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Snow Berries

(working title??)

Anna Dias Sophomore

Film Elevator Pitch
Log Line
Winter is nigh and to a young pup’s delight snow has begun to cover the ground,
allowing him an easy canvas to doodle in, but his parents are worried about his
lack of concern for the coming snowstorms and scarcity of food.

Family, acceptance, support
Concept Sketches
The Mood BoardTM
● Basic Animation: Toonboom? I think coloring might be better in it at least
● Sound: Protools maybe since we’re learning that in the sound class
● Particles and extra: After Effects
Sound Vibes
Lots of ambience! Forest sounds, wind, birds, little fox squeaks for the characters
whether I find some or have to make my own

Music should be soft and comforting; except during serious moments, then it should
be daunting and unnerving, a little spooky and dark

Some refs for music stuff:

Production Schedule??

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