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Universidad del Valle Integrated Skills in English 1

Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje Teacher: Johnny Escobar Salazar

Dpto. de Lenguas y Culturas Extranjeras 2021A

Talking about Universidad del Valle

As a public university, Universidad del Valle’s mission is to educate at the
highest level through the generation and diffusion of knowledge in science,
culture and art techniques, technology and humanities with autonomy and
vocation for social service. As a state institution, it assumes commitments to
the construction of a just and democratic society.

University of Valle, as one of the most important higher education public
institutions of Colombia in coverage, quality and diversity of its services,
aspires to be known as a university of excellence, that is pertinent,
innovative, efficient, competitive, with scientific research and international

International Dimension
Universidad del Valle has a long-lasting tradition of academic, scientific and cultural relations
with foreign universities, as well as with governmental and non-governmental organizations.

The University is proud to have cooperation agreements with universities around the world,
membership and high participation in important academic networks, consortiums and
associations in America and Europe for outgoing and incoming mobility, funding schemes and
cooperation networks, Double degree diplomas and Foreign Languages.

It has one of the best schools of Foreign Languages of Latin America, where Spanish, English,
French, Portuguese, German, Japanese, Italian and Mandarin are offered for students and
faculty, and taught by native lectors in the framework of academic agreements.

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