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Grigore Iuliana Andrada

PIPP Slatina
Anul II

 Write a description of a favorite painting sculpture

Girl Before a Mirror, the painting is from 1932. It was painted by Pablo Picasso. Ever since I
first saw the painting, it left a strong impression on me. So, please let me describe this great
piece of art and explain to you why I like it so much! The painting is really colourful. There is a
woman, but she is not realistic. The young woman is looking at herself in the mirror. Most
people think that this painting represents the day and the night. One half of the face of the young
woman is the sun. She is very beautiful. But, when she looks at the mirror, she sees the night.
Her reflection in the mirror mostly contains blue and purple colours. That represents the night.
Some deep thinkers and philosophers might say - maturity. We can all look at the painting and
see how one single painting represents darkness and light, a young woman and mature one, day
and night, the moon and the sun.

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