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“28 Chapter 02 G8 Questions with Short Answers WE OR Q-1. Write a note on Bacon as a selfish utilitarian. Bacon was a selfish utilitarian, He was not Philosopher who teaches and preaches but a man of action. About him it is said that when his one eye was fixed on the polestar of Truth, the other watched the political weather cock. He never lost sight of the utilitarian idea or situation. He appreciates truth but not without a mixture of lie, He defends this mixture on grounds of Propriety, He writes, “Truth may Perhaps come to price of pearl that sheweth best by day but it will not rise to the price of a diamond or Carbuncle that sheweth best by day but it wi carbuncle that sheweth best in vaned light. A mixture of a lie doth ever, old pleasure.” i In this essay on ‘Parents and Children’ he does admit that children afford secret j i childless persons. This impression ubstance of remarkable group of tic relations and with specialities between man and man. This way his eye was fixed on the course of - conduct that pays best. His essays seem to be work of an opportunist. Thus he is definitely a selfish utilitarian, i Q-2. Discuss the statesmanship of Bacon. Write a note on __ Bacon as a selfish utilitarian, Bacon is pethaps seen at his best in his role as a statesman, Ev ; may Rot totally agree with his political views, still there ing the fact tha are the views of a prudent politi ‘Slatesman. The essay of Plantations contains soun 02— QUESTIONS WITH SHORT ANSWERS 1475 feelings are mingled with caution and Political wisdom in this advice of the wise statesman. History since the days of Bacon has proved of soundness of these ideas. The natives grow impatient of inhuman freatment and the result in rebellion, war and destruction. As a statesman Bacon establishes a double code of political morality, one for the prince and the other for his subjects. He establishes that the king is the state and so the ministers and public servants should be true more to the king than to the subjects. In the essay of Faction’ Bacon advises kings not to side with any particular faction or party in ‘the state. In the essay “Of Course’ he advises the ince about consulting his counsellors on matters of state. In essay of Seditions and troubles he suggests many valuable steps. As statesman is views are admired. . Write a note on Bacon’s political thoughts: In several of his essays Bacon has given practical advice to the kings and rulers. Prominent among such essays are: Envy, OF ‘Seditions and Troubles, Of Empire, Of Counsel, Of Seeming wise, Of Ambition, Of Followers and Friends and Of Faction. In the essay of ‘Ambition Bacon advises kings and princes how to deal with bitious persons in the state. In the essay Bacon advises kings not to with any particular faction or party in the state. They should not low any faction to grow so strong as to become dangerous for the The relation in which judges ought to stand to their king is in the essay of Judicature, The essay of counsel, he advises 'Ptince about consulting their advisors. In the essay of Empire lays down rules for the guidance of kings. He tells them how to their neighbours, their second nobles or gentlemen, their i their commons and their man of war far from all these ers if care be not used. Likewise in his essay of Seditions bles in the state Bacon examines the causes of troubles and rellian attitude of Bacon. filte. = f Bacon are written to give wise of statecraft. His political views welli. Like Machiavelli he thinks not apply to the king. In le by craft and cunning. They 476| FRANCIS BACON'S Essays Section IIL ought to be selfish and self-centred but not the common people who should recognize the claim of the state and society on the individual. itis the duty of the judges and the ministers to placate the wishes of the king. To the kings he suggests ways and means of self- aggrandisement, expansion of colonies, increase of revenue, avoidance of factions and suppression of seditious in the state. Thus Bacon's king is virtually the prince of Machiavelli. Bacon’s thoughts are characterized by an absence of idealism as are Machiavelli's. His is the ethics of “is” not of “ought”. Self gain is certainly desirable but not at the cost of the state. In Bacon’s ethics, state comes first and the individual afterwards, _ @.5. Throw light on Bacon‘s character as revealed in his essays. It is a fact that the literature of a great man is the expression of. his character and personality. Bacon’s essays hold a key to his character and personality, Pope in his famous estimate of Bacon's character says that he was wisest, brightest and meanest. He was the ‘wisest because he had massive intellectual powers. He was brightest * because he rose to the highest office in the land and he was the meanest because he searified quite often the highest principles of life ~ to fulfil his self interest. There is lot of truth in Pope's epigrammatic characterization of