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Being a student is not that easy, it takes time, courage, and dedication for us to get on top of our
dreams. Some of you are maybe dreaming of to have a luxurious car, a big and expensive house, dress
and shoes collection, or even travel around the world. Isn’t it so nice to dream, imagine, to picture what
will going to happen in our future. My dear students, I am in front of you not to show everyone on what
I am right now, on what I have but to inspire everyone in this room to work hard and be the best that
you can be. Maybe you are not amaze to see a person like me, or you even say that I am only an
accountant and who would even want to be like me? It’s fine, I didn’t came here to encourage everyone
to have the same job as mine or to be like me, instead I want you all to dream as big as mine, to picture
a very prosperous future, imagine yourself driving your very own Lamborghini, buying every single
things you want like clothes, shoes, bags, or you can even have a collection. They say dream big, its free,
so don’t limit yourself to dream instead dream as big and as wide as you can, no one would ever stop
you, no one can. Get out of the box, be free to do what makes you happy and we are here, me your
parents to help and guide you in your journey upon choosing the path that you want.

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