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What will counting upto twelve and keeping still help us achieve ?

Counting upto twelve will help us put a brake on the rush and humdrum of life. It will also heip us
tointrospect, reflect and experience silence and peace. In such a moment we can find solution to all
our problems and predicaments. We must make a
beginning by counting twelve.
Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death ?
No, the poet does advocate total inactivity. Admitting life to be an ongoing process he wants
that man's activities should be
positively channelised. Man should put an end to his hostile and
destructive activities.
What is the 'sadness' that the poet refers to in the poem
he 'sadness' the poet refers to is the sadness of isolation of which the modern man has become a
VIctim. This sadness has made man selfish. Thus he fails to understand the need of
his fellow beings
uve. Instead he threatens others with the horrors of death.
Whatsymbol from Nature does the poet invoke to say that there can be life under apparent stilness ?
ne poet
invokes the image of the formation of Earth. When the sun exploded billion of years ago,. it
Eemed to be an end of a star. But from this star was formed the planet Earth
which became the
onl celestial
body to sustain life. In apparent stillness on the Earth, Iife processes are always on
C cycle of birth and death, decay and renewal continues uninterrupted.
What would be an 'exotic moment tor the poet2

It would be a moment of immense world peace.

universal brotherhood and love created
through introspection and silence.
Explain:'without rush, without engines.
The expressions are symbolic of the hubbub of
the modern life. In the modern Competitive
World of
advancement, there is a rat-race w
outshine others. Life
can be peaceful only"
Dnoughtless 'advancement! can be d.
How, acco stoppe

what are Fishermen' symbolic of ?

The fishermen symbolise man's indiscriminate
exDloitation of nature for his vested interests.
What would happen when fishermen do not harm
(a) Whom does 'Those' refer to here
"Those' refers to the politicians, the statesmen
and the sciontists who are involved in

initiating and aggravating warS.

(b) Explain:'green wars, wars with gas, wars with
The expression refers to the chemical warss
which Man is waging against Man and against
Nature. Man's activities are polluting the
Nature and the chemical andnuclear weapons
created by him have brought mankind to its
dead end.

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