Bacon. There is indeed a disparity between Bacon's intellect and character, While intellectually he is genius, the ‘wisest and brightest of mankind. Morally he was benkrupt Na ccan describes him as brightest intellect combined with object humane ith object humanity. Bacon was a Machiavellian i ii 7 Bp or pact cae rhea ani next—this w: ee 3: , s first, ; pe fs are pie Blake calls his essays Wife.a desi 5 Triage a necessary evil cstrable calamity and children hostages to fornnce. tre ‘§ an active life to a effects. These effects are rding to Bacon it is a been elaborately outlined in stand point. Acc world. It has been FRANCIS BACON'S ESSAYS Secti ea tion ALL . According to Macaulay, the change in the styig essays of poe ae aevelesneri of his mind and imagination, ¢ ye +o Hugh Walker, the change was due to a change jn ee ee he regarding the functions and the possibilities of the a th f 1612 the essay of 1597 to the essays of 1612 and stijj ete ee we rue the contrast which Macaulay has pointed out. In the essays of 1597 the sentences are nearly all short, crisp and sententious. There are few connectives. All the sentences are disjointed and stand by themselves. ‘The style in this edition is extremely dry. But in his later essays he imparts warmth and colour to his style. He makes his style poetic and figurative then. Metaphors. and similes become frequent. They are apt, vivid and suggestive, They have pictorial quality. They are graphic. —Q.9. Write a note on wisdom in the essays of Bacon. Bacon's essays are full of worldly wisdom. ‘They are catled ‘compendium of precepts. His essays are the outcome of experiences a shrew and exceptionally wise man the world. People in general "Seek practical guidance in day to day life. They are all interested in i ing a success of their lives in this material world rather than in | the good of the soul in some imaginary world to come. Hence it is that literature which aims at absolute moral edification leave them cold. _ The advice to be truthful has nothing new but a reader is Startled to find Bacon advising him to mix truth with a grain of ood. This antithesis of the practical and the ideal in a peculiar feature of Bacon's essays and it has been appreciated, loved and enjoyed by ail his readers, His essays are full of many expressions and quotable remarks which are packed with wisdom as followed: 1, Revengeis a kind of wild justice. See nt endieth Tevenge keeps his own wounds green. Sy Some books are to be tasted. Others to be swallowed and : ved and digested. wise, poets witty, the mathematics practical wisdom. 02— Questions wry: SHORT ANSWERS \479 Q. 10. -Write a note on Bacon's Philosophy of Science. The immediate task of Baco; system of thought called scholasti was already attained and that it w in the decrees of the Church co: mM was to demolish the existing icism. This school held that truth ‘as expressed in the scriptures and uncils. In such a view, there is no progress of knowledge and experience cannot give rise to any new truth, Bacon’s endeavour was to establish an effective and valuable relation between thought and actual experience. This is not possible as long as people believed in the truth Supporting by the time and by the traditions. So he started demolishing the ideals including the fallacy embodied in the judgement of time. Bacon lived at a time when many advantages fell the way of | Peteons. Such are the art of printing, the discovery of America and the peaceful conditions in the Kingdom. These advantages stimulated his scientific undertakings, The two major achievements of this scientific activity are the classification of sciences and the introduction of the scientific method. Whild the school men gave an anticipation of mind, he gave an approach to the interpretation of nature. Bacon was thus making a plea for an important place to ‘science and for the freedom of the scientist from any state control. All this appears just as the beginning of the modern period and looks like a manifesto of the scientists’ association, Q.11 What does Bacon say about truth in his essay of 3 Truth? ‘ding to Bacon it is quite fature of truth. He tells that truth is like ue nature of things. He compares truth , with candle light. The mixture of the human conduct cheap. Bacon Ip of an analogy. In gold or silver coins, -mixed, the coin becomes more usable. r become more serviceable and y and useful in day to day ruth with pearl which looks best in <<. 