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1. #include <stdio.

2. #include <conio.h>
3. #include <iostream>
4. #include <time.h>
5. #include <windows.h>
6. void gotoxy(int x, int y)
7. {
8. COORD coord;
9. coord.X = x;
10. coord.Y = y;
11. SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
12. }
13. void delay(unsigned int mseconds)
14. {
15. clock_t goal = mseconds + clock();
16. while (goal > clock());
17. }
18. void getup()
19. {
20. system("cls");
21. gotoxy(10,2);
22. printf("Press X to Exit, Press Space to Jump");
23. gotoxy(62,2);
24. printf("SCORE : ");
25. gotoxy(1,25);
26. for(int x=0;x<79;x++)
27. printf("ß");
28. }
30. int t,speed=40;
31. void ds(int jump=0)
32. {
33. static int a=1;
35. if(jump==0)
36. t=0;
37. else if(jump==2)
38. t--;
39. else t++;
40. gotoxy(2,15-t);
41. printf(" ");
42. gotoxy(2,16-t);
43. printf(" ÜÛßÛÛÛÛÜ");
44. gotoxy(2,17-t);
45. printf(" ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ");
46. gotoxy(2,18-t);
47. printf(" ÛÛÛÛÛßßß");
48. gotoxy(2,19-t);
49. printf(" Û ÜÛÛÛÛßßß ");
50. gotoxy(2,20-t);
51. printf(" ÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ ");
52. gotoxy(2,21-t);
53. printf(" ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ß ");
54. gotoxy(2,22-t);
55. printf(" ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ");
56. gotoxy(2,23-t);
57. if(jump==1 || jump==2){
58. printf(" ÛÛß ßÛ ");
59. gotoxy(2,24-t);
60. printf(" ÛÜ ÛÜ ");
61. }else if(a==1)
62. {
63. printf(" ßÛÛß ßßß ");
64. gotoxy(2,24-t);
65. printf(" ÛÜ ");
66. a=2;
67. }
68. else if(a==2)
69. {
70. printf(" ßÛÜ ßÛ ");
71. gotoxy(2,24-t);
72. printf(" ÛÜ ");
73. a=1;
74. }
75. gotoxy(2,25-t);
76. if(jump!=0){
77. printf(" ");
78. }
79. else
80. {
82. printf("ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß");
83. }
84. delay(speed);
85. }
86. void obj()
87. {
88. static int x=0,scr=0;
89. if(x==56 && t<4)
90. {
91. scr=0;
92. speed=40;
93. gotoxy(36,8);
94. printf("Game Over");
95. getch();
96. gotoxy(36,8);
97. printf(" ");
98. }
99. gotoxy(74-x,20);
100. printf("Û Û ");
101. gotoxy(74-x,21);
102. printf("Û Û ");
103. gotoxy(74-x,22);
104. printf("ÛÜÜÜÜÛ ");
105. gotoxy(74-x,23);
106. printf(" Û ");
107. gotoxy(74-x,24);
108. printf(" Û " );
109. x++;
110. if(x==73)
111. {
112. x=0;
113. scr++;
114. gotoxy(70,2);
115. printf(" ");
116. gotoxy(70,2);
117. printf("%d",scr);
118. if(speed>20)
119. speed--;
120. }
121. }
122. int main()
123. {
124. system("mode con: lines=29 cols=82");
125. char ch;
126. int i;
127. getup();
128. while(true)
129. {
130. while(!kbhit())
131. {
132. ds();
133. obj();
134. }
135. ch=getch();
136. if(ch==' ')
137. {
138. for(i=0;i<10;i++)
139. {
140. ds(1);
141. obj();
142. }
143. for(i=0;i<10;i++)
144. {
145. ds(2);
146. obj();
147. }
148. }
149. else if (ch=='x')
150. return(0);
151. }
153. }

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