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1.Telephone Screening
Before you are invited for an interview, you
might receive a phone call from an HR

Recruiter will ask you questions that will help

the employer decide whether or not to bring
you in for a face-to-face discussion.

So be alert and on your best behavior

whenever your phone rings.
2. Behavioral Interview
When you are asked

behavioral interview
questions, the interviewer is listening for
specific examples of how you have handled
situations or resolved problems in the past.

The thinking is that if you have specific

examples of what you have done for previous
employers, you will be able to replicate your
behavior in a new job.

Prepare yourself with success stories outlining

the situation, the action you took and the result.
3. Case Interview
To understand how you solve problems and
communicate your ideas to a group, an
employer may give you a challenge for which
you must prepare a presentation.

In this instance, do your homework and show

up ready to perform.
4. Panel Interview
Of the different types of interviews out there, a
panel interview might be the most intimidating.

Imagine having two, three, or even more people

interviewing you all at once.

The panel interview efficiently provides the

employer with multiple opinions about you.

Your best strategy here is to rehearse your

answers and physical presentation beforehand,
concentrating on concise, meaningful responses
that speak to the multiple decision makers.
5. Stress Interview
In a stress interview format, the employer
puts you under pressure to see how you

Ideally, you’ll show them what you’re made

of by maintaining your composure.

The more they continue to apply the

pressure, the calmer you need to become.
6. Quantitative or
Brainteaser Interview
Why are manhole covers round?

You might hear questions like that at a

quantitative or brainteaser interview, which
companies use to test the limits of your
knowledge and to gauge how you approach,
analyze and break down a problem.

Take your time, listen and then talk through

your thought process. You can score points by
clearly articulating how you think.
Feel free to schedule a
call or DM me if you are:
1. Struggling to get interview calls.

2. Faltering in interviews.

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