480 | FRANCIS BACON'S Essays Section {17 natural sunlight and falsehood with diamond which looks best g, artificial or varied light. i He tells that a mixture of lie with truth adds variety to man's life. However the greatest gift of God to man is the illumination of truth. Truth should be the axis of life and man should not deviate from this axis. Q.12. Write a short note on the essay of Revenge. Of Revenge is one of the most important essays of Bacon, It deals with a very natural instinct that of taking revenge upon enemies for some evil done to us. Bacon is known for his practical approach towards various problems of life. He gives a very sound view about taking revenge. There is a mixture of idealism and utilitarianism in the essay, It reveals that Bacon was quite practical minded but at the same time he was not aware of high ideas, He knew how human beings behave in day to day life, Therefore, he tends to water down the high ideals to suit practical purposes, Therefore on the one hand he declares that revenge is ignoble and forgiveness is noble but soon he adds that in certain circumstances, revenge is tolerable. Bacon is never swayed by emotions. He always keeps the balance of mind. His arguments are always forceful and logical. ‘They reveal his sound commonsense and great practical wisdom. He says that revenge is a kind of wild justice. Law should uproot it. Revenge makes the revenger and the evil doer equal. Wise man do not waste their time in thinking of the past. Those who always think of taking revenge keep their wound fresh and so they are always painful. 50 revenge should be ignored. Q.13. Discuss Bacon's opinion in the essay “Of Parents and Children’. Of Parents and Children is one of the most illuminating and informative essays of Bacon. The subject of this essay is very comme” but of widespread interest and importance. Bacon offers some valuable comments on the conduct of parents towards their children: It is not proper for the parents, especially mothers te a rightly differentiation in affection towards their children. Solomen eat Tals se the said that a wise son brings pleasure to the father but an uns son brings dishonour to the mother: Parents should choo careers of their children according to their talent and-desire. 481 02—QUESTIONS WITH! SHORT ANSWI | 4 achieve Sue gee hildren are the source of delight he ale sire Perfor” ‘hey’ make their parenis happy: On be acy Makes ye bad: their parents also sufler. Miserliness © PASS Perfor,’ children mean. It is a serious mistake. It a Wrong (Te Of the children, Thus Bacon points out the ae He Sweetan alling of children by unwise parents, He says that a joys = labours but they make misfortunes more bitter and hence tt essay jqfrehs are secret and go are their griefs and fears. The entire 7's Full of wisdom anclenmnmansened) Ment on the essay of Simulation and ‘simulation, man ofc°*ing to Bacon dissimulation isa weak kind of policy. The are the pron’ Wit and courage speak truth. Weaker sort of politicians to be ph - dissemblers. They do not know what to reveal and what first jg joe There are three kinds of hiding a man's self. The z _ Closeness, the second is dissimulation and the third is simulation, 2 Secrecy is the virtue of confession. It is politic as it invites Secrets of others, It is moral as nakedness is uncomely as well in mind as body. Dissimulation is a defect but should be practised to baffle inquisitiveness. Simulation is a vicious habit and shows that one has Some serious defects to conceal. The advantages of dissimulation and simulation are to avoid rising opposition, to leave a safe retreat and to know the intentions of others. The disadvantages are that they are a Sign of timidity, they lose sympathy of others and they cause a loss of * trust and confidence. Finally Bacon's that one should have k reputation for openness, dissimulation for use when it is convenient t and power to feign when there is no remedy, Here Bacon's, logic | seems to be sound. This essay is full of wisdom. Q.15. Write a note on Bacon's essay on of Marriage and Single Life. Of Marriage and Single Life deals with a Popular subject. Marriage is an important institution in social life. Here in this essay he ie all the pros and cons of married and single life. Bacon considers unmarried persons superior to married persons, The unmarried persons are best friends, best servants, best priests, and best masters but they are not good citizens, good subordinates and % eee ones The unmarried man has more and more time for eens a 482] FRANCIS BACON'S ESSAYS Section ti social work but in the case of judges and magistrates married ones are more successful, A married one has wife and children. He has to look after therm 80 he has to form his limits in all respects. He cannot afford to take risks. It is observed that married ones are more disciplined and responsible. They are not impulsive and do not take decisions rashly, ‘They are soft and cool by nature, But unmarried persons can afford to be more generous and liberal because they have no liability. They are devoid of soft feélings because their feelings have not been mellowed and humanized by the company of wife and children. Bacon means to say that married persons are more kind and sympathetic. Q.16. Write a note on of Great Place. ‘The essay of Great Place reveals Bacon’s practical ideas about places in life. His ‘analysis of problems is thorough, accurate and persuasive. He says that people occupying position of power and authority are thrice servants: Of the monarch or the country, of