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Fine Motor Activities Activities ® Playdough /clay «Treading -use a range of different strings for threading activities- shoe laces, strong plastic threads, fishing line, string, wool ‘Squeezing a range of objects and balls « Peg activities- pegging onto a toy washing line; pegging onto an ice-cream container; cards with different colour for matching the pegs; pegging students art on to a painting frame * Shaving cream, on a table get the student to draw picture, or move their figures in different ways — tapping, squeezing, open shut fingers Finger Paint Make necklaces / bracelets out of pasta, beads, straws cut up Push toothpicks into foam, clay, playdough Wind-up toys (cars, music boxes) Rubber band activities, on geo boards, around blocks, around margarine containers, ‘onto strong cardboard matching colours Lego / Duplo activities- both putting together and pulling apart Open and closing a range of jars, containers, purses Dressing activities of themselves or a doll with different zips, fasteners Lock Boards with different locks can be very motivating (check your local toy library for one) Finger puppet / Hand puppet plays Putting money in a money box or container with different size slots Construction activities Nuts and blots they can match and screw together Cutting © Co-actively cut © Demonstrate cutting — + Adutthoids the paper so student can just focus on cuting, then co-oacively-cut Use stronger paper so easier to hold Draw bigger shape around a picture of their special interest, i.e. a big square around a picture of a bus * Cutting activities that have a purpose or motivation for the student, i.e. making a shape or object of special interest Snipping the edge of the paper to make a fringe Cutting straight lines, then curves ‘Adult cuts out first half of the picture ‘Always have a spare (same activity) as cutting can be very frustrating for some students ‘An Occupational Therapist could devise a specific fine motor program for the student. Making it a Success 39 Fine Motor Checklist for 3-5year olds Age Appropriate for 3-5 Shoulder control ‘Smooth large arm movements away from the body Difficulty moving arms freely. Arm and body Wrist held in a functional ey position, (straight or bent back slightly) during fine motor activities 0 shaped web space (thumb & index), can cup hand, strong grasps. Wrist is bent (flexed) or moves into awkward positions during activities. Hand strength and structure / thumb stability Closed web space. Hands may appear flat. Weak awkward grasps. Hand Skil (Positioning of objects in the hand for use) Clumsy/awkward or avoids doing activities using small pieces such as bead threading, lacing and construction Uses a surface, | body or both hands to move objects Able to move objects from the fingers to the palm Able to move objects from palm to the fingers and rotate them ready for use Hand control (use of tactile Enjoys sensory experiences information to control Explores objects grasps) Avoids messy activities or has an aversion to specific textures /touch Clumsy use of hands Uses appropriate grasps ant force to pick up and hold a| variety of objects ‘Occupational Therapy 1 Preschool Outreath Project, CDS/CHSP, Macarthur Health Service, June 2002. Occupational Therapy Programming Ideas tp y 9 4 Fine motor acti s throughout the program Tnorder to learn a skill children need to be able to practise, With a little thought all activities con have a fine motor component, This is helpful to all children but especially for those that avoid table activities. When planning a program around an individual with fine motor difficulties, choose the areas they like to play in and incorporate fine motor activities into these areas. Theme\Area Materials\Ideas Home Corner * Pegs and clothes line © Spray bottles | * Sponges to squeeze * Playdough (pizza cutters, plastic cutlery, garlic press) + Dress-up clothes (with buttons, zips) © Macaroni | * Wash dolls clothes and hang on line Post Office + Stamps and stickers | | * Thick pens\pencils * Paper folding\envelopes * Old Post bags and small boxes to put in them * Paper clips * Clip boards + Post Box Shops * Cash register * Calculators (for eft pos\creadit card) | * Signing slips and thick pens + ‘specials’ boards (butcher paper\whiteboard) * ‘open’ signs (stencils, magnetic\vinyl letters) + playdough (made into cakes\lollies etc) * paper bags * coloured tissue that can be screwed up into balls for apples, oranges ete Garage\Bike * use cardboard boxes for cars\bikes Hire\Road Service |* spray bottles (windscreens) + trigger off spray bottles for inflating tyres, or petrol nozzle * plastic coins\credit cards (sign slips with thick pen) * pavement chalks for lines on road\ crossings Preschool Outreach Project, CDS/CHSP, Macarthur Health Service March 2002 Occupational Therapy Programming Tdeas Playdough * roll sausages and cut them with plastic scissors * put small drops of colour or glitter in the middle of small balls of white playdough * encourage rolling of small balls (make meatballs, Petit Fours - put in pan or patti cake papers * use ice cube trays as cake trays for the oven * use pizza wheels, plastic cutlery, garlic presses * have various materials for decorating cakes (paddle Pop sticks for candles, rice or small pasta to sprinkle on top) Sand (damp) * provide trays and shallow boxes * plastic animals * paddle pop sticks for fences * blocks to use to bulldoze roads for cars *_write or draw in wet sand Preschool Outreach Project, CDS/CHSP, Macarthur Health Service March 2009

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