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Earth Science – 8

Second Quarter, Activity Sheet

Module 2– Week 5

1. What is a seismic wave?
vibration generated by an earthquake, explosion, or similar energetic
source and propagated within the Earth or along its surface.
2. Enumerate the types of seismic wave. The two main types of waves are
body waves and surface waves.
3. Differentiate each type of seismic wave. Body waves can travel through
the Earth's inner layers, but surface waves can only move along the
surface of the planet like ripples on water.
4. Which seismic wave is considered the most dangerous? Why? Surface
waves , As their name suggests, surface waves travel just below the
surface of the ground. Although they move even more slowly than S-
waves, they can be much larger in amplitude and are often the most
destructive type of seismic wave.
5. Which wave can pass through solid, liquid and gas? P-waves travel
fastest and through solids, liquids, and gases
6. What instrument that will measure and detect an earthquake?
7. What is your reflection in this activity? I have understood that the
importance of seismic wave research lies not only in our ability to
understand and predict earthquakes and tsunamis, it also reveals
information on the Earth's composition and features in much the same
way as it led to the discovery of Mohorovicic's discontinuity.

Note: For the reporter in this topic.

Show the movement of the different types of seismic waves through a video
or gif.

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