reputation of work. Such persons do not have any freedom either in their work or in their private life, The tenure of the office is uncertain, uneasy and dangerous. Such persons never know their shortcomings ‘because they are always surrounded by flatterers and self seekers: Men in great places are strangers to themselves. They do not have any time to pay attention to the health of their body and mind. So a person holding high position should employ his power in doing good to others, Such a man will get peace of God. He should examine himself strictly on the basis of the best example of his good work. He should avoid controversy and should treat his subordinates well, guide them on important issues and welcome them who bring information for his help. Such persons should avoid four types of “faults. They are evils of delay, corruption, rudeness and of being influenced. He should be generous to his predecessors and successors also. In his life he should be unassuming but should execute his duti Q.17. Write anote on 5 Travel. the aspirants of elling isa part of 1 countries benefits Bacon wrote this travelling. His advice is pra education, Bacon says that | both the young and the o education. For the old it is 02 — QUESTIONS wrt SHORT ANSWERS |483 Before visiting a foreign country, one should fearn in advance the Janguage of that country to Sain maximum benefit from the visit. One should also keep a record of the land travel where they go. Diaries should also be maintained during foreign travel. It is also advisable that a visitor should visit all the places of importance such as the courts of kings and Princes, the law courts, religious institutions, historical buildings, educational and military places, places of trade and commerce, games and Sports, of drama and like, Bacon advises the traveller that after his return from the country of his visit, he should not break all his connections with that country. On the other hand, he should be careful to continue his telations through correspondence with the persons of his acquaintance, Bacon's advice is quite useful and of practical value to the Prospective travellers. They can derive maximum advantage if they follow it, Q.18. Discuss Bacon’s essay on Empire. The present essay deals with kings and the dangers they face. Bacon says that the Position of kings is very miserable. They have many dangers, sus picions and apprehensions, As a result their minds get confused about themselves and their kingdoms. Hence the become melancholy and superstitious as happened with “Alexander the Great and Charles the fifth, The art of administration is very complex. Its key is structures on the one hand and mildness on tlie Other. The greatest wisdom on the part of Administrators lies in Postponement of troubles and problems instead of resolving them with the help of effective plans and measures. ‘The kings have to deal with many kinds of People ~ With their neighbour kings, their wives, children, church officials, nobles, gentlemen, merchants and traders, citizens and military officers. The king should not hesitate to go to the path of war on the suspicion of danger. Even the wives and children of the kings are dangerous to him, So the kings have suspicion of their wives and children but this Suspicion leads to tragic consequenc.s, Bishops and nobles also create iger to the king. Sometimes kings face great problems: When they ‘0 not use their authority in accordance with the situation, Q.19, What does Bacon mean to say in the essay of Delays, of Delays reveals Bacon’s practical wisdom. It teals With Baas day ae of human life making delay in taking Prompt action. He tells that both advantageous and harmful, aad OEE EEE OO | a FRANCIS BACON'S ESSAYS Section 11] It is necessary to know about the limits of delay. A wise person should know that if he is not prepared to face the danger, it appear, nore frightening than it actually is. The man should also know hoy, long he can postpone the execution of a particular action. On the other hand over enthusiasm is also not advisable as may lead to greater dangers. Caution, discretion and equanimity are peccosary to meet the dangers. Dangers should be nipped in the bud before they assume formidable proportions. It is wise to conserve energy to cope with the probable dangers without gelling oye: excited. Therefore a person needs to be calm and discreet in taking remedial measures. For politicians it is advised that they should keep their plans secret. In the execution of their plans they should maintain speed because speed helps secrecy. Bacon means to say that action Should be taken at proper time without delay. Q.20. Discuss Bacon’s essay on Friendship. According to Spedding, the biographer of Bacon, this essay was written on the Fequest of Bacon’s friend Toby Matthew io commemorate intimacy. Bacon says that a friendless person is said {o be either a beast or a god. He is as lonely in the crowd as he is ina desert. The great advantage of friendship is to