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I realized how accurate God created Work, and how it is part of man.

Jesus entrusted the garden

of Eden to Adam and Eve as a responsibility to take care of it. Like how God entrusted The Earth to us,

and it is our duty to protect it we must put extra effort on how we handle and respect the things around

us since we our only borrowing this planet from him. God created realities for a man’s use, work was

good, enjoyable, and satisfying until sin came, work became hard, Work represents a fundamental act of

human creation and redemption, redemption rescues us and gives us freedom. Work is not only a

source of income, but it can also be a form of sharing, and expressing art. Some may find work enjoyable

some are being enslaved by their work. Each and every one of us has a reason to work, It is what we

have against poverty, it our source of richness, but at the same time we have to rest in between, we

must not be enslaved by work and to remember that God is our creator. Like what Jesus said we must

appreciate work, Jesus devoted most of his years working and sharing wisdom and art, we must do too.

This pandemic work had been difficult to thousands of people, most of employed citizen in our country

lost their job, they must make extra effort just to earn for a living, most businesses were not earning

enough, it caused a lot of hungry people, and increased the number of poverty in the country. Online

learning caused by the pandemic gave so much workload and stress, as time pass by I realize how online

learning is consuming me, sometimes I lose my motivation to learn in this kind of setting but I make sure

to give myself time to rest and to not be enslaved by online learning and keep my faith in God no matter

what hardship I will go through.

Biblical Aspects of Work

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