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J Neurosurg 66:609-610, 1987

Cerebral endometriosis

Case report


Sections of Neurosurgery, Neuropathology, and Neurology, Department of Surgery, Yale University
School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, and Laboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute,
Bethesda, Maryland

v, A 20-year-old woman presented with a 3-year history of intermittent focal headaches and a generalized
seizure. Computerized tomography demonstrated a hypodense ring-enhancing cystic right parietal lobe le-
sion. At operation, a chocolate-colored cyst was excised which on histological examination proved to be endo-

KEY WORDS 9 endometriosis cerebral endometrial tissue

NDOMETRIOSIS is a condition in which function- Examination. At the time of admission, the pa-
al endometrial tissue is located at extrauterine tient's neurological, gynecological, and general physical
sites. It is most c o m m o n l y seen in the pelvis and examinations were normal. Laboratory studies of blood
is rarely found in the abdominal cavity above the um- and urine, an electrocardiogram, and chest x-ray films
bilicus. Endometrial tissue has been found in the thorax, were normal. An electroencephalogram revealed mod-
the extremities, the vertebral column, the spinal canal, erate generalized slowing, most prominent over the
and the sciatic nerve, e-7 A case of cerebral endometri- right temporal area. Computerized tomography (CT)
osis is presented. with and without intravenous contrast m e d i u m dem-
onstrated a hypodense ring-enhancing well-circum-
Case Report scribed lesion, located peripherally in the right poster-
oinferior parietal region. There was no significant mass
This 20-year-old w o m a n was admitted to the Yale- effect or edema. A C T scan using bone windows and
New Haven Hospital because of a generalized sei- plain radiographs of the skull revealed scalloping of the
zure that had been preceded by a severe fight occipital adjacent calvaria. Cerebral angiography demonstrated
headache. She gave a 3-year history of episodic, pul- an avascular parietal lobe mass. Preoperatively, the
satile right occipital headaches that characteristically patient was given phenytoin and remained neurologi-
lasted 4 to 5 minutes and occurred once or twice each cally normal without additional seizures.
month. These headaches usually developed in the eve-
ning and were unrelated to menstrual cycle phase, Operation. The patient underwent a right parieto-
activity, or diet. She denied any history of seizures, occipital craniotomy. Calvarial thinning was noted over
migraine headaches, other neurological symptoms, drug the lesion. When the dura was opened, a greenish-
abuse, trauma, recent illness, or infections. H e r men- brown cystic lesion was seen on the surface of the
strual history was normal. H e r medical history was posteroinferior parietal lobe. Aspiration of the cyst
relevant only for two therapeutic abortions, one at 16 yielded thick chocolate-brown fluid with no odor. The
and one at 17 years of age. She took no prescribed cyst walls were smooth and hemosiderin-stained except
medications and had not previously been hospitalized. for a 5-ram reddish-brown nodule. The entire cystic
A detailed review of systems was otherwise negative. lesion was excised.
Her family history was negative for migraine headaches, Postoperative Course. The patient tolerated the
seizures, or other neurological or gynecological dis- procedure well, and had an uneventful postoperative
orders. course without neurological deficit. She was treated

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 66/April, 1987 609

L. L. Thibodeau, et al.

FIG. 1. Low-power photomicrograph showing endometrial epithelium and hemorrhagic endometrial stroma
with adjacent brain tissue containing scattered reactive gemistocytic astrocytes. H & E, • 150.

with danazol, 400 mg twice daily for 6 months. She has Acknowledgments
had no subsequent seizures or menstrual irregularity The authors wish to thank Dr. Jung H. Kim and D. J.
and her neurological and gynecological examinations Mulqueen for their help in preparing this report.
were normal 1 year after her operation.
Pathological E x a m i n a t i o n . Histological evaluation References
of the lesion showed endometrial epithelium and hem- 1. Batson OV: The function of the vertebral veins and their
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It is of interest that, despite the histological evidence 6. Novak ER: Pathology of endometriosis. Clin Obstet Gy-
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to the patient's menstrual cycle. Hematogenous implan- 7. Stern H, Toole AL, Merino M: Catamenial pneumo-
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mechanism. The history o f two therapeutic abortions
and the absence o f demonstrable endometriosis at other Manuscript received January 2, 1986.
sites suggests that endometrial cells spread hematoge- Accepted in final form August 11, 1986
Address reprint requests to: Lee L. Thibodeau, M.D.,
nously to the brain through the vertebral venous sys- Section of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, Yale Uni-
tem, ~ an undetected partially patent foramen ovale, or versity School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, New Haven,
a pulmonary arteriovenous shunt. Connecticut, 06510.

610 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 66/April, 1987

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