relieve the heart fram the burden of friendship. Friendship is like a medicine to the problems. Even kings have given great importance to friendship. It has double blessing. tt redoubles joy and reduces grief to half. If a man shares his joys with his friend, he increases his pleasure. If he shares his griefs, he suffers less. Thus friendship work as a medicine upon man’s mind. The union of two hearts increases joy. The Brief is lightened. Violent impressions are calmed down. The sincere advice of a friend is useful in business also. Lastly friendship is an aid in all actions and Occasions. There are many things which a man cannot do himself and in this a friend is quite helpful. A true friend is another self of person. A friend can speak to ‘Health is full of persone! for the common man (0 02 — QUESTIONS WITH SHORT ANSWERS [485 maintain health. Bacon says that in taking care of a person's health, he should observe his diet and avoid those things which do him harm. It is better to avoid making any sudden change of habits in respect of diet, exercise and even dress, He should remain cheerful at the time of eating, sleeping and taking exercisé, When in sickness he should immediately consult the doctor. He should guard himself against excessive self-indulgence in youth so that he may not be compelled to pay for it in old age. He should cultivate the habit of cheerfulness and avoid all exciting or imitating passions, Bacon emphasizes that physician should be chosen carefully, if necessary. Unnecessary medicines should not be taken. He says that persons who take regular exercise develop body resistance. They very often get cured even without medicines. Such persons only need some precautions in heir diet and a gentle looking after. Q. 22. Analyse the Bacon's essay on Gardens. How can they be maintained? The present essay entitled of Gardens was initially intended for those who may attain the Royal ordering of Gardens Bacon says that the pleasure derived from gardening is the purest of all human pleasures. The art of gardening is higher than that of building. A building or place without a garden is a heap of structure. A good garden laid out on a magnificent scale round about a huge building or palace should display fresh beauties every month. Every garden should have a green plot of four acres consisting a turf pleasing to eyes surrounded with covered walls or alleys, a little tower ora mount thirty feet high in the middle of the garden, The top of the mount in the middle should be reached by thirty flights of steps and at the top of each flight, a space is to be levelled all round the hill, broad enough for four persons to walk, There should also be a heath of six acres with four side gardens of four acres each. The garden should be plentifully planted with swelling, smelling flowers, breathing their fragrance upwards. God Almighty first planted a garden. Indeed at is the purest of human pleasures. Q.23. Write a note on the essay of Studies. This is one of the most widely read essays of Bacon. In this €ssay Bacon speaks as a life long student. He says that we study for three things, delight, ornamient in the society and ability in practical : se] * 4 's Ess Sectio =e FRANCIS BACON'S ESSAYS nT eof the reader and may, + business of life. Studies add to the knowledge SUH Factions No him a best person, It is so because ne ae cue stdin judgements are governed by the knowledge g} artificiality in speech a But eacessive study is not good. It creates artificiality in sp anid behaviour, Writing brings about a kind of discipline oe ee become precise and systematic. And when a ees pane BS he develops the ability of producing argument in 2 i 0 on use his knowledge whenever the occasion geman s: For ae le history makes man wise, Mathematic makes him cunning etc. Studies Perform various functions. It dispels boredom of lonely hours, imparts beauty and effectiveness to conversation and discussions and makes a person able to take a balanced view of life. Taking notes and writing down quotations from great authors impresses and fixes what we have read deeper in the mind, Thus Bacon rightly describes the great advantages of reading, writing and conversation. Q.24. Discuss the essay of Love. The essay is written on the familiar subject of love. Though the topic of love, could have involved a good deal of emotions and sentimental treatment, yet the writer deals with the subject in a rational, practical and almost cold manner. S Bacon says that in life loye fempts man to indulge in foolish activities and leads him to ruin and destruction. It does not let a Person remain balanced in mind, A Person who loves, becomes a slave to his eye which has been gi the true nature and value of things. The powerful passion of love strikes a Person both in prosperity and adversity. However a person should keep his Passion: within Teasonable limits. Love is a kind of compensation to the soldiers who have to face danger, Love is inevitable, because it has roots in the