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life before and nowdays

One of the things that worries people most nowdays are the COVID, the contamination
and the computer games.In the last few decades, there was a lot of differents virus,
but never like COVID, and also the violents computer games are increasing, both things
are injuries for our health,

First, the COVID is a important dangerous virus nowdays, people need to use the mask
all time, and aslo everybody need to keep safety distance to everybody, so its very
difficult to speak face to face with your Friends or family, but thanks to videocall you
can see your Friends and family, this thing it would be difficult in the past.

Second, I think that there are more computer games and also computers players than
before. Teenager nowdays don´t like play football or basketball outside with Friends
like in the past, now they only play computer games in their rooms.

In my opinión everybody need to take things from the past, like playing games outside
and also they need to pay more attention to measurements about COVID, everybody
should get vaccinated.

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