yours.

15.Indonesia is (large) ______archipelago in the world.

16.The store is (far) ______than the garage.

17.Nicole is (beautiful) ______than her classmate.

18.Sheila is (pretty) ______ girl I’ve ever seen.

19.Susan is (diligent) ______girl at our school.

20.Pick (short) ______of the two paths.

21.The weather today is (warm) ______than yesterday.

22.Rat poison is (harmful) ______than a snake bite.

23.There is (little) ______and (little) ______time for Ben to finish the assignment.

24.Ben is (good) ______friend I have.

25.The lesson is (boring) ______than the previous one. It’s (boring) ______of the two.

26.There are (many) ______books in the library than at my house. I have (few) ______books at
home than my school’s library.

27.(pretty) ______a model is, (much) ______money she makes.

28.A CRV is (big) ______than an Ayla.

29.Your house is as (large) ______as my house.

30.Harry Potter is (interesting) ______book I have ever read.

31.He’s (bad) ______teacher ever. I hate him (much) ______ and (much) ______.

32.Helen dresses herself (casual) ______than her younger sister.

33.The scenery in Bali is (beautiful) ______one in the world!

34.Bob is (intelligent) ______than his idiotic brother.

35.No Time to Die was (interesting) ______than The Black Widow Tower.

36.Semarang is (far) ______town in Java that I have been to.

37.Jennifer Lawrence is (well-known) ______than Robert Pattinson, but she is paid (little)
______than him.

38.(expensive) ______a house is, (big) ______the piece of property is.

39.I slammed the gate (clumsy) ______than my maid.

40.Ben skates (careful) ______than before after he broke his leg.

41.James is the (old) ______of the two, but Tom works (hard) ______than me and he is also (fast)
______than me.

42.He was (careless) ______in the past than nowadays.

43.(smart) ______a student is, (good) ______mark that he can get.

44.We did it (bad) ______of all.

45.He walked (heavy) ______than me as he’s (heavy) ______than me.

46.Planes can fly (high) ______than birds.

47.He arrived (early) ______than expected.

48.We walked (slow) ______than the rest of the people.

49.(fast) ______the trains are, (dangerous) ______they are to ride.

50.They called us (late) ______ in the afternoon than normal.

51.My mother and my sister talked (loud) ______ than the other guests.

52.He hit his arm (hard) ______than before.

53.(good) ______the assignment your turn in. (little) ______I worry about your mark.

54.The Spanish athlete ran (fast) ______than the other runners.

55.My mum’s cooking is just as (delicious) ______as those from the best café in Bandung.

56.Ussain Bolt is (fast) ______runner in the world.

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