nature of man. People should not limit their love to a particular individual but they should enlarge its scope. ‘They should indulge in acts of charity to benefit the Poor and the needy. Marital love Perpebiate mankind, friendship perfects humanity. But wanton love debases human nature, 02 — QUESTIONS WiTH SHORT ANSWERS 1487 Q.25. Write a note on the essay of Discourse. a pe is one of the most popular essays of Bacon. It ae i's practical and utilitarian wisdom, his wide i olarship and experience, He says that some people show their cleverness by Mén précising the conversation. They do so by their wit rather than by exercising their reasoning and judgement which make a conversation worth listening. There are some persons who can talk about a fixed topics and talk the something again and again. Their such talk is uninteresting. When their weakness for certain fixed topics is exposed, they are ridiculed. , The best way of making a conversation interesting and enlightening is to giver others the occasion to speak, to change the topic of conversation frequently and to inelude allied topics in the conversation. This serves the conversation from dullness and monotony. The matters of state, religion and big personalities should not be talked of in lighter vein. Wit should not be sharp and harming over enthusiasm should be checked firmly. Thus wit or intelligence is necessary in the management of conversation. Conversation must be interesting and informative. : Q. 26. Write a note on the Essay of Bacon Of Followers and Friends’. Of Followers and Friends is one of the important essays of Bacon. It reveals his philosophy and practical wisdom. He says costly followers should be avoided as they would prove heavy upon pocket. Ordinary followers also should be avoided as they demand more than favour. Factious followers oF the worst as they do not love their patron. Boasting followers should be avoided because they harm the interest of their patron. ‘Another kind of followers also betray the secrecy of the house of their patron. i jon. It is The patron should have followers of his own profession. better to ie followers who are more popular than able and those useful and active. People of equal rank should be treated pene i in th Joyment of favourites. equally. Selection ghould be made in ae ne nym notte i loyed E voured at me oe the begi ‘otherwise he will become ee i MT desire to get more and more. TMs expectant and greedy. He between @ Ban be able fo ee jencrnteests of tHe 488 | FRANCIS BACON'S ESSAYS Section 111 inferior are included in the interests of the superior, There are little chances of clash of interests. Q. 27. Write a note on the essay of Expense. Of Expense is written by Bacon on a very practical subject of day to day life. It is full of practical wisdom. Bacon says money is meant to be spent for the sake of honour and good activities. A person should spend according to his means. He should not take it as a dishonour in managing his own affairs because servant may deceive him. In order to live comfortably half and for getting rich two thirds of the total income should be saved. The servants should also be selected with great care and they should be changed frequently to protect the property, . There should be a set plan for expenditure. If there is levishness in one expenditure there should be economy in another. Extravagant and indiscreet persons are bound to be ruined. Debts should be cleared gradually. Immediate payment of debts creates further difficulties. Gradual repayment encourages the habit of economy. It is unwise to dispose of property in order to pay off debt. A person needs to be very careful in making recurring expenditure but he may take recourse to lavishness in non-recurring expenses. ‘ Q. 28. Write a note on the essay of Honour and Reputation. Of Honour and Reputation is one of the most popular essays of Bacon. Here he advises the king and’ the subjects how to gain honour and reputation. Bacon says that by winning honour a man only reveals his virtues and worth. In their actions some people make a show of their honour. Such people may become Popular but they are little admired on the other hand some people over-estimate their values and so they are considered less virtuous than they actually are. If a person satisfies all factions by his actions and endeavours his appreciation will be greater than when he tries to please only one i ——_— F 02—Qurstions wit SHORT ANSWERS {489 the condy Feputatioy hh Q.29, Of Fact and that js the uses of positions, Hie parties. Th with individy, take help of from them. faction mod, SUF the a Vean by irs of the state, According to Bacon honour and g something great and noteworthy. : © gained by doi Discuss the essay of Faction. “nt has been weitten by Bacon on a Very common subject ae habit of people to indulge in lobbying. He discusses tions for the statesmen, great men and men in humbler Ws that it is wise for a king to be indifferent to various should work for general good