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IH Sample Paper

Q1 Sunderlal brought a change in the system by the amendment of Indian Forest Act 1927 and the birth of Forest Conservation Act
1980 . These two acts basically said that forest land cannot be used for non-forest purpose . The reason for this change with only one aim
and that was to protecting trees and forests which were slated for government logging . One consequence of this movements was that it
prohibited the use of forest resources for non- forest purposes which has not stopped development but delayed it . This delay takes
months for build roads and pipelines in villages as now they have to take permission from the centre . The role of sunderlal bahugna in
changing the system in terms of forest laws is that he made people aware about the issue of deforestation which has contributed globally
.Also , the chipko movement promoted feminism as alot of women were included in it and those women were often agiatated against the
habitat of alcoholism of the forest contractors as suppliers which also plays a key role about mountain alcoholism . These aspects
broadened the agenda of the movement and cover other social issues which are often overlooked .

Q2 As stated by paul wilkinson “A social movement is a deliberate cikkectubg endavour to promote change in any direction and any
means , not excluding violence , illegality . revolution or withdrawl . A social movement often has protests which alert the government for
the need of people . A social movement is usually a group protest led by a significant individual . The world has seen alot of social
movements but some of the key movements included civil rights . The society we live in today was once a society of segregation and
inequality . Racism which is the differentiation of people in terms of their coolour of skin was the kay factor to the violation of civil rights
. In this essay I am going to be illustrating what change do civil rights and social protest movements have on the society .

One key example of civil right movements is the movement in the americas in 1950s and 1960s . The significant individuals in this
movement were Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks . When the americas was a country with racial segregration and inequality
implementing its unequal laws to colored people . These laws restricted the freedom of a human being as colored people were looked
down upon just because of their skin color . The country had different schools , buses , restaurants and even no right to vote until mid
1950s . Marin Luther King Jr was a civil rights activist and his aim was to have a america with equal rights for all . When the americas was
under the umbrella of racial segregation rosa parks who was a black woman refused to give her seat for a white human and was jailed for
that . During this period there was alot of activism taking place to reverse this discrimination and injustice . This activism and thirst for
equality gather 250000 americans in washington DC for freedo and jobs . This movement sparked up with the “i have a dream” speech by
martin luther king jr . This movement took rest until 1968 till equal rights were provided for all regardless of their race . The civil rights
movement shaped the world in a different manner as this has led to global awareness and a legally equal society in the americas . This
movement has led to a significant change as the mindset of the people has changed drastically which has led to a fair world for all .

In conclusion I believe that the world has changed throughout the years due to the determination and the thirst for justice in some
individuals which are the key examples the world looked up to now . As correctly stated by martin luther king Jr that “Our lives begin to
end the day we become silent about the things that matter” is a phrase that needs to be implemented in our lives to be a changemaker in
the world

Q3 :-
a)Traditional Economy
b)Command Economy
c)Market Economy
d)Mixed Economy


Cornell Notes Sheet Name :Suryansh Aggarwal

Class : 9A
Topic :Challenges of Mixed Economy
Date : 5/4/2021

Questions Notes

What is a mixed economy ? Mixed economy has elements of both Market and Command
Economy . It is government dependent but market also has a key
role in the decisions takes . Ideal for entrepreneurs but has risks

How does mixed economy impact the market ? A mixed economic system combines both
aspects of capitalism and socialism . It impacts
the market as it protects private property and
have economic freedom but also allows the
government to interfere in economic activities
for a stable economy. Ex.India

How does mixed economy negatively impact the market? In a mixed economy there is usually a high level of corruption
and mismanagement which paralyses the production of a firm .
Also , mixed economies have alot of exploitation of labour .
Ex.As india is a mixed economy there is alot of corruption in
india which ranked 80 in 1995 has increased to 86 in 2020 .

How does mixed economy affect entrepreneurs ? As entrepreneurs have a private sector the mixed
economy might also impact my business can be that as a
mixed economy can have emphasis on profit of the
citizens . Ex.If I have a electronics firm in india which is
of private sector it will impact my business as the
government might decide to give emphasis to clothing
in a particular period of time .

How does mixed economy affect citizens? A mixed economy gives the freedom to develop but has
regulation and laws to implement it in the real world which
might affect my product .Ex.Recently PUBG which was a game
played by majority of teenagers was banned in india keeping in
mind the prejudicial to the sovereignty and
integrity of India, defence of India, the security
of the state and public order.

Summary: A mixed economy has it’s own benefits and challenges which can impact the country . One of the main challenge is
corruption and mismanagement and also the new laws passed which can impact the entrepreneurs business . A mixed economy gives
the freedom to develop but has regulation and laws to implement it in the real world which might affect my product

Q4 1) To what extent do you agree or disagree that sustainability towards transportation can be implemented in noida with a racial
equity lens ?
2) I believe my research question is a good one because the most important factor is that it is connected to the prompt . As the prompt is
about the sustainability of noida and the implementation of it similarly my Reaearch question also talks about sustainability in noida
.The prompt also talks about the implementation of sustainability in noida towards human made systems and also my Research question
is about human made systems . Secondly , my research question is focused as it talks about transportation as one human system so the
person answering it knows which direction to go to . Thirdly , my research question is not googelable and cannot be answered with a
quick google search as it has different aspects like sustainability , transportation , implementation and racial equity lens . My research
question is also relevent and answerable . It is also intriguing as the reader will have to research on this question to be able to answer it and
lastly my research question cannot be answered with a quick “Yes” or “No” .

3) How does transportation affect sustainability?

4) One method of data collection I would use to collect my information would be first doing preliminary research . I would identify the
key terms and do some preliminary research to be able to understand what the question wants . Then I will find some reliable sources
which can help me support my answer . To confirm whether these sources are reliable or not I will do OPVL of those sources . Then I
would gather all my research and sum it up in a systematic manner

5) The two pieces of sources to undertake the investigation are the noida newspaper times which will keep me updates with any decisions
the government has taken .As this will be a primary source it will be more reliable . The second source will be the baltimore articles which
will help me identity the ways the city has changes over time . As the baltimore articles are a secondary source they cannot be very reliable
but till a large extent if factual information is given . The baltimore article will be very useful for my investigation as it will help me find
ways of making noida more sustainable . Baltimore articles will also be beneficial because they are connected to my purpose as they have
implemented sustainability in the city so I also have a live example of a sustainable city . This source might also hold value to my research
as I have a example to look at so it might be useful and reliable as its a recent process . However , this source have a limitation for me as I
also have to look at the budget , population size and space of noida to implement these sustainable ideas . This source can also be not very
useful as in the next 5 years or 2 years there might be better or new technology which might give me more sustainability in noida .

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