of their subjects or deal ‘als but not with groups. Ordinary people are advised to factions but great men should keep themselves aloof The new people should associate themselves with one erately so that they remain acceptable to other factions. When two parties are evenly balanced in number, shifting of One member from one party to the other is very crucial. Such a defector earns great honour and material gain from the party he shifts to. But a person who maintains moderation gets advantage from both the parties. But this neutrality leads to suspicion also, However kings should be careful in dealing with factions, For the most part they should remain neutral. On the other hand factions should not be allowed to grow more strong. They should be kept under control. Q.30. Discuss Bacon’s essay on Goodness and Goodness of | Nature. a On Goodness and Goodness of Nature essay is very interesting, The author deals with some of the fundamental traits of human _ faature such as goodness and various ways of its manifestation. Bacon Says that goodness aims at the general welfare of mankind. uy | Greeks call it philanthropy or love of mankind shown goodness This goodness of nature is the greatest virtue. It is divine ity. Without this quality* man lives a miserable life, He is 2 than a troublesome insect, Goodness cannot commu! error by ice of charity to men, Charity is i kind, The desire to do Sa ihe ET aa ie should be able to ei ee unworthy objects of charity. We duty to ourselves. Some men are bad by ; d statesmen, Goodness of nature is sour conduct towards strange!s, a opy is the practi 490| FRANCIS BACON'S ESSAYS VN in Our compassion towards the sorrow of others, in our easily pardoning others, in our gratitude and in our spirit of self-sacrifice. © Q.31. Discuss the essay on Seditions and Troubles. The essay deals with the problems faced by rulers in times of internal disturbances and troubles. Bacon offers some very useful tips to foresee such storms. Signs of sedition can be read by wise statesmen and rulers well in advance. Bacon analyses the causes of seditions and troubles in the state and gives practical suggestions to nip them in the bud. He rightly points out that poverty and economic depression among the people are the root causes of political uprisings and the danger is likely to spread up if the lower classes of society are affected. The best way to deal with these outbreaks would be to develop trade and commerce within and without. | Among various remedies are the expansion of foreign trade, the | encouragement of manufacture, banishing of idleness and repressing of waste and extravagance, improving agriculture, moderation of taxes, putting a check on the population, checking the increase of unproductive classes such as nobility, clergy and the unemployed educated. There should also be no concentration of wealth in a few hands, The aim of the state should be to eradicate ee eee intain the disciplined life in the kingdom. Imaginary fears * cee must be rlseoitage Political parties should be kept at? distance with each other. A king should keep leaders at ae suppress sedition. It is safe for the king to seek goodwill o eommon people. 02— QUESTIONS WITH SHORT ANSWERS from low families are better. Ambitious men should be countered by favourites, This can be utting equally ambitious men in jan ledge of human nature and state affairs. Q.33. Write a note on ‘OF Suitors‘, Bacon says that most of the Private suits are not good as they are either injurious to public inte: Persons, These persons are always Some undertake suits in order to jected, rests or promoted by undesirable eager to serve their selfish interest. benefit the rival by Setting their suit If the patron wishes to uphold the unjust cause in granting a he should see that cause does not suffer. He should try to n Parties. In case of a more the patron should seek the advice of some wiser dispose it honourably. Petitioners dislike delay. The suit Submitted at a suitable time. It should be presented when ‘00d mood and there is no one around who may an advocate should be selected on merit. If the patron, he should ask for much 492| FRANCIS BACON'S Essays Section I On the other hand, an old man who has energy, ent initiative is a successful man of affairs. veneer ae ung conceive new ideas but they are unable to test their suitability, Youn; men are suitable to implement the ideas and schemes of others oa they are not suited to give suggestions or guidance. On the other | thand old people can perform those works which require maturity experience. Young men are over enthusiastic as they are and inexperienced. Therefore it is profitable to employ young and the old as their qualities are complementary and re neutralised. say of Masques and Triumphs. by Bacon as it brings out the ity. He says that masques and they sometimes require serious wre, Dialogues in the form of theme of the song should be Inventing complicated dances

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